i^: C. 49. Anno vicefimo fecimdo Georgii II, A. D. 1749. Trufteesimpow crei! to b^Trow JVIoney, siid :t(~ fiaii the Duties. /iP[:)iic:ition of Moiiits, Truftces to np- ■point Officers, snd remove thtm. Colkftor and Ta-eafarer to ac. counC upon Oath, and to produce Voucheis, and pay over the Balance, and in Default, ito be committed The Truflees tS deliver yearly to tlic Juftlccs, an Accoi'.rit of Receipts and Difourfenientp, to be kept among the Re- cords, &c. Surplus 10 be applied in ap- prenticing Sea- Boys. PiHi bought in theMarkei, may be fold in any olhcr Place. Gontvafls be- tween Firher- men and Fifli- nongcrs before Zt) Sept. 1749. declared void ; turning the Overplus, if any be, upon Demand, to the Owner thereof, cfter fuch Sums, and the reafon- able Charges for diftraining and keeping the fame, fhall be dedudtcd and paid. ' IV. And whereas the Money to be collected by virtue of this Act, will not immediately raife a fufli- ' cient Stock for eflecling the Purpofes thereof ;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and aficr the pafllng this A6t, the Truftees appointed or to be appointed to put the fa.Tic in Execu- tion, or any five or more of them, fhall and may, from time to time, at a General Meeting held by them for that Purpofc, by any Writing under their Hands and Seals, affign over the faid Sums arifing by virtue of this Aft, or any Part thereof, as a Security for any Sum or Sums of Ivloney to be borrowed by the faid Truftees for the Purpofes of this Aft, to fuch Perfon or Perfons, or their Truitees, who fhall advance and lend the fame, to fecure the Payment thereof, with fuch Intereft as fhali be agreed upon, not exceeding five Pounds per Ccniimi per Annmn. V. And he it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That out of the Money arifing by the faid Sums gianted by this Aft, or the Money borrowed on the Credit thereof, as aforefaid, the faid Trullees, or any five or more of them, at a publick Meeting afiembled, (hall in the firfl Place pay and difcharge all Expences and Charges incurred in pafling this Aft of Parliament ; and in the next Place, Ihall pay and dif- charge the Expences of laying out, making and erefting a commodious Place for the faid i'Iarket, and in finifhinp- and keeping the fame in Repair, and all other neceflary Expences attending the Execution of th's Aft. VI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Truftees, or any five or more of them, fnall and may, at the firft or any fucceeding General Meeting, by Writing under their Hands arid Seals, chufc and appoint one or more fit Perfon or Perfons to be Colleftor or Colleftors of the Sums afore- faid; and fhall appoint one or more Treafurer or Treafurers, and all other neceflary Omcers, as to them fliall appear proper for the better Execution of the Powers contained in this Aft, allowing to fuch Perfon or Perfons fo by them appointed, fuch Salaries or other Rewards for their Trouble as to the faid Truftees, or any five or more of them, fhall appear juft and reafonable; and the faid Truilees, or any five or more of them, iliall and they are hereby impowered to remove or difplace fuch Treafurer or Treafurers, Colleftct or Colleftors, or other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, fo by them from time to time appointed, and to place others in their Stead ; and the Peribn or Perfons fo appointed to colleft and receive the foid Sum or Sums, and alio fuch Treaiurer or Treafurers ib appointed as aforefaid, fhall, before the faid Truftees, or any five or more of them, upon the firft Alonday in every Month, or oftener, if thereunto required by the faid Truftees as aforefaid, give in a true, exaft and perfeft Account in Writing, under their refpeftive Hands, of all the Monies which he or they, and every or any of them, fliall to fuch Time have received, paid and diftiurfed by virtue of this A.ft, by rcafon of their refpeftive Offices; and produce Vouchers for the fame, and fhall pay over fuch Balance to fuch Perfon or Perfons, as the faid Truftees, or any five or more of them, fliall at fuch Meeting direft ; and in cafe fuch Treafurer or Treafurers, Colleftor or Colleftors, fliall refufe to give in fuch Account as often as required by the faid Truftees, or any five or more of them, at a General Meeting, fuch Perfon or Perfons fo refufing fhall be committed to the common Gaol of the faid City and Liberty, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of any one of his Majefty's Juilices of the Peace for the faid City and Liberty of JFeJlmhiJhr, upon Application made to him by two of the faid Truftees, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize, until he or they fhall make or render in a true, exaft and per- feft Account of their Receipts and Difburfements by virtue of this Aft ; and Ihall have produced and deli- vered up all Vouchers relating thereto ; and fhall have likewife paid over the Money due on fuch Account to fuch Perfon or Perfons as the faid Truftees, or any five or more of them, fliall direft and appoint to re- ceive the fame. Vn. And be further enafted by the Authority aforediid. That the faid Truftees, or any five o:' more of them, fhall yearly, and every Year, within fix Weeks next after the twenty-fifth Day ot Deerwher, make up, and deliver in to the Juflices of the Peace afting within the faid City of .7 (////h'/j/At, at any Petty or Special Scffions afiembled, a juft, true and perfeft Account in Writing, fairly entered in a Book or Books to be kept for that Purpofe, and figned by the faid Truftees, or any five or more of them, of all and every Sum and Sums of Money which they fhall know to have been received or difburfed under the Authority of this Aft, during the preceding Year, with the Balance (if any) remaining in the Hands of the faid Triif- teis ; and fuch Accounts fiiall be kept by the Clerk of the faid Scffions among the Records thereof, to he infpefted by any Perfon or Perfons defiring the fame, upon Payment of one Shilling to the faid Clerk; and if any Surplus of the faid Sums fliall remain in the Hands of the faid Truftees, the i'ime is hereby appro- priated to, and fhall be applied yearly and every Year by them, within Twelve Months next after the de- livering of fuch Accounts to the faid Juftices as aforefaid, in the Binding out Boys Apprentices to Fiflicr- men, IVlafters of Ships, or fome other Perfon or Perfons employed in the Sea Service ; fuch Boys to be chofen by a Majority of the faid Truftees at a General Meeting to be held tor that Purpofe. VIIL And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That it ihall and may be lawful to and for any Fiflimonger, or other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, who fliall buy any Filh in the fiiid Market, to fell the fame again in any other Place or Places, within the faid City oi IFejimiiijier, or elfcwhcre, being found and wholfcme Fifii, without any Lett or Difturbance from any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever for lb doing; any Law or Statute to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithihmding. ' JX. And whereas the Laws now in Being h.avc proved infufiicient to prevent the Monopolizing and Fore- ' flailing of Fifh ;' Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the twenty-ninth Day of SV/'?i;;2/;(-r one thoufand feven hundred and forty-nine, all and evciy Contraft or Contrafts, which {hall, before that Time, have been made, and which are to take Efteft after the faid twenty-ninth D.iy of iS^'/iitvw/'i^-one thoufand feven hundred and forty-nine, between any Filhcrmen and Fiflimongers, or between any other Perfons whatfoever, in regard to the Sa'e of FiOi to be afterwards fold by Rctale, fliall be, and are hereby declared to be abfolutely void ; and all fuch Contrafts, which are or lliall be made to takeESc'^ 111