f,8 C 44, Anno viccfiaio Georgii II. A. D. 1747. r.xttaincd by "Scoiliind io 2.'S as a Writer, Agent or Solicitor, or to manage, agent or folicit any Caufe or Bufinefs in the ai.'f'V-/, a. f, 54,,(Jonrt of Seffion, Court of Jufliciary (whether at Edinburgh^ or in the Circuit Co'.:rts) or in the Court of }tti. 16. Exi:hijquer, until fuch Perfon fhall have firil; taken anJ fubfcribed the Oaths in the Court of Seffion or Juili- ciary, or in one of the SheriiFs or Stewarts Courts, appointed by Law to be taken by Perfons in Offices, Civil or Military, in Scotland, and caufed a Certificate of his having fo done to be entered or regiftered in a Book to be kept for that Purpofe in the refpeftive Courts, where any fuch Perfon (hall fo officiate ; and ic {hall not be lawful for any Perfon whatfoever to act orofHciate as a Procurator, Writer, Agent or Solicitor, or to plead, manage, agent or folicit any Caufe or Buhnefs in the Court of any Sheriff or Stewart in Scot- laitd, or any other Inferior Court, until fuch Perfon fhall have hrft taken and fubfcribed the faid Oaths as afocefaid, and caufed a Certiiicate thereof to be regiftered in fuch Court or Courts where he fhall officiate as aforefaid ; any Law, Cuftom or Ufage to the contrary jiotwithftanding ; and every fuch Court fhall be obli- j«, gents aaing ged, upon Demand of fuch Perfons, to adminifter and regifter fuch Oaths refpectively : And every Perfon vviihont having vvho fhall, after the faid twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and forty-feven, act. in tjktntlie Oaths, I/Ja,inei- above-mentioned in any of the Courts aforefaid, without having firft taken and fubfcribed the faid '^' Oaths, and caufed a Certificate thereof to be regiftered as herein directed, fliall, for every fuch Oftence, being thereof lawfully convifted in any of the Courts aforefaid, where the Offence fhall have been commit- to foifeit 20 1. ted, or before the Court of Seffion or Jufticiary, upon a fummary Trial, forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds Sterling ; one Moiety thereof to his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors, and the other Moiety to the Ufe of .or be committed, fuch Perfon who fhall give Information of the faid OiTence ; and fliall fuffer Imprifonment for the Space of £0 much of this fj^ Months, unlefs or until the fame be paid. ^^ ai relates to ibefctzver of aj>pealivg to the Circuit Courts in Ciziil Caujes, is made perpetual /^ 3 1 Geo. 2. c. 42, CAP. XLIV. An Aft to extend the Provifions of an Aft made in the thirteenth Year of his prefent Majefly's Reign, intituled. An A51 for naturalizing fuch Foreign Proleflants, and others therein men- tioned, as are fet lied, or fhall fettle in any of his Majefty' s Colonies in America, to other Foreign Proteftants who confcientioufly fcruple the taking of an Oath. ii3Geo. 2. c. 7. ' ^XZHEREAS by an A(£t made in the thirteenth Year of his prefent Majefty 's Reign, intituled,
- W An A£i for Natiirali%ing fuch Foreign Protejlants, and others therein mentioned, as are fettled, or fhall
- fettle in any of his A4ajejlfs Colonies in America ; it was enacted. That from and after the firft Day of Junf
' in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and forty, all Perfons born out of the Ligeance of ' his Majefty, his Heirs or Succefl'ors, who had inhabited and refided, or fliould inhabit and reftde for the
Space of feven Years, or more, in any of his Majefty 's Colonies in America, and fiiould not have been-..
- abfent out of fome of the faid Colonies for a longer Space than two Months, at any one 1 ime during the '
' faid feven Years, and fhould take and fubfcribe the Oaths, and make, repeat and fubfcribe the Declara- I Geo, I. c. 13. ' tion appointed by an A£l made in the firft Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft,
- • intituled. An ASl for the further Security of his Majefiys Perfon and Government, and the Succejfion of the
' Crown in the Heirs of the late Princefs Sophia, being Proteftants ; and for extinguijlnng the Hopes of the prc-
- tended Prince 0/ Wales, his open and fccret Abettors; or being of the People called .^«(7/(Yrj, fhould make
' and fubfcribe the Declaration of Fidelity, and take and affirm the Effect of the Abjuration Oath, appointed 8 Geo. I, c. 6. <■ and prefcribed by an Aft made in the eighth Year of the Reign of his faid late Rlajefty, intituled. An Aft ' f"'*" ^'anting the People called Quakers, fuch Forms of Affirmation and Declaration, as may remove the Dijf- ' culttes which many of than lie under ; and alfo make and fubfcribe the Profeffion of his Chriftian Belief,
- appointed and prefcribed by an A6t made in the firft Year of the Reign of their late Majefties King Wil-
I W. & M. « LiAM and Qiieen A4ary, intituled. An Aafor exempting their Majeliies Proteftant Subjects from the Pena.'- i . I. c. iS. < fi^^ gjr j-gj-f^ifi £(ii(js^ before the Chief Judge, or other Judge of the Colony wherein fuch Perfjns refpedtively ' had fo inhabited and reiided, or fhould fo inhabit and refide, fliould be deemed, adjudged and taken to be ' his Majefly's natural-born Suhjefts of this Kingdom, to all Intents, Conftructions and Purpofes, as if ' they, and every one of them, had been or were born within this Kingdom : And whereas many of the- '■ People of the Congregation called the Moravian Brethren, and other Foreign Proteftants, not ^taiers, ' v/ho confcientioufly fcruple the taking of an 0:uh, are fettled in his Majcfry's Colonies in America, and ' demean themlelves there as a fober, quiet and induftrious People, and many others of the like Perfuahdn ' aredefirous to tranfport thcmfelves thith.cr ; and if the Benefit of the faid A<ft, made in the thirteenth ' Year of his prefent Majcfty's Reign, were extended to them, they who are now there would thereby be
- encouraged to continue their Refidence in his Majefty 's Colonies, and others v/ould refort thither in grcat-
' er Numbers, whereby the faid Colonies would be improved, their Strength increafed, and their Trade ' extended ;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by end ith the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this jirefent Parliament aftembled, and by Tcieifn Prote- the Authority of the (arne. That from and after the twenty -fifth Day of DeearJ-er one thoiiland feven hun- Slaiits Rciidents drcd and forty-feven, all Foreign Proteftants, vvho confcientioufly fcruple the taking of an Oath, and who m America 7 are boin oiit of the Ligeancc of his Majcity, his Heirs or Succeiibrs, who have inhabited and refiJcd, or fcruple Tn'oath ■^^^^'■' inhabit and refide, for the Space of feven Years or more, in any of his Majefty's Colonies in A-i. erica, v^poii making ' ^^"'^ ^M not have been abfent out of fome of the faid Colonics for a longer Space than two Months at any iind fubiirlbing One Time during the iaid feven Years, and Ihall make and i'ubfcribe the Declaration of Fidelity, and take tlic Affirmaiion and affirm the Eftedt of the Abjuration Oath, appointed and prefcribed by the faid recited Aft, made in the- DecWaUon'" ^'^-^^ ^'^^^- ^^ ^^'^ ^egn of his late Majefty King George the Firft, and alfo make and fubfcribe the Pie- ce ara on , fefljon of his Chriftian Beljef, appointed and prefcribed by the faid recited Aft, made in the firft 'eaj of the .Reign of their late Majefties King William and Qiieen Mar y, before the Chief Judge or other Judsje of the