Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/239

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A. D, 1749* Anno viceiimo fecundo G E o R G 1 1 II. C. 52. 195 Railciiffe and Arthur Raddrffe, Efquires, younger 'Sons of the faid Francis Earl of Derwentwater, of the third Part ; and Sir 'John Law/on^ Baronet, and Francis Tunftall^ Efquire, of the fourth Part ; all that the Manor and Lordfnip of JUJtone^ alias JlLlftone Moore, and Garrigill, and all and every the Rights, Mem- bers and Appurtenances thereunto beloiiging, fituate, lying and being i.i the County of Cumberland ; and ail tlicfc Meiluages Lands and Tenemencs fituate, lying and being in Corbridge, in the County of North- un:herla;ul and all thofe two Parts, the Whole in three Parts to be divided, of the Manor and Lordfhip of Newton Hall in the faid County of Northumberland, with the Appurtenances ; and all that Meflliage or Tenement, with the Appurtenances, called Shcivitig Sheets, lying in the County of Northumberland afore- faid ; and all that Tenement or Farmhold, with the Appurtenances, called Blackahiirn, lying in the faiJ oi Northumberland; and all thofe Meiluages, Lands and Tenements, with the Appurtenances, fituate, lying and being in Almvick in the faid County of Northumberland ; and all that Moiety or one half Part of the Village or Townfiiip of Buteland, lying and being in the Parifh of Chollerton and County of Norihumherland aforefaid, and all the Lands and Grounds thereunto belonging ; and alfo the Moiety of one Tenement or Farmhold, with the Appurtenances, called Broomeup, lying and being in the Parifh and County aforefaid, and all the Lands and Grounds thereunto belonging ; and alfo the Moiety or one half Part of a Tenement or Farmhold, with the Appurtenances, called The Steele, and the Lands and Grounds thereunto belonging ; and alfo the Moiety or one half Part of a Tenement or Farmhold, with the Ap- purtenances, called Hindhaugh, lying and being in the Parifh and County aforefaid, and all the Lands and Grounds thereunto belonging; and alfo the Moiety or one half Part of a Tenement or Farmhold, with the Appurtenances, called The Fellin, lying and being in the Parifli and County aforefiiid,- and all the .Lands and Grounds thereunto belonging ; and alfo the Moiety or one half Part of a Tenement or Farm- hold, with the Appurtenances, called The Stidley Hill, lying and being in the Parifh of Ca^^w/y^/^ in the in the faid County of Northumberland ; and all thofe Reflories and Parfonagesof Kirke TVbelpington, Har- . burne, hIxtlS Hartburr.e, andMid/brd, lying and being in the faid,County of Nortlnmibcrland ; and all theGlebe Lands, Tythes, Oblations, Obventions, Profits and Hereditaments whatfoever, to the faid feveral Rec- tories and Parfonages belonging, or in any wife appertaining ; and alfo thofe the Corn Tythes of Broxfield, Ltirbittle and Whinnctly, with their and every of their Appurtenances, fituate, lying and being in the faid ■ County o^ Northumheriand; were, for the Confiderations in the faid recited Indenture Quadripartite men- tioned, fettled, limited and affured, to the Ufe of the faid Francis Earl of Derwentwater, for his Life, with- out Impeachment of Wafte ; and after his Death, and fubjeft to a Truft for railing five thoufand Pounds .for the Right Honourable the Lady Alary Radcliffe, Daughter of the faid Earl of Dervjentivatcr, and to .the feveral Annuities of five hundred Pounds, four hundred Pounds, two hundred Pounds and three hun- .dred Pounds, payable to Francis Radcliffe, Thomas RadcUffe, William Radcliff^e and Arthur Radcliffe, the four younger Sons of the faid Francis Earl of Derwentwater, for their refpedtive Lives, to the Ufe of the iiid EdwardhordVW'count Radcliffe ?i.nd Langley, for his Life, without Impeachment of Wafte; Remain- der to the Honourable James Radcliffe, Ei'quire, for his Life, without Impeachment of Wafl:e ; Remain- der to his firfl and other Sons, in Tail Male, fucceffively ; Remainder to the Honourable Francis Radcliffe, . Efquire, fecond Son of the faid ii^tt.'(7;Y/ Lord Vifcount Radcliffe and Langley, for his Life, without Im-- peachment of Wafte ; Remainder to the firfl: and other Sons of the laft named Francis Radcliffe, in Tail Male, fucceflively ; Remainder to the third, fourth, fifth, fixth, feventh, eighth, ninth and tenth Sons of the faid Edward^oxd Vifcount Radcliffe Tind Langley, in Tail Male, fucceffively; Remainder to the faid Francis Radcliffe, fecond Son of the laid Francis iLarl of Dcrzuentwater, for his Life, without Im- peachment of Wafte ; Remainder to his firft and other Son and Sons, in Tail Male, fucceffively ; Re- • mainder to the faid Thomas RadcUffe, for his Life, without Impeachment of Wafte; and after his Death . to his firft and other Son and Sons, in Tail Male, fucceffively ; Remainder to the faid JVilUam Radcliffe, for his Life, without Impeachment or Wafte ; Remainder to his firft and other Sons, in Tail Male, luc-

ceffively ; Remainder to the faid Arthur Radcliffe, for his Life, without Impeachment of Watte ; Remain-

der to his firft and other Sons, in Tail Male, fucceffively ; Remainder to the Heirs of the Body of the faid Francis Earl of Deriventiuater ; Remainder to the right Heirs of the fame jPrflKm Earl of Deriventivater for ever: And whereas the faid Francis Earl of Deriventivater is long fince dead ; and upon his Death the faid £'(7t.c.V7r('/ called Yxfcount Radcliffe and Langley, his Son and Heir, became Earl of Deriuentivatcr; and the faid Edward is alfo long fince dead ; and upon his Death the faid James RadcUffe, his Son and Heir, . became Earl of Deriventivater : And whereas by Indentures of Leafe and Releafe, the Leafe bearing Date the Day next before the Day of the Date of the Releafe ; and the Releafe being Sextipartite, bearing , Date the twenty-fourth Day of yz;;7(?. Anno Domini one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, and made betv/een Jamcsl^t.^ Earl of Deriventwater, of the firft Part ; Sir John Webhe, Baronet, and the Honourable Dame Barbara his' Wife, and Anna Maria Webbe, eldeft Daughter of the faid Sir John Webbc,' of the fe- cond Part ; the Right Honourable Other Earl of Plymouth, and the Right FJonourable iv/t7;(.7r^ Earl of . Scarboroifgh, of the third Part ; the Right Honourrble Thomas Lord Vifcount Falconberge, and John Rad- , clijfe of London, Doclor in Phyfick, of the fourth Part ; the Right Honourable JFilliam Lord IViddringtan, (who was afterwards attainted of High Treafon) and Nevil Aidley, Gentleman, of the fifth Part; and. tie Honomshls Francis RadcUffe ?,nd Charles Radcliffe, Efquires, Brothers of the faid James late Earl of . I^erwcntivater, of the fixtii Part ; in Confideration of a Marriage then intended, and which fooji after took EfFeci:, and was folemnized between X.& fs.d James "Earl of Derivemvate.r ■and Anna Maria iVcbbe ; and: for other Confiderations in the faid Indenture of fix Parts mentioned ; all that the Barony, Manor or Lordlhip of Langley, with the Rights, Members -and Appurtenances thereof, in the County of Northim;^ berland; and all and fingular Mefluages, Farms, Lands, Tenements and Hcrcditair.ents whatfoever, Pa-t. C c 3 '• and