Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/147

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A. D. 174^. Anno vlcefi 1110 primo Georgii II. C. 14. 103 Importation thereof, fliall have been paid or fecured to be paid, and which fliall have been carried orput imo fuch Warehouse or Warehoufes, as aforefaid, fliall and may, from and after the laid firft Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and forty- eight, upon due Entry thereof being made by the Proprietor or Pro- prietors thereof, or by fuch Perfonor Perfons whom they fliall appoint for that Purpofe, be delivered out of any fuch Warehoufe to the relpective Proprietor or Proprietors thereof, or fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall be appointed by him, her or them, and who fliall before fuch Delivery have duly entered the fame for Ex- portation to Ireland, or his Majefty's Plantations in Jmerica, without Payment being made of all or any the refpedtive Inland Duties charged or impofed upon the fame by the faid Acf ; any thing therein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwitbftanding ; fuch Proprietor or Propiietors, or other Perfon or Proprietor ta Perfons, firft giving Bond, with fufficient Security to his Majefly, his Heirs and Succeilbrs, to be approved g"= Bond for of by the Commiffioners of the faid Inland Duties for the time being, or any three of them, or by fuch Exportation. Perfon or Perfons as they fliall, from time to time, appoint for that Purpofe, in double the Value of the Goods, that the fame, and every Part thereof fliall (the Dangers of the Seas and Enemies excepted) be really and truly exported to, and hnded in fuch Port of the Kingdom of Ire/am:/, or fuch Place in his Maje- jefty's Plantations in J7ncrica, for which the fame has been fo entered for Exportation, and that the fame fliall not be exported, or carried to any other Place or Country whatfoever, norrelanded in any Part oi Great Britain, or the Iflands of Guerjtfey, Jerfiy or Man, or either of tiicm_ ; and fii^ch Bonds fo entered into, for Bond not to te the carrying fuch Tea to the Kingdom of Ireland, or to any of his Majefty's Plantations in America, vv'hich difcharged till has not paid the Inland Duty herein before- mentioned, fhall not be delivered up nor difcharged, until a » Certificate be a Certificate fliall be produced under the Hands and Seals of theColkaor, Comptroller or Surveyor of the f^^^^"'^ °* ""* Cuftoms of the Port in Ireland, or the Plantations in America, where fuch Tea fliall be landed, teftifying the ^" '"^' I/anding thereof; and for the future, the Condition of all fuch Bonds to be given for the Exportation of Condition of the any fuch Tea to Ireland, fliall be to produce fuch Certificate in fix Months from the Date thereof (the Dan- ^°"- ger of the Seas and Enemies excepted) and the Condition of all fuch Bonds to be given for the Exportation of any fuch Tea to the Plantations in America, fliall be to produce fuch Certificate in eighteen Months from the Date thereof (the Danger of the Seas and Enemies excepted) and in cafe no fuch Certificate fliall be produced within the refpeftive Times herein before- mentioned, it fliall and may be lawful for the faid Com- miffioners of the faid Inland Duties, to caufe fuch Bonds to be put in Suit, unlefs they fliall find fufficient Caufe to forbear the fame; any Law, Cullom or Ufage to the contrary notwitbftanding : And upon fuch ■Warchourc-_ Proprietor or Proprietors, or other Perfon or Perfons, producing to the refpeflive Keeper or Keepers of fuch '<^=pei to delivf-r Warehoufes, a Certificate or Certificates, figned by fuch Perfon or Perfons as the Commiffioners of his Ma- J^^ ^^^^^[^j^™' ' jefty's Cuftoms for the time being, or any four of them, fhallfor that Purpofe appoint, fignifying that fuch fie'd in tlis CeL. Entry has been made, and that the feveral Subfidies and additional Impofts, due on the Importation thereof, tificatej have been paid or fecured ; and alfo producing a Certificate under the Hands of the Commiffioners of the faid Inland Duties, or any three of them, that fuch Security for Exportation hath been given as herein be- fore-mentioned ; which Certificate or Certificates the faid Commiffioners are hereby required to give ac- cordingly ; fuch Warehoufe-keeper or Warehoufe-keepers fliall deliver out of fuch Warehoufe or Ware- houfes, to fuch Proprietor or Proprietors, or other Perfon or Perfons, in the fame Package, and no other than that in which it was imported, fo much Tea intended, and entered for Exportation to the aforefaid Places, and no other, as fliall be mentioned or exprefled in fuch Certificate or Certificates refpeflively, with- out Payment being made of all or any the refpeftive Inland Duties charged or impofed thereon by the faid A6t ; and the refpective Warehoufe-keeper and Warehoufe-keepers are thereupon to give fuch Proprietor anJ a Pemni^ or Proprietors, or other Perfon or Perfons, a Permit or Certificate to accompany fuch Tea fo delivered out, till the fame is fliipt for Exportation ; which Permit or Certificate fliall be alfo figned by an Officer attend- ing the faid Warehoufe or Warehoufes, who fliall be appointed by the Commiffioners of the faid Inland Du- ties, or the major Part of them, to prevent the feizing thereof ; and fuch Proprietor or Proprietors, or other rroprictortode- Perfon or Perfons, fliall, at and before theTea therein mentioned is fliipt or laden on Board the Ship or Vef- "- i*^ Permit fel in which it is entered, and intended to be exported, deliver fuch Permit or Certificate to the Searcher, '° ^'^ SeiKcher, or other proper Officer of the Cuftoms of the Port from which fuch Tea is entered for Exportation, who is hereby enjoined and required (if he fliall have Caufe to fufpedl the Tea to be deficient in Quantity or Quality, from what is or fliall be fpecified in the faid Permit or Certificate) to open, weigh, fearch and ftrictly exa- ^eavcher's Cuty inine all the-Chefts, Cafks, and other Package, in which fuch Tea is contained, to fee if the Goods agree >" c'fminins in Quantity and Quality with the Permit or Certificate figned by the Officer of the faid Inland Duties, as f,jd'^fr™"" before-mentioned, and whether the fame has been rightly and duly entered outwards, and the Quantity and ' Q.uality rightly and truly expreffed in the Exporter's Indorfement upon his Entry ; and if on fuch Examina- tion the fame fhall be found to be right entered, and that they agreee in Qiianfity and Qiiality with the Permit or Certificate of the Officers of the faid Inland Duties, the Searcher or other proper Officer fliall at his ovi'n Charge caufe the fame to be repacked (which Charge fhall be allowed to the faid Officer by the Com- miffioners of the Cuftoms, if they think it reafonable) but in cafe the Officer fliall on jixamination find ■fuch Goods to be of any other Species or Quality, -or to be m.ore in Quantity or Qitnlity than is expreffed in fuch Permit or Certificate, or in the Exporter's Indorfement upon his Entry outwards, or that they fhall have been entered under a wrong Denomination, whereby his Majefty would have been defrauded, all fuch iGoods, together with the Cheils, Cafks, and other Package containing the fame, fhall be forfeited and loft, .and fliall and may be feized and profecuted by any 0£icer.or Officers of the Cuftoms, in fuch Manner and Form as herein after is expreffed. II. And it is hereby further enafted. That from and after the faid firft Day of y/«j(? one thoufand feven Tea to lie pt. hundred and forty-eight, no Tea fhall be exported to the Kingdom of Ireland, or to any of his Majefty's ported in -the' Plantations in America, in any (rheft, Cafli:, Tub, or Package vi'hatfoever, other than tiiat in which it was fame Pnci"!s% loriginally imported into Great Britain, nor in any lefs Quantities than in the entir.e Lot or Lots in which *-"• 3 like