Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/186

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124 C. 22, 23. Anno fexto Georgii II. A. D. 1733; CAP. XXII. An Aft for filling up fuch Part of the Channel of Bridewell Dock and Fleet Ditch as lies between Holborn Bridge and Fleet Bridge, and for converting the Ground, when filled up, to the Ufe of the City of London. P R. ss Car. j, e. ir. « ttt HEREAS by an Aa of Parliament made in the two and twentieth Year of the Reign of his

  • VV late Majefty King Charles the Second, intituled, An additional Ail for the rebuilding of the
  • City of London, uniting of Parijhes, and rebuilding of the Cathedral and Parochial Churches within the J aid

' City, it was (amongft other Things) enacted, That for the Convenience of Trade, the Channel of

  • Bridewell Dock, from the Channel of the River of Thames to London Bridge, fhould be funk to a fuffi-
  • cient Level, whereby to make it navigable, of fuch Breadth and under fuch other Limitations as in that

' Act is mentioned ; and the Tolls and other Profits arifing by the Navigation were by the faid Act ' vefted in the Mayor, Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London, for the Prefervation of the ' faid Navigation, Sluices and other incident Charges thereof : And whereas a Channel was made and

  • levelled purfuant to the faid Act, but that Part of the faid Channel which lies between Fleet Bridge

c (at the End of Fleet Street) and Holborn Bridge, is by Experience found to be of no Convenience or- ' Benefit to the Trade of the faid City of London, and being difufed in Navigation, and filled and choaked

  • up with Mud, has been for feveral Years laft paft, and now is, a grievous and dangerous Nufance,

' not only to the neighbouring Inhabitants, but alfo to his Majefty's Subjects in general palling and ' repairing by the fame : ' Wherefore your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Mayor, Com- monalty and Citizens of the City of London, do moft humbly befeech your Majefty that it may be en- acted, &c. " Lord Mayor and Citizens of London may fill up Part of Fleet Ditch at their own Expence, and the Fee- " funple of the Ground thereof vefted in them and their Succeffdrs for ever. Sufficient Drains to be " made. No Houfes or Sheds to be erected thereon exceeding 15 Feet in Height. Saving Claufe to " any Perfons interefted in the PremifLs. CAP. XXIII. An Act: to explain and amend an AcT: made in the feventh and eighth Years of the Reign o£ King William the the Third, intituled, An Atl for the further regulating Elections of Mem- bers to ferve in Parliament, and for the preventing irregular Proceedings of Sheriffs and other Officers in the eletling and returning fuch Members, fo far as the fame relates to the holding of County Courts. 7 & 2 W. 3. « TT7H E R E A S by an Ad paffed in the feventh and eighth Years of the Reign of King William" «.25. t yy the Third, intituled, An Acl for the further regulating Eleclions of Members to ferve in Parlia- ' ment, and for the preventing irregular Proceedings of Sheriff's and other Officers in the electing and return-- ' ing fuch Members, it was (amongft other Things) enacted, That the Sheriff of any County, upon-

  • the Election to be made of any Knight or Knights of the Shire, fhould proceed to Election at the next

' County Court, unlefs the fame fhould fall out to be held within fix Days after the Receipt of the Wrify

  • or upon the fame Day, and then fhould adjourn the faid Court to fome convenient Day, giving tea

' Days Notice of the Time and Place of Election : And whereas by the fame Act it was alfo enact-

  • ed, That all County Courts held for the County of Tori, or any other County Courts, which were
  • ufed to be held on a Monday, fhould from thenceforth be called and begun on a Wednefday : And

' whereas there was no exprefs Provifion to prevent the Adjournment of any County Court to a Monday,

  • whereby Doubts have arifen whether the fame might not be adjourned to a Monday, which is declared

' by the faid Act to be a very inconvenient Day to all the Suitors thereunto, which hath given Occafion- ' to County Courts being frequently adjourned over to a Monday, to the great Inconvenience of fuch ' Suitors, who at Elections for Knights of the Shire, and their Services at other Times, are thereby ' obliged to travel on Sundays : And whereas there is no Provifion made by the faid Act, with relation to

  • not adjourning County Courts to a Friday or Saturday, which is as inconvenient to all the Suitors as if

After 34 .T u " e * the fame were adjourned to a Monday ; ' For Remedy whereof be it therefore enacted by the King's Co 3 u« n ^ C Gr"at y mo ^ Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Britain to be ad- Commons in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after tourned to a the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-three, no County Court what- ilTa'turday ^ y f° ever » held within that Part of Great Britain called England, fhall be adjourned to a Monday, a Friday or Repealed by' Saturday, and that all and every fuch Adjournment and Adjournments, and all and every Act and Deed 38 Geo. z. c 18. done or performed at fuch Courts fo adjourned, fhall be deemed, adjudged and taken to be utterly null fed 11. aric j yQJj t0 a jj i n tents and Purpofes whatfoever; any Lav/, Cuftom cr Ufage to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. But County II. Provided neverthelefs, That any County Court began, holden on or adjourned to a Day not prohibited an°y other^A™ b ^ this A< ^' or the faid other recited Aft > for electing any Knight or Knights of the Shire for any County, maybe adjourn- or for hearing and determining Caufes, or fuch other Matters and Bufinefs as are ufually tranfacted at ed to-tiiofe. County Courts within the Limits aforefaid, may be adjourned over from Day to Day, though the fame £ may