The TITLES of the STATUTES. 3 «. n-)ouT o^ Matthew Holwcrihy Efquire, deccafed, purfuant to the V/ill of Elizabeth his Widow, alfo deceafed. An Aft to enable John Heath Efquire, and his Heirs Male, to take and uie the Surname and Arms of, according to the Direflion of the lafl: Will and Tefta- ment of Richard Duke Efquire, deceafed. An Act for naturalizing y»^« Z/otoW, Daniel Richard, Daniel Ferrand, Charles Boucher and John Schnely. An Aft for naturalizing Chrijlopher Jacob Krautcr. An Aft for impowering the Trullees, named in the Settlement made upon the Marriage of Edward Hulfe Efquire, with Hannah his Wife, to lay out Part of the Truft-Monies therein mentioned, in the Purchafe of Re- verfionary Eftates, as well as Lands in PofTeffion, to be fettled to the Ufes of the faid Marriage Settlement, with Power to make Leafes thereof, according to the CufVom of the Country. An Act to enable George Lane, heretofore called George Fox Efquire, and his IflueMale, to take-and ufe the Sur- name and Arms of Lane, purfuant to the Will of James Lord Vifcount Lane/borough, in the Kingdom of Ireland, deceafed, and for inrolling the faid Will, and making the Exemplification thereof Evidence in all Courts in Great Britain and Ireland, An Aft to enable Thomas Smith, now called Thomas Panuwell, and the Heirs of his Body, to take and ufe the Surname and Arms of Fanuwell. g. An Aft to enable the moft Noble Jane Duchefs Dowa- ger of Argyll and Greemuich to grant Leafes of the Ground, and repairing Leafes of the Houfes and Build- ings in the County of Middlefo:, mentioned in the Will of John late Duke of Argyll and Greenwich, deceafed. JO. An A.ft for charging divers Houfes, Tenements and He- reditaments, in the City of London and County of Hert- ford, Part of the fettled Eflate of William Earl Cowper, with raifing Money towards defraying the Expences of rebuilding the faid Houfes in London, burnt down and deflroyed by Fire. 1 1. An A£t for vefting divers I^ands, Tenements and Here- ditaments in the County of Corke in the Kingdom o^ Ire- land, comprized in the Marriage-Settlement of John Earl of EgmTnt, in him and his II;;irs, difcharged of the Ufes of that Settlement, and for frilling other Lands and He- reditam.ents in the faid Countyy of greater Value, in lieu thereof, to the fame Ufes. !2. An Aft for the Sale of a Capital MefTuage at Bromley, and divers MciTuSges, Lands and Hereditaments in the Counties of Aliddlefrx and EJ/ex, late the Eftate of Sir Charles Peers Knt. deceafed, fome time fmce one of the Aldermen of the City of London, and for purchafmg ano- Eftate to be fettled to the Ufes of his Will. 13. An Aft to enable John Primrofe Efquire, commonly called Lord Dahnenie, to fecure a Jointure to Mary Countcfs of Rofeberry, his Mother, and make Provifions for his Brother and Sifl:er, out of the entailed Eflate late of Sir Airhibald Primrofe K.n]ght, deceafed. 14. An Aft for vefting the undivided twelfth Part of John Jekyll, an Infant, in the Real Eftate of Sir Jofeph Jckyll Knight, deceafed, in Truftees, to be fold for the Purpo- fts therein mentioned. 15. An Aft for Sale of the Eftate late of Edmund Pleydell Efauire, in Gloiiceflerjlnrc, and for laying out the Money aiif g by fiich Sale, in the Purchafe of another Eftate, to be fettled to the Ufes of his Will. 16. An Aft to enabk Sir William Maxwell of Monreith Ba- ronet, or other PIcirs of Entail for the time being, to fell l,ands in the County of Wigtown, for Payment of Debts, and oilier Purpofes therein mentioned. 17. An Aft for the efteftual fecuring of a Jointure, by way cf Rent-charge, for Barbara Mainwaring Elkrker, Wife 3 of Eaton Maitiwaring Ellerker Efquire, and raifing Por- tions for their younger Children, purfuant to an Agree- ment contained in their Marriage-Settlement, and for confirming and eftablifhing the Surname of Ellerker, and the Coat of Arms of the Ellerkers, of Rifiy in the County of York, and the Creft granted by King Henry the Eighth, to the laid Eaton Alainwaring Ellerker, and his IlTue. i8. An Aft for confirming a Partition of the Eftate late of George Gardner Efquire, deceafed, and for fettling and difpofing of the Lands belonging to Edward Buljlrode Efquire, upon the faid Partition, for difcharging Incum- brances, and for a Provifion for himfelf, and his Wife and Children, purfuant to his Marriage Settlement. 19. An Aft to impower the Guardian or Guardians of Thomas Horner Efquire, an Infant, for the time being, to make Leafes and Copyhold Grants of his Eftates in the County of Somerfet, during his Minority', according to the Ufage and Cuftom of the Country, and for other Pur- pofes therein mentioned. 20. An Aft for vefting a MeflTuage and Lands in Suffolk, Part of the fettled Eftate of Thomas Moyle Efquire, rn Tru- ftees, in Truft to fell the fame, purfuant to an Agreement for that Purpofe, and for applying the Money arifmg by fuch Sale, towards the Purchafe of another Eftate of greater Value to be fettled to the like Ufes. 21. An Aft for the better efFefting the Purpofes mentioned in the Will of John Michel, late of Richmond in the County of Surrey Efquire, deceafed, for the Benefit and Advantage of ^een's College in the Univerfity of Ox- ford. 22. An Aft to confirm and eftablifh an Agreement for in- clofing and dividing feveral Lands and Grounds in the Parifh of Welton in the County of York, and for fettling a yearly Sum on the Vicar in lieu of Tythes, and other Purpofes therein mentioned. 23. An Aft for confirming Articles of Agreement for in- clofing and dividing certain Commons and Wafte Grounds in the Parifh of Tatton in- the County of Somerfet, 24. An Aft for inclofing and dividing the Common Fields, Common Paftures, Common Meadows and Wafte Grounds in the Manor and Parifli of Farihingftone in the County of Northampton. 25. An Aft for confirming Articles of A.greement for in- clofing and dividing the Common Fields, Meadows and Common Fen in the Manor and Parifh of Dunlbv in the County of Lincoln, and for rendering the fame more ef- feftual, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. 26. An Aft for impowering Sir Thomas Saunders Sebright Baronet, to inclofe Besford Common in the County of IVorceflcr, and for fetting out and appointing proper Roads over the fame ; and for charging the faid Com- mon with a perpetual yearly Rent, in lieu of certain Rights and Privileges claimed by James Cocks Efquire, as Lord Paramount of the lAznor o'i Besford. 27. An Aft for confirming Articles of Agreement for inclo- fing the common Paftures and common Grounds, within the Manor of Huttcn BiifeU'm the County of York. 2S. An Aft for vefting for a certain 1 erm of Years, in Michael Alenzies Efquire, his Executors, Adminiftrators and Affigns, the fole Property of a Machine, by him in- vented, for conveying of Coals from the Places where they are dug, to the Heaps at the Mouths of the Pits, and in fome Cafes from the Heaps to the Staiths or Places where they are put on Board Ships or Keels. 29. An Aft to enable William Lcybcurne, formerly called Wiltmm Lcyhoi'.rne Taylor, to take and ufe the Surname of Lcybournc only, and bear the Coat of Arms of the Fa- mily of Leybournc, purfuant to the Will of his Uncle ll'ilUam Leybournc, deceafed. 30. An Aft for enabling James Langjion, formerly called Jamn