Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/255

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A. D. i749» Anno vlcefimo fecundo Georgii IL. C. 52. 21 z Directors,' or any fev«n or more of tliem fhall think fit, in the Place of all and every the Perfon and Per- XIII. And it is hereby enafted and declared. That from and immediately after every fuch Nomination, The Lanjs to all and'hngular the Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments and Powers herein before limited and veil m ilu- jointr given to the faid Archibald HamUion., Qharks Smith, James Gunman, Sir Johyi Thompfon, Sir James Creed, Peter Burrdl, William Fawkcuer, William Baxter, Edward Vernon, Thomas Ripley, David Cockbiirn, James Spilman, Williun Alli>:, Fit%vjlUani Plumptre, Williai.'i Totaig and Francis Danjays, and their Heirs as afore- liid ftall be, well vefted in the Perl^ns who, from time to time, fhall be fo nominated as aforefaid, jointly with the Survivors of the faid Truftees, or fuch other Perfons as aforefaid, and in their Heirs, in Trufl for the faid Commiflioners, or Governors and Direftors of the faid Hofpital, as fully and effeftually, to all In- tents and Purpofes, as if the Perfons to be fo nominated as aforefaid, had been adfually named in this Acr, and the faid Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments and Powers had been hereby limited and given to them and the Survivors of the faid Truftees, or fuch other Perfons as aforefaid, and their Heirs. XIV. And it is hereby declared. That the faid Term of five hundred Years is fo limited to the faid Charles The Term of DuV-C qi Richmond ^rA Lenox, znd Henry Fox, their Executors, Adminiftrators and Affigns, upon Trufl, 5°°^J^^"l^'^- that they the faid Charles Duke of PJchmond and Lenox, and Henry Fox, and the Survivor of them, and the jjjjj^^of Ri";.},. Executors, Adminiftrators and Afiigns of fuch Survivor, do and fhall by Dem.ife or Mortgage of the Manors, „««(] and Henry Mefiua^'iS, Lands, Tenements and PJereditaments, comprized in the faid Term, or of a competent Part Fcx Efquire in thereof, for all or any Part of the faid Term, levy and raife the full Sum of thirty thoufand Pounds of "ruft, lawful R^oney of Great Britain, and do and fliall by and out of the Rents, Ifuies and Profits of the faid Ma- '° ("'intcreft""!'" nors. Lands, Tenem.ents and Hereditaments, levy and raife In tereft for the fame, from the twenty-ninth 'jj. (^^.j^^] Day of Sf/;cv«ier .one thoufand feven hundred and forty-eight, at the Rate of four Pounds p^r Cf«';,'?« /i^r Anrum, until the faid Principal Sum fliall be levied and raifed ; and do and fhall pay the Sum of fix thou- 6,oool. thereof fand Pounds, Part of the faid Principal Sum of thirty thoufand Pounds, and Interefi: for the fame at the ^° te paid to the Rate aforefaid, from the twenty-iiflh Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-nine, unto the j^adj'ijj^j.'"^""" faid Lady Charlotte RadcUffe, Lady Barbara Radcliffe, and Lady Mary RadcUjfe, equally to be divided among baraVadclifiV ' them Shaie and Share alike, the Parts and Shares of the faid 1^2,^^ Charlotte RadcUffe, and Lady 5i7)-irt?v.' and Mary Rad- RadcYiffe, to be paid as foon as may be after the faid thirty thoufand Pounds fliall have been fo levied and cliffe, &c. raifed, and in the mean Time to be confidered as veiled Interefts rei'pe6tively, and to go to their feveral Ex- ecutoi s, Adminiftrators and Afiigns refpecSively ; and the Part or Share of the faid Lady Mary RadcUffe, to Difpofition of be paid at her Age of eighteen Years, or Day of Marriage, which fhall firft happen: IJut if the faid Lady LadyMa.yRad- . . ~ - _ . -..---„, -.