Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/18

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. any County or Place, upon Warrants granted by Jufti- ces of the Peace in any other County or Place; and to repeal fo much of an A£r made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, as relates to the Time during which the Oflice of Excife is to be kept open each Day, and to appoint for how long Time the fame fliall be icept open upon each Day for the future; and to prevent the flealing or deflroying of Turnips; and to a- mend an ASt made in the fecond Year of his prefent Ma- jefty, for better Regulation of Attorniesand Solicitors. z;. An Act for the more eafy and fpeedy Recovery of Small Debts within the City and Liberty of JVeJbninJhr, and that Part of the Dutchy of Lancafter which adjoineth thereto. 28. An Act to explain Part of an KSt pafTed in the thir- teenth and fourteenth Years of the Reign of King Charles the Second, for the Uniformity of Publick Prayers, and Adminiftration of Sacraments.; and alfo Part of an hSt palled in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth for the Miuiftcrs of the Church to be of Sound Religion. 29. An Act to encourage the Importation of Pig and Bar Iron from his Majefty's Colonies in America; and to pre- vent thip ErecStion of any Mill or other Engine for Slitting or Rolling of Iron, or any Plateing Forge to work with a Tilt Hammer, or any Furnace for making Steel, in any of the faid Colonies. 30. An Ail for the more eafy and fpeedy Recovery of Small Debts within the Toiver Hamlets. 31. An Adt for extending and improving the Trade to Africa. S'z. An Aft for granting to his Majefly certain Duties upon fuch Species of Sail Cloth as are therein mentioned, which fhall be imported from Ireland into Great Britain, during the Time therein limited. 33. An Aft for preventing Delays and Expences in the Pro- ceedings in the County Court of Adiddlejex; and for the more eafy and fpeedy Recovery of Small Debts in the faid County Court. 34. An Aft for permitting Raw Silk of the Growth or Pro- duce oi Perfia, purchafed in Rujfia, to be imported into tills Kingdom, from any Port or Place belonging to the Empire of Rujfta. 35. An A£l for making a better and more effeftual Provi- fion for the Relief of the Poor, for the cleanfing the Streets, and for keeping a Nightly Watch, within the Parifli of Saint Martin in the Fields, within the Liber- tics of the City of Wejiminjhr. 36. An Aft for fettling a Stipend or Maintenance upon the Reftor of the Parilh of Saint George the Martyr, in the Borough of South-war k.. in the County oi Surrey, and his Succeffors, in lieu of Tythes. 37. An Aft for building a Bridge crofs the River of Thames, from Hampton Court in the County of Middle/ex, to Eaji Moulfey in the County of Surrey. 38. An Aft for repairing the Road from the City of York over Skipbridge, to Boroughbridge in the County of York. 39. An Aft for the more effectual repairing and pre- ferving the Piers and Harbour of Whitby in the County of York. 40. An Aft for repairing and widening the Roads leading from Egremoni to Dudden Bridge Santon Bridge, and Satthouje, in the County of Cumberland. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno 23 Georgii 11. r. A N Act for naturalizing Thomas Abraham Ogier, Pe- Jr. ier Henry Gauvain, and others. 2. An Aft for naturalizing Charles Lindegren. 3. An Aft for naturalizing Henry "Joly, 4. An Aft for naturalizing Germain Lavie, 5. An Aft for veiling in Truftees certain Lcafes and Eftates therein mentioned, of and in the Manors of Spalding and Holbeck, and of feveral Lands, Tenements and Heredi- taments to the fame belonging, in the County o( Lincoln, which were forfeited by James late Duke of Monmouth, put in Exigent upon an Indictment of High Treafon, to the Intent that the Lofs of the Record of fuch Indictment, and of the Capias and Exigent thereon, may be fupplied for the Purpofes therein mentioned. 6. An Aft to im power the Committees of Thomas Earl of Bradford, a Lunatick, to lay out Part of his perfonal E- flate in the Purchafe of Lands and Eftates of Inheritance for the Purpofes therein mentioned. 7. An Aft to enable his Majefty to grant the Inheritance of the Manor of Garfiang in the County of Lamqflcr, and of a Meffuage or Tenement in Newbigginge in Lonfdale, in the County of Wejimoreland, to Truftees, in Truft for the Honourable £^W(7r<^ //^^«/f Efquire, and his Heirs upon a full and valuable Conuderation to be paid for the fame. 8. An Aft to enable Roger Mortlock, Doctor in Divinity, now called Roger Pettiivard, and the Heirs of his Body, to take and ufe the Surname and Arms of Pettiivard. 9. An Act to enable Beekford Kendall Efqu'iie, now called Beckford Kendall Cater, and his Iffue A^ale, to take and ufe the Surname and Arms oi Cater. 10. An Act for naturalizing John Peter Mandrot, Lewis Chabanel, William de Druftna, and others. 11. An Act for naturalizing Ifaac Schoniberg, Doctor in Phyfick. 12. An Act for naturalizing Engelbcrt Hake. 13. An Act to impower the Guardians of i^«?7 Ear! of Pembroke and Montgotnery, an Infant, to make Leafes of his real Eftate during his Minority. 14. An Act to enable Hugh Earl of Northumberland, and Elizabeth Countefs oi Northumberland lin^ Baronefs Percy, his Wife, and their Children, Progeny and IlTue, to take and ufe the Name of Percy, and bear and quarter the Arms of the Percies Earls of Northumberland. 15. An Act for Sale of Part of the fettled Eftate of Sir The- mas Moyjlyn Baronet, in the County of Angkfey, for Pay- ment of Debts, and for providing a Recompence to his eldeft Son and Iflue in lieu thereof. 16. An Act for eftabliftiing a Partition made between Dame Mary Latre, and others, of divers Eftates in the Ps- rifiies of Weft Thorock and Stifford, in the County of Ef- fex, in purfuance of feveral Orders of the High Court of Chancery. 17. An Act for impowering Truftees to cut down and fell Timber upon the Eftate late of %^« T'rt-w;- Efquire, in the Counties of Denbigh and Flint, for difcharging his Debts, and alfo to make Leafes of Mines in the faid Counties. 18. An Act for invefting Part of the perfonal Eftate of Charles Churchill Efquire, deceafed, in the Purchafe of Lands to be fettled, purfuant to an Agreement in the Settlement made on the Marriage of Charles Churchill ]x~ nior Efquire, with the Lady Aaaria Walpole. 19. An Act for Sale of the Manor of Mur/lev, and other Eftates in the County o{ Bucks, lately belong'ing to Hugh Barker the younger Efquire, deceafed, purfuant to an A- greement made with him for that Purpofe. 20. An Act for making effectual an Agreement for Sale of a MeiTuage at Fiirley Hill in the County of Berks, with the Appurtenances, late the Eftate of Colonel Charles Lanoe, deceafed, to Alexander Jf'alker Efquire. 21. An Act for Sale of the Eftates devifed by the Will of John Hylton Efquire, decealcJ, and for applying the Money