Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/169

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A. D. 174S. Anno vlcefimo primo Georgii II. C. 34. 125 Uicr continued, from the Expiration thereof, until' the firft Day oi'Jmie one thou fand feven hundred and fifty-four, and from thence to the End of the then next Seilion of Parliament. ' IV. And whereas an Ai5l made in the nineteenth Year of the Reign of his prefent TVlajefly (intituled, tq Oro- 2. c j. Ah ASi to enable his Majejly to tnake Rules, Orders and Regulations more cffcSiiial'y to prevent the fpreading & -o G™. 2. c, cf the Dijlemper vjlnch noiv rages amongft the Horned Cattle in this Kingdom]^ which v/as to continue and be ■*■ i^cminucd to in Force' for '.he Space of eight Months, and to the End of the then next Seflion of Parliament: and by ^j /r ^/" an Am maae in the twentieth Year of the Keign or his prelenC Majelty, 'was explained, ■2iViznAzA zna ihmcd arJ cmcmi. continued, and to be in Force with the faid laft-mentioned Aft, for the Space of eight Months, from the edhy 22 Geo. i. tenth Day oVJajivary one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, and from thence to the End cf the then '^•■^S- *3 Geo, 24- next Seffion of Parliament : And whereas the contagious Diftemper fiill continues to rage amongft the ?,' " *3' Oxen, Bulls, Cows, Calves, Steers and Heifers, in feveral Parts of this Kingdom;' Be it therefore fur- 2r°G'fo/-.'.^r. «r ther enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid A6ts of the nineteenth and twentieth Years of the ^bGeo. z. c. 34.! Reign of his prefent Majefty, {hall be, and the fame are hereby further continued, from the Expiration iiGeo. 2. c. 14. thereof, until the twenty-fourth Day of ^^^p/ifwiirr one thoufand feven hundred and forty-eight, and from loCa.z., thence to the End of the then next Seffion of Parliament. CAP. XXXIV. An Aft to amend and enforce fo much of an Aft made in the nineteenth Year of his Majefty's Reign, as relates to the more effectual difarming the Highlands in Scotland, and reftraining the Ufe of the Highland Drefs, and to Mafters and Teachers of private Schools and Chap- lains ; and to explain a Claufe in another Aft made in the fame Year, relating to Letters of Orders of Epifcopal Minifters in Scotland; and to oblige Perfons allowed to carry Arms, and the Direftors of the Banks there, and certain Perfons belonging to, or praflifing in the Courts of Seffion and Jufticiary, to take the Oaths; and to repeal fome Claufes in an Act made in the firft Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, whereby ■ certain Encouragements are given to Landlords and Tenants in Scotland, who fhould con- tinue in thtir Duty and Loyalty to his faid late Majefty; and for other Purpoles therein men- tioned. HE RE AS by an A£i: made in the nineteenth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, inti- 15 Geo i.e. tuled, An A61 for the more effeStual difarming the Highlands /?2 Scotland; a?id for more effei^ually Je~ ' ^<:<: '^('G'x curing the Peace of the faid Highlands; and for reflrai nine; the life of the Highland Drefs; and for further '^•'-'i- indemnifying fuch Perfons as have a/yled in Defence of his Majefty^ s Perfon and Government, during the unna- tural RehcllioJi ; and for indemnifying the fudges and other Officers of the Court of fufliciary in Scotland, foi- not performing the Northern Circuit in May 07te thoifand feven hundred and forty-fx ; and for obliging the Ma/lers and Teachers cf private Schools in Scotland, end Chaplains, Tutors and Governors of Children cr Youth, to take the Oaths to his Majefly, his Heirs or Sueceffors, and to regifter the fame ; it was amongft other Things enafled. That from and after the 'firft Day oi Augifi one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, it {hould be lawful for the refpeflive Lords Lieutenants of the feveral Shires cf Dunbartain, Sterling, Perth, Kincardin, Aberdeen, Invernefs, Nairn, Cromarty, Argyle, Forfar, Bamff, Sutherland, Caithnefs, Elgin and Rofs; and for fuch other Perfon or Perfons as his Majefty, his Heirs or Sueceffors, fhould by his or their Sign Manual, from time to time, think fit to authorize and appoint in that Behalf, to ifTue or caufe to be ifTued out Letters of Summons in his Majefty's Name, and under his or their refpeftive Hands and Seals, direfted to fuch Perfons within the faid feveral Shires and Bounds, as he or they from time to time fhall think fit; thereby commanding and requiring all and every Perfon and Perfons therein named, or inhabiting within the particular Limits therein defciibed, to bring in and deliver up, at a certain Time and Place, in fuch Summons to be mentioned, all and fingular his and their Arms and Warlike Weapons, unto fuch Lord Lieutenant, or other Perfon or Perfons fo to be authorized or appointed in that Behalf as aforefiid, for the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs or Sueceffors, and to be difpofed of in fuch Manner as his Majefty, his Heirs or Succefiors fliould appoint; and that if any Perlbn or Perfons in fuch Summons mentioned by Name, or inhabiting within the Limits therein defcribcd, fhould be convifted in Manner therein mentioned, of having or bearing any Arms or Warlike Weapons, after the Day prefixed in fuch Summons, every fuch Perfon or Perfons fliould forfeit the Sum of fifteen Pounds Sterling, and fhould be committed to Prifon, until Payment of the faid Sum ; and if any Perfon or Perfons convifted as afore- faid, ihould refufe or negleft to make Payment of the aforefaid Sum of fifteen Pounds Sterling, within the Space of one Calendar Month from the Date of fuch ConviiStion, then any one or more of his Ma- jefty's Juftices of the Peace, or the Judge Ordinary of the Place, where fuch Offender or Offenders was or were imprifoned Hn cafe he or they fha'l judge fuch Offender or Offenders fit to ferve his Maj.=fty as a Soldier or Soldiers) were thereby refpeftively auihorized and required to caufe him or them to be deli- vered over to fuch Officer or OfScers as is therein mentioned, to ferve as Soldiers in any of his Majefty's Forces in America : And. that after reading the Articles of War againft Mutiny and Defcrtion, and ma- king fuch Entry and Certificate thereof as is thereby directed, every Perfon fo delivered ovei' fhould be deemed a lifted Soldier to all Intents and Purpofes, and fnould be fubjeft to the Difcipline of War, and in cafe of Dcfertion, fliould be punifhed as a Dcferter ; and that in cafe fuch Offender or Offenders fhould not be judged fit to ferve his Majefty as aforefaid, then he or they fhould be imprifoned for the Space of fix Calendar Months, and alfo until he or they fhould give fufficient Security for his or their good Eeha- ' viour 39,