Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/191

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A. D. 1749* Anno vlcefimo fecundo Georgii II. C. 24 — 25: 147 CAP. XXIV. An A£l for remedying Inconvenlencks which may happen by Proceedings in Adions on the Statutes of Hue and Cry. FOR remedying Inconvcniencles which may happen by Proceedings in Adions on the Statutes of 13 jv. i.y7a/^. Hue (ind Cry, Be it enafted by the King's moft ExcellentMajefty, bv and with the Advice and Confent z. a & 2.' of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament allembled, and by the -7 ■S'-'. f- 13' Authority of the fame. That from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred ^^ ^"^"^ '° and forty- nine, no Perfon whatfoever foall recover againft any Inhabitant or Inhabitants of any Hundred, ^aiononthJ in any Aftion onany of the Statutes of i^wf and Cry, more than the Value of two hundred Pounds, unlefs the Statutes of Hue Perfon or Perfons fo robbed (hall, at the Time of iuch Robbery, for which fuch Aft ion fhall be brought, and Cry more be together in Company, and be in Number two at the leafl:, to atteft the Truth of his or their being fo "" -°°'- robbed j any Law, Statute or Provifion to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. Time of th^ Robbery there be two prefent to atteft the Truth thereof. See farther 2Z Geo, i. c, a&j CAP. XXV. An Ad to explain and amend fo much of an Ad: made in the ninth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne, intituled, Jn ASi for ejlablijhing a General Pofi Office for all her Majeflfs Dominions; and for fettling a Weekly Sum out of the Reve?mes thereof for the Service of the War, and other her Majejty's Occafions ; as relates to Horfes or Furniture to be let to Perfons riding Poft. WHEREAS by an Act made in the ninth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Qiieen Anne, 9 Anns, c is-. intituled. An ASl for eJlaUiJhing a General Poft Office for all her Majeftfs Donmiiom ; and for 6 Geo. i. c. zt^. fettling a Weekly Sum out of the Revenues thereof for the Service of the War, and other her Majejlys Occaftons ; f'^ 5'- It is (amongfl other Things) enacted. That no Perfon or Perfons lliall prefume to keep, provide and * ' ^^* maintain Horfes or Furniture for the Horfing of any Perfon or Perfons riding Pofl (that is to fay) Riding feveral Stages upon a Poft Road, and changing Horfes, or fliall lett to Hire, or furnifli any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever with Horfes or Furniture for riding Poft as aforefaid, on any of the Roads or Stages now or hereafter to be appointed, with or without a Guide or Horn, for Hire or Reward, or any Agree- ment or Promife of Reward, whereby he or they may have any Profit or Advantage, on Pain of forfeiting the Sum of five Pounds for every feveral Offence againft the Tenor of the faid Ad: And whereas the faid Reftriftion hath been conftrued to extend to Chaifes and Calaflies lett out for Hire, and vv-hich, change Horfes at certain Stages upon the Poft Roads, in like Manner as^ Horfes lett out by the Poft Office are changed ;' Be it therefore enafted and declared by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aiTembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That nothing in the faid Aft contained doth or fhall extend, or be con- The Aa not to itrued to extend, to reftrain or prohibit the letting out for Hire, Chaifes or Calafhes with Horfes to draw prohibU the fur- the fame, or the furnifliing Horfes for drawing Chaifes or Calaflies at any Stage or Stages upon any Poft "'""E chaifes," Road to any Perfon whatfoever ; and that it fhall and may be lawful for all Perfons to lett out for Hire, as Rq'J""^ well upon the Poft Roads as elfewhere, Chaifes duly licenfed, with Horfes to draw the fame, and to furnifti or exchange Horfes for drawing any fuch Chaifes or Calaflies ; any thing in the faid Aft to the contrary in anywife notwithftanding. II. Provided alfo, and be it further enafled by the Authority aforefaid. That it fliall be lawful for all Perfoiis letting Perfons who lett out Chaifes or Calaflies with Horfes for H!ire, to lett out Horfes and Furniture for Horfino- Chaifts may fur- any Perfon or Perfons accompanying or attending any Perfon or Perfons who fhall travel in Chaifes or Ca- "^ *"•'"'" *^i" lafhcs, and to change fuch Horfes and Furniture in Manner as is before-mentioned. h// °"^ 'itend- III. Provided always, and it is hereby declared and enafted. That nothing herein contained fhall be con- xm ^a ftrued to extend to ftay annul, or defeat any Judgment or Verdift obtained by virtue of the faid above- defeat any rud<' recited Aft of the ninth Year of her late Majefty QiieenANNE, on or before the tv/enty-fifth Day of m'^"tbefuic2 5° March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-nine, or the Proceedings thereon ; any thing herein contained March 1-49. to the contrary notwithftanding. Seefanher cor.. ' '^ cernln7 1'ofI Office CAP. XX VL 36G«.2...i3. ■Aa AB. for repairing and widening the feveral Roads leading into the Town of Rof in the County of Hereford. PR. Certaift Tolls granted for 21 Years, to- U 2 C A P,