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tion to be pu niflie d as by 5 Eliz, c. 9. &: 2 Geo. 2. c. 25. 10 Annae, c. 23, 676 C. 28. Anno decimo nono Georgii II. A. D. 1746. •' irVg a Right to vote at the faid Election) firft take the Oath (or being a Quaker, thefolerfin Affirmation) following, videlicet : .-.:.. The Oath. . / yOU Jhall ' fwear (or, being a Quaker, you (hall folemnly affirm) That you have a Freehold EJlate, con- J- Jjfiing of ('fpecifying the Nature of luch Freehold Eftate, whether Meffuage, Land, Rent, Tyth'e, or • : what elle ; and if inch Freehold Eftate confifts in Meffuages, Lands or Tithes, then fpecifying in whofe Occupation the fame are; and if Rent, then fpecifying the Names of the Owners or Poffeffors of the Lands or Tenements, out of which fuch Rent is iffuing, or fome or one of them) lying or being in the ■■ ■ ■'■■ City and County, or Town and County (as the Cafe may be) of ■. . ..of the clear yearly ■ Value of forty Shillings, ever and above all Rents and Charges payable out of, or in ref[>eh of the fame ; and that, y'ou have been in the actual Poffcffion or Receipt of the Rents and Profits thereof , for your own life, above twelve Calendar Months ; or that the fame came to you within the Time aforefaid, by Defcent, Marriage, Marriage Settlement, Devife, or Promotion to a Benefice in a Church, or by Promotion: to- an Office ; and that fuch Free- hold EJlate has not been granted or made to you fraudulently, on Purpofeto qudify you to give your Vote ■ and that the Place of your Abode is at in ,,..,.,; and that you are HVenty-one Tears of Age, as you believe ; and that you have not been polled, before at this Eieilion. The O.ith, &c. Which Oath (or folemn Affirmation) the Sheriff or Sheriffs, by him or ; themfelves-, or his or their adrniniftertd be Under Sheriff or Under Sheriffs, or fucli fworn Clerk, cr Clerks, as fliallbe by him or them appointed for the taking of the Poll, is and are hereby required to adminifter; and in cafe any Freeholder or Wilful Purjury other Perfon, taking the faid Oath or Affirmation hereby appointed, lhall thereby commit wilful Perjury tion to U be"mi" and ^e thereof convicted; and if any Perfon do unlawfully and corruptly procure or fuborn any Free- holder, or other Perfon, to take the faid Oath or Affirmation, in order to be polled, whereby he fhall commit fuch wilful Perjury, and (hall be thereof convicted ; he and they, for every fuch Offence (hall incur fuch Pains and Penalties, as are in and by two Acts of Parliament, the one made .in the fifth Year of the Reign of the late Queen Elizabeth, incituled, An Act for Punifhment of fuch Perfons as fliall procure or commit wilful Perjury ; the other made in the fecond Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An Act for the more effectual preventing and further Punifhment of Forgery, Perjur- Subornation of Perjury ; and to make it Felony to Jleal Bonds, Notes, or other Securties for Payment of Mo- ney ; directed to be inflicted for Offences committed contrary to the faid Acts. ' II. And whereas by an Act made in the tenth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne, intituled, An ' Act for the more effectual preventing fraudulent Conveyances, in order to multiply Votes for eleiling Knights ' of Shires to ferve in Parliament ; it was enacted, That no Perfon (hould vote for the electing a Knight of ' the Shire within that Part of Great Britain called England, in Refpect or in Right of any Lands or ' Tenements which had not been charged or affeffed to the publick Taxes, Church Rates, and Parifh, ' Duties, in fuch Proportion as other Lands or Tenements of forty Shillings per Annum, within the fame ' Parifh or Townfhip where the fame (hould lie, or had been ufually charged : And whereas by an Act c of Parliament made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of her faid late Majefty Queen Anne, for ' explaining the faid recited Claufe, it is enacted, that the faid Act, or any Thing therein con- ' tained, fhall not extend, or be conftrued to reftrain any Perfon from voting in fuch Election of any ' Knight of a Shire within that Part of Great Britain called England, in Refpect or in Right of any

  • Rents, Tithes, or other Incorporeal Inheritances, or any Meffuages or Lands in extraparochial Places,

' or any Chambers in the Inns of Court, or Inns of Chancery, or any Meffuages or Seats belonging to

  • any Offices, in Regard or by Reafon that the fame have not been ufually charged or affeffed to all or
  • any the publick Taxes, Church Rates and Parifh Duties aforefaid ; or in "Refpect or Right of any

' other Meffuages or Lands not therein before fpecified, in Regard or by Reafon that the "fame have

  • not been ufually charged or affeffed to all and every the publick Taxes, Church Rates and Parilh
  • Duties aforefaid; provided that fuch Meffuages or Lands have ufually been charged or affeffed' to

f fome one or more of the faid publick Taxes, Rates or Duties, in fuch Proportion as other Meffuages 4 or Lands of forty Shillings per Annum in the fame Parilh or Townfhip, where the fame fhall lie°of ' be, are ufually charged to the fame : Which faid Provifions are recited in an Act of Parliament made ' in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An Act for the' more effectually ' preventing fraudulent Qualifications of Perfons to vote as Freeholders .in the Eleilion of Members to ferve in ' Parliament, for fuch Cities and Towns as are Counties of themfelves, in that Part of Great Britain called ' England ; and are therein enacted to extend, and to be conftrued to extend, to fuch Lands or Te- ' nements, for or in Refpect of which any Perfon fhall vote for the Election of any Member to ferve in ' Parliament for any fuch City or Town as aforefaid, being- a County of itfelf, in that Part of Great ' Britain called England : And whereas by an Act paffed in the laft Seffion of this prefent Parliament, it ' is enacted, That fo much of the faid recited Acts, of the tenth and twelfth Years of the Reign of ' the late Queen Anne, as difables any Perfon to vote for Knights of Shires in Refpect or in Ri^ht ' of any Lands or Tenements which have not been charged or affeffed as therein mentioned, fhall ' be and is repealed ;' Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That fo much of the faid recited Act of the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, as extends the faid Provifions to fuch Cities and Towns that are Counties of themfelves as aforefaid, fhall a!fo,. from and after 'the faid twenty-fourth D iy o{ June one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, be, and is hereby repealed. III. Provided always, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth Day of Jmetonk thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, no Perfon fha'l vote for the electing a Member or 'Members to' ferve in Par- liament for fuch City or Town, being a County of itfelf as aforefaid,' within that Part of Great' fc^E Counties? Bf'-ttiW cal)ed England, in Refpect or in Right of any Freehold Meffuages, Lands of Tenements, of J? Anna?, ft. 1. c. 5. 13 Geo. 2. c. 20. iS Geo. 2,c, iS. Part of the Aft ot 13 Geo. 2, repealed. Qualification of Peifons who lhalt vote lor Members for Citji the