A. D. 1746. Anno decimo nono Georgii II. C. 38. 703 Sheriffs, Stewards or their Deputies, or to the Magistrates of Royal Boroughs ; or if it (hall ap- Informations in pear to any of them, upon fuch Enquiry as aforefaid, that any Offence has been committed againft c *k s °f' r ranf-^ this Act, for which the Penalty of Franfportation, or Imprifonment for Life, is hereby inflicted ; priionmenVfor" then fuch Sheriff, Steward, his Deputy, or other Magiftrate, (hall caufe Information to be made there- Life, of in Writing, to his Majefty's Advocate for Scotland, who is hereby required to profecutc the fame t t ° t b h c e i, ^ t i 'JJ na , , s e<1 With Effect. _ Advocate! 8 * VIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon, at any Time af- Perfons refort- ter the faid firft Day of September, (hall refort to, or frequent any Epifcopal Meeting-houfe or Con- [^'Z'"*' gregation in Scotland, whereof the Paftor's or Minifter's Letters of Orders (hall not be entered on Re- iiuufes, &c. cord, or regiftered as aforefaid, or whereof a Certificate of the Paftor or Minifter's having taken the Oaths, and his Name and Place of Abode, and alio the Place where his Meeting is to be held, (hall not be entered according to the Directions of this Act, or where the Paftor or Minifter (hail not pray, in exprefs Words, for his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, by Name, and all the Royal Family, in the Manner before directed; every Perfon fo offending, who (hall not, within the Space of five and not giving Days, give Information of fuch illegal Meeting to fome proper Magiftrate, fuch Perfon fo offending, information, and being thereof lawfully convicted before any two or more of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace, or before any other Judge competent of the Place fummarily, (hall, for the firft Offence, forfeit the Penalty. Sum of five Pounds Sterling Money ; one Moiety thereof to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, and the other Moiety to the Ufe of fuch Perfon who (hall give Information of the faid Offence, and fuffer Imprifonment by the Space of fix Months, unlefs or until the fame be paid ; and for the Second, or any fubfequent Offence, being thereof lawfully convicted before the Court of Judiciary, or in any of the Circuit Courts, (hall fuffer Imprifonment for the Space of two Years from the Date of fuch Conviction. IX. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid firft Day of Sep- tetters of Or- tember, no Letters of Orders of any Paftor or Minifter of any Epifcopal Meeting or Congregation j^ t0 h h J a in Scotland, fhall be deemed fufficient, or be admitted to be regiftered, but fuch as have been given iand°or°ire)anit. by fome Bifhop of the Church of England, or of Ireland; and in cafe any Letters of Orders, other than fuch as are before defcribed, fhall be regiftered, fuch Regiftration fhall be deemed null and void to all Intents and Purpofes. X. Provided always, That every Profecution for any Offence committed againft this Act, fhall Profecutionsto be commenced within the Space of twelve Months after fuch Offence committed, and not after- , be ! cc . m m6nce«l "Wards. _ _ Months. ' XI. And whereas it is juft and neceffary to provide, that thofe who give Reafon to fufpect their
- being difaffected to his Majefty's Perfon and Government, and the prefent happy Eftablifhment, by
- their frequenting or reforting to fuch illegal Meeting-houfes, where his Majefty is not prayed for in
' exprefs Words, fhould be reftrained from the Power of hurting that Eftablifhment to which they (hew
- fuch Difaffection ;' Be it therefore further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the p,*.^ pre fent at
faid firft Day of September, no Peer of Scotland fhall be capable of being elected one of the fixteen unregirter'd Peers, to fit and vote in the Houfe of Peers in the Parliament of Great Britain, or. of voting in the & c eet d "f" b °^ed Election of any of the faid fixteen Peers, who fhall have, at any Time within one Year preceding fuch tr0 * m voting! or Election, been twice prefent at Divine Service in any Epifcopal Meeting or Congregation in Scotland, being defied. not held and allowed in purfuance of an Act made in the tenth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne, I0 Ann. c. 7, intituled, An Ad to prevent the diflurbing thofe of the. Epifcopal Communion*, in thai Part of Great Britain tailed Scotland, in the Exercife of their Religious Worjlxp, and in the Ufe of the Liturgy of the Church of England; and for repealing the Acl paffed in the Parliament <j/~ Scotland, intituled, Ail againjl irregular Baptifms and Marriages ; or which fhall not, after the faid firft Day of September, be regiftered ac- cording to the Directions of this Act ; or where the Paftor or Minifter officiating did not, in exprefs Words, pray for his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, by Name, and for all the Royal Family ; and it fhall be competent for any Peer of Scotland, prefent at the Election of the faid fixteen Peers, or of any of them, to made this Objection, and to prove the fame by a Witnefs or Witneffes upon Proof, Oath, or by referring it to the Oath of the Peer fo objected to; which Oath the Lord Clerk Regi- Oathbywhom fter, or either of the two Clerks of Seffion, appointed by him to officiate in his Name at fuch to be admini- Election of fixteen Peers, or of any of them, is hereby impowered to adminifter ; and in cafe the fter ' d . fame fhall be proved, or the Peer fo objected to fhall admit the Fact, or refute to depofe concerning it, he fhall be and is hereby difqualified from, and rendered incapable of voting, or being chofen at any fuch Election as aforefaid ; but fuch Admiffion, of Confeffion upon Oath, or otherwife fo made Admiffion not at fuch Meeting, affembled for any fuch Election, fhall not be made ufe of, or given in Evidence to be Evidence againft any fuch Peer, upon any Profecution for any Penalty inflicted by this or any former Act t ^J°"^ p£ ecu f of Parliament. ties. XII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid firft Day p erfons pre r ent of September, no Perfon fhall be capable of being elected, or of voting in any Election of a Mem- at unregifter'd ber of Parliament for any Shire or Borough, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, or of^ ee r tiri s- being elected, or voting in the Election of a Magiftrate or Counfellor for Boroughs, or of a Dea- quaiffiecffr'om con of Crafts within Burgh, or of a Collector or Clerk of the Land Tax or Supply, who fhall voting, or being have at any Time within one Year preceding fuch Election, been twice prefent at Divine Ser- elected. vice, in any Epifcopal Meeting or Congregation in Scotland, not held and allowed in purfuance of the faid Act made in the tenth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne, or which fhall not, after the faid firft Day of September^ be regiftered according to the Directions of this Act, or where the 10 Ann. e. 7. 8 Paftor