A. D. 1746. Anno decimo nono Georgii II. C. 38. 701 ' pay fuch Damages and Cofts, as (hall and may be really and bona fide due thereon, which at prc-
- fent they are liable to, and often forced unjuftly to bear, for that in many Cafes upon fuch Po-
' lices, no Money can be brought into Court:' tor Remedy whereof, be it enacted by the Autho- rity aforefaid, That from and after the faid riift Day of Augujl, it mall and may be- lawful for any Perrons rued on Pcrfon or Perfonsy Body or Bodies Corporate, fued in any Action or Actions of Debt, Covenant, or Policies of Aflu- any other Action or Actions, on any Policy or Policies of Affurance, to bring into Court any Sum Se^owrytaS or'Sums of Money; and if any fuch Plaintiff or Plaintiffs fhall rcfufe to accept fuch Sum or Sums Court; brought into Court, fuch Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, in every fuch Cafe and Cafes, fhall pay to fuch De- damages,, fendant or Defendants, in every fuch Action and Actions, Cofts to be taxed; any Law, Cuftom or topay Cu!l5, Ufage to the contrary notwithstanding. VIII. Provided always, and it is hereby declared, That this Act fhall not extend to, or be in Limitations of Force againft any Perfons refiding in any Parts or Places in Europe, out of his Majefty's Dominions, tllis Aa - for whofe Account' any Affurance or Affurances fhall be made before the twenty-ninth Day of Sep- tember in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix ; nor extend to, or be in Force againft any Perfons refiding in any Parts or Places in Turkey, or in AJia, Africa or America, for whofe Account any Affurance or Affurances ihaJl be made before the twenty-fifth Day of March C °""'t" g I"/iJ' cr in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and forty-feven; any thing herein contained ™ig/" z ,, V.£ tjo the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. 25 G«. 2. ei 26. G A P. xxxviir. An A£l more effectually to' prohibit and prevent Paftors or Minifters from officiating in Epifcopal Meeting- houfes in Scotland, without duly qualifying themfelves according to Law ; and to punifh Perfons for reforting. to any Meeting-houfes where fuch unquali- fied Paftors or Minifters fhall officiate.
- T7'HEREAS it is notorious, that for many Years laft part, during the Reign of his prefent See 21 Geo, z,
- W Majefty, and of his late Majefty King Georc-e the Firft, a great Number of Meeting- c - 34-
- houfes have been fet up and maintained in the City of Edinburgh, and other Parts of Scotland, by
- ' Perfons profeffing to be of the Epifcopal Communion, whereof the Paftors or Minifters have never
' taken the Oaths to his Majefty, or his Royal Father, nor ever did, in exprefs Words, during s the Exercife of Divine Service, pray for his Majefty and the Royal Family ; by Means whereof
- ' thofe illegal Meetings have greatly contributed to excite and foment a Spirit of Difaffection amongft
- Numbers of Perfons in that Part of the Kingdom, againft his Majefty's Perfon and Government ;
- which hath been one of the Caufes of the wicked and unnatural Rebellion, lately raifed and car-
' ried on againft his Majefty, in Favour of a Popifh Pretender : And whereas the Abufe of fo much
- Lenity and Forbearance, as has been hitherto fhewn under the gracious and mild Government
4 of his Majefty, and his Royal Father, towards fuch Nonjuring Epifcopal Minifters, makes it ab-
- folutely neceffary,- that the Laws in Force concerning them be more punctually executed, and that
' fome further Provifion be made, to prevent the Continuance of fo great a Mifchief ;' Be it there- fore enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords ■ Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all and every the Sheriffs of Shires, Stewarts of Stewartries in Scotland, and their sheri . ffs >. &c. to Deputies, and the Magiftrates of Royal Boroughs, fhall, and they are hereby authorised and ftrictly NumterofEpif- required, with all convenient Speed, on or before the firft Day of November in the Year of our Lord copal Meeting- one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, to enquire, by Examination of Witneffes upon Oath, or houfes - other credible Information, into the Number and Situation of the Epifcopal Meeting-houfes within their refpective Jurifdictions, and fhall caufe Lifts to be made of the fame, and to be entered and infert- Lifts to be ed in a Book which fhall be provided and kept for that Purpofe, by the Clerks belonging to their macle - Jurifdictions refpectively, and fhall forthwith tranfmit true Copies thereof to the Clerk of each Houfe franfmiued to of Parliament, to be laid before the faid Houfes refpectively at their next Meeting. the Clerk of II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Perfon who now is p a ft or each Houfe of ' er Minifter of any Epifcopal Congregation in Scotland, (hall, and he is hereby required, on or be- p&riiAment ' fore the faid firft Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred- and forty- p&flo " to_pro- fix, to produce to the Clerk of the Shire, Stewartry or Borough where his Meeting-houfe is fituated, of the* being'* a Certificate from the proper Officer, of his having qualified himfelf by taking the Oaths to his qualified. Majefty appointed by Law, of which Certificate the Clerk (hall forthwith make an Entry in the clerk to enter • faid Book appointed for keeping a Lift or Regifter of the Meeting-houfes within that Jurisdiction- ; the fame. which Entry (hall exprefs the Name of the Minifter whom the Certificate concerns, and the Situa- tion and Defcription of the Meeting-houfe where he officiates as Minifter or Paftor ; Copies of which Copies -to be Entries fhall likewife be tranfmitted by the faid Clerk to the Clerk- of each Houfe of Parliament, wtofinitte'd. for the Purpofe aforefaid; and the faid Clerk of fuch Shire, Stewartry or Borough, fhall likewife copies to be af- deliver two attefted Copies of fuch Certificate to fuch Paftor or Minifter, one of them to be by him faed . on the fixed on the Outfide of the Meeting-houfe- where he fhall officiate, on or near the Door thereof, Meetm5 ~ houftv - and