Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/28

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. Settlement formerly made by him, and to impower cer- tain Tenants for Life therein, to make Jointures and Provifion for Daughters and younger Sons in the Life- time of the faid Peter Legb the Elder, and with his Confent. 21. An AcT to enable Peter Shakerlcy, and George Shaker- ley, Sons of George Shakerley, to make fuitable Jointures for their Wives, and Provifion for their Daughters and younger Sons out of the Eftates of the faid George Sha- kerley the Father, lying in the Counties of Chejler and Lancajier. 22. An Act to enable the Guardians of Anthony Langley Sivymmer, an Infant, to join in making Leafes of cer- tain Mines in the County of Flinty with the other Owners thereof, during the Minority of the faid In- fant. 2j. An AcT to veft the Eftates of Frederick Trench Efquire, in the Counties of We/l Meath and Meath in the King- dom of Ireland, in Truftees, to raife Money for the Payment of Debts, and after difcharging the faid Debts, to the Ufe of the faid Frederick Trench, and his Heirs, and for refettling other Lands jherein mentioned to the Ufes of his Marriage Settlement. 24. An AcT for Sale of Part of the fettled Eftate of George Gary Efquire, lying in the County of Devon, for dif- charging feveral Debts and Incumbrances of his late Father and Grandfather, and for fettling an Eftate in the County of Middlcfex to the Ufes of his Marriage Settlement. 25. An AcT to enable George Seton of Barnes, to fue or maintain any AcTion or Suit, notwithftanding his At- tainder, and to remove any Difability in him, by rea- fon of his faid Attainder, to take or inherit any Real or Perfonal Eftate, that may or fhall hereafter defcend or come to him. 26. An AcT to enable James Rollo, only Son of Rohert Rcllo, late of Powhoufe, deceafed, to fue or maintain any Action or Suit, notwithftanding his Attainder, and to remove any Difability in him, by reafon of his faid Attainder, to take or inherit any Real or Perfo- nal Eftate that may or fhall hereafter defcend or come to him. 27. An Aft to enable Jordan Langdale of Cliff in the County of York, to fue or maintain any AcTion or Suit, notwithftanding his Outlawry, and to remove any Dif- ability in him, by reafon of his faid Outlawry, to take or inherit any Real or Perfonal Eftate that may or fhall hereafter defcend or come to him, and alfo fuch Real Eftate as he was intitled unto in Reverfion or Re- mainder before his faid Outlawry. 2S. An AcT: for dividing and inclofing certain open and- common Fields within the Lordfhip and Pariih of Stal- lingborough in the County of Lincoln. 29. An AcT to enable Edward Mountfort, and his IfTue Male by Mary his now Wife, to take and ufe the Sur- name of Grofventr. 30. An AcT for naturalizing Bartholomew Barratty, Bar- tholomew Gallatin, Francis Perrier, and James Solier. PUBLICK ACTS. Anno 1 1 Georgii II. ■1. A N AcT for continuing the Duties upon Malt, Mum, j_ Cyder and Perry, in that Part of Great Britain called England ; and for granting to his Majefty certain Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-eight. 2. An Aft for punifhing Mutiny and. Defertion ; and for" the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters. 3. An AcT: for repairing the Road leading from the Trent Bridge in the County of the Town of Nottingham, through Co/lock, otherwife Cortling/lock Lane, to the Bridges, commonly known by the Name of Cotes Bridges in the County of Leicejler. 4. An AcT for laying a Duty of two Pennies Scots, or one fixth Part of a Penny Sterling, upon every Scots Pint of Ale and Beer which fhall be brewed for Sale, brought into, vended, tapped, or fold within the Town of Aber- brothock, and Liberties thereof. ' 5. An AcT for taking down and rebuilding the Church of the Pariih of//// Saints in the City of JVorceJler. 6. An AcT for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by two AcTs of Parliament, one of the third and the other of the tenth Year of the Reign of his late Ma- jefty King George the Firft, For repairing the Highways from that Part of Counters Bridge which lies in the Pa~ rifh of Kenfington in the County of Middlefex, leading through the Towns of Brentford and Hounflow, to the Powder Mills in the Road to Staines, and to Cranford Bridge in the faid County, in the Road to Colnbrooke. 7. An AcT for continuing the Term and Powers granted and given by the AcTs paffed in the eleventh and twelfth Years of the Reign of King William the Third, and in the ninth and tenth Years of the Reign of his late Ma- jefty King George, for repairing the Harbour of Dover in the County of Kent ; and for reftoring the Harbour of Rye in the County of Suffex to its ancient Goodnefs. 8. An AcT for continuing the Terms and Powers granted and given by the AcTs paffed in the twelfth and thir- teenth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King Wil- liam, and the tenth Year of her late Majefty Queen Anne, For recovering, fecuring, and keeping in Repair the Harbour of Minehead in the County of Somerfet. 9. An AcT for the Relief of fuch Prifoners for Debt as have by unavoidable Accidents loft the Benefit of an AcT paffed in the laft Seffion of Parliament, intituled, An AH far Relief of Infolvent Debtors; and for the In- demnity of fuch Sheriffs and Gaolers as have incurred any Penalties on Account of fuch Prifoners not being difcharged ; and for extending the Benefit of the faid AcT to Creditors whofe Debtors were committed to Pfi- fon fince the firft Day of 'January one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, and were detained there upon the firft Day of January one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-fix, and have chofe to continue there. 10. An AcT for enlarging the Term and Powers granted and given by an AcT paffed in the twelfth Year of the, Reign of his late Majefty King George, For repairing the Roads from Lemsford Mill in the County of Hert- ford, to Welwyn, and from thence to Cory's Mill, and from Welwyn through Codicot, to Hitchen in the faid County ; and alfo for repairing the Roads from Cory's Mill to Hitchen aforefaid. n. An Act for allowing further Time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papifts, and for Relief of Proteftant Purchafers, Devifees, and Leffees.. 12. An AcT for continuing of an AcT made in the fixth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An Acl for the better Regulation of Lajlage and Ballaftage in the River Thames. 13. An AcT to enlarge the Term and Powers granted by an AcT of Parliament made and paffed in the third Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George, inti- tuled, An Ail to enable the Parijhioners rf the Parifl) of Saint Mary Rotherhith in the County ^/"Surrey, by cer- tain