A. D. 1749. Anno vicefimo fecundo GeorgiiII. C. 52. 197 given and referved to him in and by a Settlement made on his Marriage with the Lady Mary Tuder, did grant, hmit and appoint an Annuity or yeaily Rent Charge of two hundred Pounds unto, and for the Benefit of his youngeft Son Charles RadcUjfe^ during his Life, payable half-yearly, and charged upon, and ifl'uing out of divers Manors, Lands, 'renements and Hereditaments, in the County of Northumber- land, therein particularly defcribed as Part of the Premiffes herein before mentioned : And whereas the faid Edivard E,3.r of Dcrzvetjtwater left IfTue three Sons, videlicet, ^fS'TOff' late-Earl of Dcrwentivater, the faid Francis Radcliffe and Charles Radcliffe, who was born after the firfl recited Settlement; and whereas the faid Francis Radcliffe, the Second Son of the faid Edward Earl of Dcrwentivater, and the faid Francis Radcliffe 2.n6 Thomas Radcliffe, two of the younger Sons of the faid Francis Ezr of Deriventwater, all died without Iffue in the Life-time of the faid "James Earl of Derwenwater : And whereas the faid James late Earl ol Derwentivater was attainted of High Treafon, after the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen, and before the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand leven hundred and eighteen ; (that is to fay) on or about the ninth Day of February one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen, and on the tv^enty-fourth of the fame February was executed ; and the faid Anna Maria his Wife, late Countefs of Deriuentivater, died on or about the nineteenth Day of Auguji one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-three; and the f-A James aX.t Earl of Dcrwentivater left Iffue by the faid Anna Maria one Son named Jolm, and one Daughter named Anna Maria: And whereas the laid JVilliam Radcliffe and Arthur i2Wir///fi? died without Iffue fince the faid Attainder : And whereas the faid Charles Radcliffe -wtis -aXfo at- tainted of High Treafon, after the twenty-fourth Day of y«/z^ one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen,, and before the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and eighteen ; that is to fay, one the eighteenth Day of May in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen ; and the faid Charles Radcliffe was, on the eighth Day of December one thoufand feven himdred and forty-fix, ex- ecuted for the Treafon by him committed as aforefaid : And whereas by an A£t made in the firft Year of the Reign of his late Majefty Kirig George the Firft (intituled. An Atl for appointing Commiff.oners to iQ^^, i. c, ,.,, inquire of the EJlates of certain Traitors, and of Popijh Recifants, and of EJiates given to fuperjlitious Ufes, in order to raife Money out of them feverally for the UJc of the Publick) it was enafted. That all and every the Caftles, Honours, Lordfhips, Manors, R'leffuages, Lands, Tenements, Renvs, Reverfions, Services, Remainders, PoOeffions, Royalties, Franchifes, Jurifdidions and Privileges whatfoever, and all Appur- tenances to them, or any of them belonging, or any wife appertaining; and all Rights of Entry, Rights ef AcSion, Titles, Conditions, Ufes, Trufts, Powers and Authorities ; and all Leafes for Life, Lives or Years, Penfions, Annuities, Rents, Charges and Hereditaments whatfoever, and of what Nature or Kind foever, in Great Britain, Ireland, or elfevvhere, whereof any Perfon or Peribns who, fince the twenty- fourth Day of June in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen, had been attainted, or before the twenty-fourth Day of Jtme in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and eigh- teen, fliould he attainted for High Treafon committed before the firft Day of June one thoufand fsven hundred and fixteen, within Great Britain or elfewhcre, was, were, or fhould have been feifed or poffeffed of, or interefted in, or intitled unto, on the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen, or at any Time afterwards, in his, her or their own Right, or to his, her or their own Ufe, or whereof any other Perfon or Perfons was, weie, or fhould have been feifed or poffeffed of, or intereftcd in, to the Ufe of, or in Truft for them, or any of them, on the faid twenty-fjurth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen, or at any Time afterwards, fhould ftand and be forfeited to his Ma- lefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and fliould be deemed, vefted and adjudged to be in the adtual and lea! Pofteffion of his Majefty, without any Office or Inquifition thereof, thereafter to be taken or found; all which faid Caftles, Honours, Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Reverfions, Hereditaments and other •the Premiffes, according to the feveral and refpeflive Eftates and Interefts, which the faid Perfons attainted, or to be attainted, within fuch Days and Times as aforefaid, or any in Truft for them, or any of tlicm, or to their or any of their Ufe or Ufes, had, or fhould have had therein as aforefaid, were thereby de- clared and enaited to be fo vefted in his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, for the Ufe of the Publick ; And to the Intent that the fame, and the Profits and Proceed thereof, fhould be difpofed and applied to the Ufe and Benefit of the Publick, and in Eafe of his Majefty's good Subjeifs, according to fuch Act and Aifts of Parliament as fliould thereafter be made and paffed in that Behalf; and that where any of the Perfon or Perfons attainted, or to be attainted, within fuch Days and Times as aforefaid, were feifed of an Eftate Tail in Pofltffion, in any fuch Caftles, Honours, Manors, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Hereditaments, or other the Premiffes, the fame were thereby enacted and declared to be vefted in his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, in Fee-fimple, to the end the fame might be abfolutely fold, dif- pofed or applied, according to fuch Adt or Ads of Parliament as fhould thereafter be made in that Behalf;. and all and every Perfon and Perfons (other than and except all fuch forfeiting Perfons as aforefaid, and the Heirs, Executors, Adminiftrators and Afligns of every of them ; and all Perfons having or claiming any thing in the Premiffes or any Part thereof, to the Ufe of, or in Truft for any fuch forfeiting Perfons, or their or any of their Heirs, Executors or Adminiftrators ; and fuch Perfons who had or might claim any Eftate, which v/as in Reverfion or Remainder, expe£tant on the Determination of any Eftate Tail, whereof a forfeiting Perfon was feifed as aforefaid, on the faid twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand ftven hundred and fifteen, or at any Time fince, always excepted) having any Eftate, Right, Title, In- tereft, Ufe, Truft, Poffeffion, Reverfion, Remainder, Office, Annuity, Service, Rent, Debt, Benefit, Charge or Incumbrance in Law or Equity, in, to, out of, or upon any Caftles, Honours, Manors, Mef- fuages, Lands, Tenem.ents, Rents, Hereditaments or Real Eftate, or any ocher. the Premifies in Great Britain, Ireland or elfewhere, therein before vefted in his Majefty, by or under any Settlement, Convey- ance, Judgment, Statute, P.ecognizance, Extent or other Debt, Charge or Incumbrance, affefling the fame Eftate, before the refpeilive Days and Times whereon the fame were vefted in his Majefty as afore- ^■iaidj were, on or before the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and feventeen (and , *■ which