to nftcr A. D. 1746. Anno decimo nono Georgii II. C. 31. 687 dred and twenty Pounds, to make good his Majefty's Engagements with the Elector of Mentz, pur- 8.610 1. to the fuant to Treaty. ^a™ 0. ..XXIV. And it is hereby cnacled, That out of all or any the Aids or Supplies aforefaid, there (hall and may be iiTued and paid to the Comnuliioners for building a Bridge crol, iii- K 1 s, froiri the City of Wefiminfler to the oppofite Shore, in the County of Sumy, or any I'even or more of them, or to fuch. Perfon or. Perfons as (hall be appointed, under the Hands and Seals of the faid Commiflioners, or any feven .or more of them, to receive the lame, the Sum of twenty-five thou- 25,0001. fand Pounds, without Account, other than is direiled for the other Monies raifed by virtue of feveral ™«jW former Acts of Parliament, palled during the Reign of his ■prefent Majefty, for building the faid Bridge, Br,d 8 e - -to be applied towards finilhing the faid Bridge, and to perform the other Trufts repofed in them : And there ihall and may be iiTued to the Trultees for eftablilhing the Colony of Georgia in America, any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding four thoufand Pounds, by them to be applied for the fur- 4,000 1. to the ther fettling and improving the faid Colony : And any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding ten Trartees of thoufand Pounds, to be applied towards the Maintenance and Support of the Britijb Ports and Settle- lotoolr'f: to the ments belonging to the Royal African Company of England. African Com- XXV. And it is hereby alfo enacted: by the Authority aforefaid, That out of all or any the Aids pany - or Supplies as aforefaid, there (hall and may be iifued and applied any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding eight thoufand three hundred fixty-feven Pounds nine Shillings and ten Pence, to replace 8 »3 6 7 !• 9 s-iod. to the Sinking Fund the like Sum paid out of the fame, to make good the Deficiency of the addi- 5?^ Defic" 6 tional Stamp Duties at -Cbrijlmas one thoufand feven hundred and forty-four ; and any Sum or Sums ency of stamp of Money, not exceeding thirteen thoufand feven hundred and ninety-three Pounds three Shillings Dut >«- and five Pence, to replace to the (aid Sinking Fund the like Sum paid out of the fame, to make JJ^ftto 3 De- d " good the Deficiency of the Duty of twelve Shillings a Barrel on Sweets or Wines made from Britijb fici«ncy'of Du- or foreign Fruit or Sugar at Michaelmas one thoufand feven hundred and forty-five ; and any Sum or u« on Home Sums of Money, not exceeding feventeen thoufand five hundred Pounds, to replace to the faid Sink- ^toi.'To' ing Fund the like Sum paid out of the fame, to anfwer half a Year's Intereft due at Michaelmas one ditto, Injereli thoufand feven hundred and forty-five, after the Rate of three Pounds ten Shillings per Centum per ° n ™ Suit Du- Annum, on the Principal Sum of one million lent, on the Credit of the Salt Duties, which were con- ties ' tinued for fix Years from Lady-day one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-three, towards the Supply for- the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-five. XXVI. And it is hereby alfo enacted, That out of all or any the Aids or Supplies aforefaid, there mall and may be iiTued and applied any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding forty-nine thou- 49,25*1. 18 s. fand two hundred fifty-two Pounds eighteen Shillings and nine Pence, for making good the Deft- lfH e clT e rli ciency of the General Fund for the Year- ended- at Michaelmas one thoufand feven hundred and Fund! forty-five; and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding eleven thoufand nine hundred and fifty 11,9591. 2 s, od. Pounds two Shillings and nine Pence Earthing, to make good the Deficiency of the Grants for the ficieiwof'th" Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-five. Grant/for 1745. XXVII. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Aids or Supplies provided .... as aforefaid, (hall not be iffued or applied to any Ufe, Intent or Purpofe whatsoever, other than the thefe'supuiL. Ufes and Purpofes before mentioned, or for the feveral Deficiencies or other Payments directed to be fatisfied thereout, by any Act or Acts, or any particular Claufe or Claufes for that Purpofe con- tained in any other Act or Acts of this prefent Seffion of Parliament. XXVIII. And as to the faid Sum of twenty-four thoufand feven hundred and one Pounds -what Perfo»s feven Shillings and fix Pence by this- Act appropriated on Account of Half-pay as aforefaid; it are entitled to" is hereby enacted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That the Rules herein after prefcribed ? al !;" p %.<, 2 (hall be duly obferved in the Application thereof; that is to fay, That no Perfon (hall have or re- ' c "^,° eeive any Part of the fame, who was a Minor, and under the Age of fixteen Years, at the Time when the Regiment, Troop or Company, in which he ferved, was reduced; that no Perfon (hall have or receive any Part of the fame, except fuch Perfons who did actual Service in fome Regiment, Troop or Company ; that no Perfon having any other Place or Imployment of Profit, Civil or Mili- tary, under his Majefty, (hall have or receive any Part of the faid Half-pay ; that no Chaplain of any Garifon or Regiment, who has any Eccleiiaftical Benefice in Great Britain or Ireland, (hall have or receive any Part of the faid Half-pay ; that no Perfon ihall have or receive any Part of the fame, who hath refigned his Commiffion, and has had no Commiilion fince ; that no Part of the fame (hall be allowed to any Perfon by virtue of any Warrantor Appointment, except to fuch Perfons who would have been otherwife intitled to the fame as reduced Officers ; and that no Part of the fame (hall be allow- ed to any of the Officers of the five Regiments of Dragoons, and eight R.egiments of Foot lately diibanded in Ireland, except to fuch as were lately taken oft 7 the Eftabliihment of Half-pay in Great Britain. ' XXIX. And whereas by an Act of Parliament made in the eighteenth Year of his Majefty's 18 Geo. a. c.22. ' Reign (intituled, An Ail for granting to. his Majejly the Sum of eight hundred thoufand Pounds out of 4 the Sinking Fund ; and for granting a Sum remaining in the Exchequer, arifen by the Surplus of the Du- 4 ties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and 4 forty-five ; and for the further appropriating the Supplies granted in this Seffion of Parliament ; and for 4 giving further Time- for the Payment of Duties omitted to be paid for the Indentures or Contrails of Chris 4 and Apprentices ; and for the further enforcing the Payment of the faid Duties) feveral Supplies which
- had been granted to his Majefty, as is therein mentioned, were appropriated to feveral Ufes and
4 Purpofes therein exprefted, amongft which, any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding twenty-fix 4 thoufand