Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/373

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r A. D. 1738. Anno undecimo Georgii II. C. 27. 311 tkr or Orders made forth or to be made forth in purfuance of this Act, or any Aflignment or Alignments if fuch Order or Orders, or of the Annuities payable thereon, or of any Receipt or Dil'charge to the Kxchequer for the Annuities due or to grow due on any fuch Order or Orders, or of any Letter ef Attor- ney or other Authority or Inftrument to transfer, allign, alien or convey, any fuch Order or Orders, or ! j receive the Annuities clue or to grow clue thereon, or any Part thereof, or (hall forge or counterfeit, or Procure to be forged or counterfeited, or knowingly or wilfully act or aflill in the forging or counter- siting any the Name or Names of any of the Proprietors of any fuch Order or Orders in or to any fuch pretended Alignment, Receipt, Letter of Attorney, Inltrument or Authority, or lhall knowingly or fraudulently demand or endeavour to have or receive any fuch Annuity or Annuities, or any Part there- of by virtue of any fuch forged or counterfeited Receipt, Letter of Attorney, Inltrument or Authority, ir'lhall falfely and deceitfully perfonate any true and real Proprietor or Proprietors of any of the faid Order or Orders, and thereby alilgning, or endeavouring to ailign, any of the faid Order or Orders, or eceiving, or endeavouring to receive, the Money of fuch true and lawful Proprietor, as if fuch Offender was the true and lawful Owner thereof; then, and in every fuch Cafe, all and every Perfon and Per- sons, being thereof lawfully convicted in due Form of Law, lhall be adjudged guilty of Felony, and (hail lirte'r as in Cafes of Felony without Benefit of Clergy. X. And be it further enacted, for the better encouraging Perfons to advance the faid Sum of five hun- No Fee to 6e tired thoufand Pounds upon the Credit of this Act, That all Receipts and IfTues, and all other Things ^"^ '"" Jjrecled by this Act to be performed in the Exchequer, lhall be done and performed by the Officers er *' here without demanding or receiving, directly or indirectly, any Fee, Reward or Gratuity for the fame ; ind in cafe the Officers of the Exchequer lhall take or demand any fuch Fee or Reward, or (hall not ceep Books or Regifters, and make Entries, and do and perform all other Things which by this Act they are required to perform, every fuch Officer fhall forfeit his Office, and be for the future incapable if any Office or Place of Trull whatfoever, and (hall anfwer and pay Treble Damages and Colls of Suit to any Contributor, or Perfon claiming under him, that will fue for the fame, to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Wefrninjler, 'wherein, ino EfToin, Protection, Privilege or Wager of Law, Injunction or Order of Reftraint, or more than one 'Imparlance, fhall be granted or allowed ; and in the faid Adtion the Plaintiff upon Recoery (hall have Full Coils of Suit, one Third of which Sum fo to be recovered (hall be paid into the Receipt of the Exchequer for the Benefit of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeilbrs, and the other two Thirds (hall be to and for the TJfe of the Profecutor. XI. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That out cf the Monies Commiffioncrs- from time to time ariiing at the faid Receipt of Exchequer, of or for the faid Surpl.ifTes, Excefles *° P 3 * 9*": rs £>r Overplus Monies of the Fund commonly called the Sinking Fund, it fhall and may be lawful to G °rt oT'the 3 '" 3, ■and for the faid Commiinoners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them, or the High Trea- Sinking Fund. furer for the Time being, to reward the Officers and Clerks in the Exchequer, and others that (hall or may be any way employed in the Execution of this Act in relation to the laid Annuities to be payable thereupon, for their Labour, Pains and Service therein refpeetively, and to difcharge and fatisfy fuch incident Charges as (hall neceffarily attend the Execution of the fame, in fuch Manner as the Com- miffioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them, or the High Trealurer for the Time being,, lhall from time to time think lit and reafonable in that Behalf; any thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding. XII. Provided alfo, and it is hereby enaeled by the Authority aforefaid, That at any Time upon one Annuities -*H?j* Year's Notice to be printed in the London Gazette, and affixed upon the Royal Exchange in London, by t0 cta ' e ' Authority of Parliament, at any of the half-yearly Feait Days for Payment of the faid Annuities, arid upon Repayment by Parliament of the principal Sums for which the faid Annuities (hall be payable,. to fuch refpective Perfons or Corporations as lhall be inlitled to the fame Annuities, and alfotipon full Payment of all Arrearages of the fame Annuities, then, and not till then, the faid Annuities (hall ccafe and determine, and be underftood to be redeemed; and that any Vote or Refolution of the Houfe of Commons, fignificd by the Speaker in Writing to be inferted in the London Gazette, and affixed on the Royal Exchange in London as aforefaid, (hall be deemed and adjudged fufficient Notice within the Words and Meaning of this Act. XIII. And to the end there may be no Want or Failure of a certain Sum not to exceed in the whole the faid Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds to be railed either by fuch Loans as aforefaid, or by iffuing Exchequer Bills' as is herein, after mentioned, or by both or either of thole Ways or Means T for the publick Service ; Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe the Commit- CommhTib-frs doners of his Majeily's Treafury, or any three or more of them now being, or the High Treafurer, may faife the or any three or more of the Commifiioners of the Treafury for the time being lhall judge it more advifeable jltwJ^Biife to raife the Sam of five hundred thoufand Pounds, or any Part thereof, by Exchequer Bills inflead inrtead ot of fuch Loans as aforefaid ; that then they refpeetively are hereby authorized and impov/ercd at any Loans, Time or Times before the twenty-fifth Day of December, which (hall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-eight, to prepare and make, or caufe to be prepared and made, at the Exchequer any Number of Exchequer Biiis for any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding in the whole the faid Sum of rive hundred thoufand Pounds, together with fuch Loans as aforefaid, in the fame or like Manner, Form and Order, and according to the fame or like Rules and Directions as in and by a certain Act of this prefent Sellion of Parliament (Fcr continuing the Duties on Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry, for the Service of the Tear one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-e.Jit) are enacted and pre- . fcribed concerning the Exchequer Bills to be made in purfuance of the fame Act, XIV. And?