-JVIar- to be divided between them Share and Share alike, and their relpective Shares therein to be confidered as riage. vefced Interefts, in like manner ; and as to the Principal Sum of twenty-four thoufand Pounds, Refidue of Truftees to !n- the faid Prmcipal Sum of thirty thoufand Pounds, upon Truft, that they the faid Charles Duke of Richmond yea :i^,ooo I. in and Lenox, znA Henry Fox, and the Survivor of them, and the Executors, AdminifLtators and Afiigns of *^P"''":^ fuch Survivor do and fliall, from time to time, lay out and inveff the faid Principal Sum of twenty- four ^,"" ^" cocks, thoufand Pounds, either in the publick Funds, or in the Purchafe of Parliamentary Stocks, or do and fhall place out the fame at Intereft upon Government Securities ; and upon furtheir Truff, that they the faid CZ'or/^j Duke o^ Richmond lind Lenox, and Henry Fox, and the Survivor of them, and the Executors and Adminiflrators of fuch Survivor do and ftiall pay the Intereft of the faid Principal Sum of twenty-four and to pay in- thoufand Pounds from the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-nine, un- tt^reifor the til the fame fhall be levied and raifed by them, and the Interefi of the faid whole Principal Sum of thirty [^^I'^o"^ «'• thoufand Pounds, from the faid twenty-ninth Day oi September one thoufand feven hundred and forty- ^'ipji^f-o o'col, eight, to the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-nine ^and alfo from j^jjj.g(^ ^f time to time pay the Interefi, Dividends, annual Proiits and Proceed, which fhall at any Time or Times 24,000!. to be arife by or in refpecl of the faid Principal Surh of twenty-four thoufand Pounds, after the fame fhall be le- paid to James vied and raifed by them, and of the Stocks, Funds and Securities, in which the fame fhall or may be in- E^rthoiomew vefled imto the 'i^'ffjames Barthohmeiv RadcUffe and his AiTigns, during his natural Life, for liis and their ?^.^'!5'li"]'^. own fole Ufe and benefit, and from and after the Deceafe of the faid James Bartholomew RadcUffe, then do "^ ""^ ^^' aiid fliall pay the Intcrefi:s, Dividends, annual Profits and Proceed, which fliall at any Time or I'imes there- after arife by or in refpedlof the faid Principal Sum, Stocks, Funds and Secuiities, unto the firfl Son of the faid yames Bartholomew RadcUffe, lawfully to be begotten, to and for his own Ufe and Benefit, until he ftall attain the Age of twenty-one Years, or fhall die under that Age without Ifl'ue of his Body ; and in cafe fuch firft Son of the faid James Bartholomew RadcUffe fliall attain his Age of tv/enty-orie Years, then that the faid Truftees fcnll pay, aif:gn, transfer and make over the faid Principal Sum, and the Stocks, Funds and Securities, in which the fame fhall or may be invefted, to fuch firft Son of the faid Jaines Bartholomevj RadcUffe, his Ex- ecutors and Adminiftrators, for his and their own fole Ufe and Benefit ; but in cafe fuch fiift Son fhall hap- pen to die under the Age of twenty-one Years without IfTueof his Body, that then they the faid Truftees do and fhall pay the Intereft, Dividends, annual Profits and Proceed of the Principal Sum, Stocks, Funds and Securities unto the fecond Son of the faid James Bartholomew RadcU/J'e, lawfully to be begotten, to and for his ov.'n Ufe and Benefit, until he fliall attain the Age of twenty-one Years, or fhall die under that Age without IfFue of his Body ; and in cafe fuch fecond Son of the faid James Bartholctneiv RadcUffe fhall attain his Age of twenty-one Years, then that the, faid Truftees fliall pay, aflign, transfer and make over the faid Piincipal Sum, and the Stocks, Funds and Securities, in which the fame fnall or may be in- vefted, to fuch fecond Son of the faid James Bartholomevj RadcUffe, his Executors and Adminiftrators, for his and their ov/n fole Ufe and Benefit; but in cafe fuch fecond Son ftall happen to die under the Age of twenty-one Years w"ithout IiTue of his Body, that then they the faid Charles Duke of Richmond and Lenox, E e 2 and