Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/628

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562 C. 33* Anno decimo feptimo Ge org ii II. A.D. 1744.

  • in the County of Surrey, or any feven or more of them, are, by feveral Acts of Parliament paffed in the

' Reign of his prefent Majefty, authorized and impowered to purchafe certain Lands, Tenements and ' Hereditaments, within certain Limits prefcribed by the faid A£ts; and for the Purpofes in the faid ' Adts mentioned: And whereas fome Doubts and Difficulties have arifen, and may arife, relating to the

  • carrying into Execution the feveral Powers by the faid Acts vefted in the faid Commiflioners, for the

' Purpofes aforefaid, whereby they have been and may be, prevented from executing the fame in the beft ' and moll advantageous Manner:' Therefore, for amending and explaining the faid Adts, in order to the more eafy and certain Execution thereof, and for the more effectual conveying to the Commiflioners and their Truftees, and thofe claiming or to claim under them, fuch Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, as they have been, or fhall be, directed or enabled to purchafe, by any Adt or Acte of Parliament now made, or which hereafter may be made; Be it enacted, &r. " Power given the CommiiTioners to fend for Title-Deeds or Writings. Judgments and Verdicts of the " CommiiTioners and Juries, to be tranfmitted to the Cleric of the Peace, who fhall give a Receipt. " Clerk of the Peace to tranfmit them to the Quarter-Seflions, to be kept among the Records. Com- " miflioners to be deemed in actual Poffeflion, on delivering the Evidences to the Clerk of the Peace. The " Bridge to be divided between the Parifhes of Saint Margaret, JVeftminJhr, and Lambeth in Surrey. Not " to be a County Bridge. Recompence to the Watermen for the Sundays Ferry. 25,000/. given towards See farther " building the Bridge. CommiiTioners to account to Parliament. jS Geo. 2. c. 29. 2q Geo. 2. c. 38. 30 G».a. ,, 3 V CAP. XXXIII. An A£k for granting to his Majefty the Sum of one million out of the Sinking Fund, and for applying a Sum remaining in the Exchequer, arifen by the Coinage Duty, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-four; and for the further appropriating the Supplies granted in this Seflion of Parliament ; and for making forth Duplicates of Exchequer Bills, Lottery Tickets, Certificates, Annuity Orders and other Orders, loft, burnt or otherwife deftroyed; and for giving further Time for the Payment of Duties omitted to be paid for the Indentures or Contracts of Clerks and Apprentices ; and to enable the Reverfioners of certain Annuities therein mentioned, to receive fuch Annuities, if the fame fhall not be demanded within a certain Time by the Annuitants for Life, until Proof be made that fuch Annuitants are living. "o" Mojl Gracious Sovereign, w E your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament affembled, being defirous not only to raife fuch Supplies as are neceffary to enable your Majefty to carry on the prefent War with Vigour, but alfo to ufe fuch Ways and Means therein, as that your Majefty may have the better and more fpeedy EffecT: of the faid Supplies, have refolved to give and grant unto your Majefty the Sum of one million out of the Surpluffes, Exceffes and Overplus Monies, com- monly called The Sinking Fund, towards the Supply granted to your Majefty for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-four; and to that End and Purpofe do moft humbly befeech your Majefty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament af- One million to fembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That by or out of fuch Monies as now are, or fhall from be applied to the Time to Time be and remain in the Receipt of the Exchequer, of the faid Surpluffes, Exceffes or Over- Supply outof the p] us Monies, commonly called The Sinking Fund (after paying or referving fufHcient to pay all fueh Sum. Sinking Fun . anc j g ums f Money as have been directed by any former Acl: or A£ts of Parliament to be paid out of the fame) there fhall and may be iffued and applied, a Sum not exceeding the faid Sum of one million, for and towards the Supply granted to his Majefty for the Service of the faid Year one thoufand feven hun- dred and forty- four; and the CommiiTioners of his Majefty's Treafury, or any three or more of them now being, or the High Treafurer, or any three or more of the Commiflioners of the Treafury for the Time being, are hereby authorized and impowered to iffue and apply the fame accordingly. 36,0001. impreft IL And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Sum of thirty-fix thoufand Pounds, Money, repaid now remaining in the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer, arifen by impreft Money repaid on the Head of out of the Coinage Duty, fhall and may be iffued as Part of his Majefty's Supply for the Service of the Year one Coinage. thoufand feven hundred and forty-four; any Law, Statute or Provifion to the contrary in any wife not- withstanding, ciaufe of Loan III. And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe the faid Commiflioners of his at 3 1. pei Cent. Majefty's Treafury, or any three or more of them now being, or the High Treafurer, or any three or more of the Commiflioners of the Treafury for the Time being, .fhall think it advifeabk to raife the faid ' Sum of one million, or any Part thereof, by Loans or Exchequer Bills, in Manner hereafter mentioned, that it fhall and may be lawful to and for any Perfon or Perfons, Natives or Foreigners, Bodies Politick or Corporate, to advance orlend to his Majefty, at the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer, any Sum or Stuns of iVIoney not exceeding the faid Sum of one million, upon the Credit of the faid Surpluffes, Ex- ceffes au-d Ovr-tplus Monies, commonly called The Sinling Fund, and to have and receive for the For- bearance