9 Geo, I, c, isfi A. D. 1749. Anno viceiimo fecundo Georgii ir, ■ C. 52, 199 ' ditainents, comprized in the fiiid Indenture of Releafe of the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand '■ fcven hundred and twelve (fubjeifi: to the aforcfaid Rent Charge, and to the faid Term of two hundn d ' Years, and the Trufts thereof) as the Right and Inheritance of him the faid Claimant, and the Heirs ' Male of his Body : Which Claims coming afterwards on to be heard before the faid Com.miffioners, the ' Cbim made by the faid John RadcUjfe to the Manors, Lands and Hereditaments, comprized iii the faid ' Settlement of the twenty-fourth Day of March one thoufand fix hundred and ninety-one, was allowed ; ' and the Claim made by him to the Manors, Lands and Hereditaments, comprifed in the faid Settlement ' of the twenty- fourth Day of y««^ one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, was difmifled : But the Decree ' made by the faid Commiffioners for difmifling the fame was, upon an Appeal made to the Court of De- ' legates, appointed by his faid lateMajefty by virtue of the faid recited Act, made in the fourth Year of ' his Reign, reverfed, and the faid laft-mentioned Claim was, by the faid Court allowed : And whereas by ' an Aft made in the ninth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King George the Firil: (intituled, ' An Aft to continue the Duties for Ev.com-agement of the Coinage of Mon'iei ; and for ivf/z't/" a/" William late ' ilflJY/ Widdrington ; and to prevent foreign Lotteries he'mg carried on in thisKingd.om; andforafcertjiningthe ' Duties on Bound Books imported; and for ijji'.ing Certificates and Debentures for Arrears due to five Regiments, ' 10 be fatisfied by Atmuities therein tnentioned ; and for dijcharging the Duties of Rock Salt loft on the Rivers ' Weaver and R4ercy ; and for limiting the Times of Continuance of CommiJJioners for forfeited Ejiates in Eng- ' land and Scotland refpe^ivcly ; and for appropriating tiie Supplies granted to his Majefty in this SeJJion of Par- ' a anient ; and to reilify Mifnomers and Omijfwns of Coinnnjfioners for the Land Tax in the Year one thoufand ' feven hundred and twenty-three) after reciting, That all the Claims entered before the Commiflio«ers and ' Truftees in England ware heard and determmed, and the Appeals from the Decrees of the faid Commif- ' fioners and Truftees in ii';?^/;?;?;-/ were alfo finally determined, it was enacted, That the forfeited Eftates ' in England, by any former Act or A6ts of Parliament vefted in the faid Commiffioners and Truftees, which ' lliould remain unfold from and after the twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and ' twenty-three, were thereby diverted out of the faid Commiffioners and Truftees, and vePted in the King's ' Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, for the Ufe of the Publick : And whereas by Indenture bearing Date ' the twenty -eighth Day oi September, Anno Domini one thoufand feven hundred and twenty -three, and ' made or mentioned to be made between the faid George Gregory, Sir Thomas Hales, Henry Cuninghain, ' Denis Bo7id, John Birch, and SW John Eyles, Commiffioners and Truftees, nominated and appointed for '■ putting in Execution the Powers and Authorities relating to the forfeited Eftates in England nnd Ireland, '■ enadled by the tv/o Afts of Parliament herein firft-mentioned, of the one Part, and JFilUam S?nith of Bil~ ■ liter Square, London, Efquir?, of the other Part, reciting the Marriage-Settlement of the (aid James late • Earl oi Derwentwatcr ; and that the Eft-ate for Lii'e fo limited, as aforefaid to ihe faid Charles RadcUffe, of • and in all and fingular the faid Premiffes mentioned in the faid recited Settlement of the twenty-fourth ■ Day of y?.!/?^ one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, in Remainder, after the Death of the [Mdjohii ■ RaelcUffe without Ifilie Male of his Body, was vefted in the faid Commiffioners and Truftees for the Ufes ■ in the faid A6fs mentioned ; and that the Reverfion in Fee of the fame Premifles, fo litnited to the right Heirs of the faid James late Earl of Derwentivater, was alfo vefted in the faid Commiffioners and Truftees for the fame Ufes, the faid George Gregory, Sir Tbo?nas Hales, Henry Cuningham, Denis Bond, John Birch, and Sir John E-lcs, purfuant to the faid Act of Parliament of the fourth Year of his faid late Majefty, and ' in Execution of the Truft thereby in them repofed, and of the Powers and Authorities to them, or any four or more of them, thereby given ; and for and in Confideration of one thoufand and fixty Pounds, for which the faid iVilUam Smith contrafted with the faid Commiffioners and Truftees for the Purchafe of all and fmgular the Premiffes, during the Life of the faid Charles RadcUffe, without Impeachment of Waftc, and for and during fo long as the faid Charles RadcUffe fhould have Iffue Male of his Body, in Remainder, expe6lant on the Death of the faid John RadcUffe without Iffue Male; and alfo the Reverfion in Fee of and in the fiiid Premiffjs limited to the faid James late Earl of Derzuentivater, did bargain and fell ail Ij and fingular the faid Barony, Manors, Lordftiips, Rectories, Parfonages, Mines, Collieries, Meffijages, li Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, and Premiffes, comprized in the faid Indenture of Releafe, bearing Date the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, and every Part and Parcel thereof, with their and every of their Appurtenances, unto the faid JVilUam Smith (whom the faid Com- miffioners and Truftees did declare and confirm the Purchafer thereof, he having bid moft for the fam.e on the publick Sale, by Cantor Auftion had for that Purpofe, according to the laft-mentioned Ait of Parlia- ment) and his Heirs, to hold to him, his Heirs and Affigns (in cafe the faid John RadcUffe fhould happen to die without Heirs Male of his Body begotten) for and during the natural Life of the faid Charles Rad- cUffe, without Impeachment of Wafte ; and for and during fo long as the faid Charles RadcUffe fhould have Heirs Male of his Body, lav/fully to be begotten ; and on Failure of Iflue Male of the faid Charles RadcUffe, to hold the fame Premifles unto the faid William Smith, his Heirs and Affigns, to the Ufe of him, his Heirs and Affigns, for ever : And whereas by another Indenture, bearing Date the faid twenty- eighth Day of Ssptember one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-three, and made between the fixme Com- miffioners and Truftees, of the one Part; and the faid IFiUiam Smith, of the other Part; reciting the Settlement of the twenty-fourth- Day oi March one thoufand fix hundred and ninety-one; and that by the Attainder of the faid James late Earl oi' Derwentivater, and the Ait of Parliament afore-mentioned, the Reverfion in Fee, of all the Premifles in the faid Settlement comprized, was vefted in the faid Com- miffioners and Truftees ; and by the Attainder of the faid Charles RadcUffe, and the faid A£t of Parlia- rnent, the Remainder in Tail, limited to him in the fame Premifles, expeftant on the Death of the faid John R.adcUffe without Iffue Male of his Body, was alio vefted in the (aid Commiffioners and Truftees, the faid George Gregory, Sir Thomas Hales, Henry Cunimjjam, Denis Bond, John Birch, and Sir John _ Eyles, in Execution of the Powers and Authorities afore-mentioned ; and for and in Confideration of one thoufand and fixty Pounds, for which ihz{ald William Smith contraded with them, not only for the Pur- ' chafe