Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/26

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. nance for the younger Sons and Daughter of Sir Thomas Heatkcote Baronet. 9. An Aft for verting divers Manors and Lands in the Coun- ties of Lancajier and Chcjler^ dcvifed by the Will of the late Sir John i?/,7«^ Baronet, dcceafed, in the prefent Sir John Bland^ in Fee-fimple, difchaigedof the IVuft of the laid Will, and for fettling an Eftate in the County of Yorkt in lieu thereof, and in Exchange for the lame. 10. An Act for Sale of Part of the intailed Eflate of Sir George Macklnzie Knight deceafed, lying in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, and for purchafing other Eftates to be fettled to the fame Ufes, and for other Pur- ^ pofes therein mentioned. 11. An Act for vefiing divers Lands and Hereditaments in the County of Oxford, devifed by the Will and Codicil of Nathaniel Bacon Efquire, deceafed, in Edivard Bacon Efquire, in Fee-fuiiple, and for fettling an Eftate in the County of Norfolk, of greater Value to the Uies limited by the fame Will and Codicil. 52. An A6t to impower the Guardians oi WilUamWyndham Efquire, an Infant, to make Leafes and Copyhold Grants of his Eftates, in the Manor of Uphaven, and in Litfton and Qdcomhe in the Counties of Wilts and Somerfet, dur- ing his Minority. 13. An A£t for Sale of the Moiety of the Manor oi Icomhe, Part of the fettled Eftate of Richard Hopton Efquire, and others, and laying out the Money arifing thereby in the Purchafeof an entire Eftate, to be fettled to the fame Ufes. 14. An Aft to impower the Committee or Committees of Thomas Southccte Efquire, a Lunatick, for the Time be- ing, to make Leafes and Copyhold Grants of his P'.ftates, in the Counties of Berks, Effex and Suny, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. 15. An Aft for vefting the Real Eftate oi [Fill! am Barnejley Efquire, deceafed, in Truftees, for the Benefit of W^////- am Barnejly Efquire, his only Son and Heir, who is a Lunatick ; and for raifing Money to pay the Cofts of fe- veral Suits and Proceedings at Law, and in Equity, brought for Recovery of the faid Eftate. 16. An Aft for vefting the Manor of Stepney, and divers Lands and Hereditaments in the Parifti of Stepney, in the County of Middle/ex, comprized in the Marriage Settle- ment of John Wicker Efquire, in him and his Heirs, and for fettling Lands in the Counties of Sujfex, Surrey and Kent, in lieu thereof, to the Uies of that Settlement. 17. An Aft to in.power John Prejhn Merchant, to make a Jointure on any future Marriage. rS. An Aft to enable the Commiflioners for executing the Office of Trcafurcr of his Majefty's Exchequer, or the Lord High Treafurer for the time being, to compound with George Whitehead of Briflol, Merchant, and his Sureties, John Whitehead 7mA Thomas Whitehead, a Debt due to the Crown for Cuftoms for Tobacco. !g. An Aft to diflblve the Marriage of Daniel Lafeelles of London, Merchant, with Elizabeth Southivicke, his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. 20, An Aft to diflblve the Marriage of Thomas Benfon Gen- tleman, with Jane Board his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again, and for other Purpofes iherein men- tioned. 2 1. An Aft to enable his Majefty to gr^nt the Inheritance of the Manor of CriJn;A,'?Z('/, in the County of Z/?i«/«, to Truftees, in Trult for Thomas Orh Hunter Efquire, and his Heirs, upon a full and valuable ConHideration to be paid for the fame. 22. An Aft to extinguifli the Rig'it of the Lord of the Ma- nor of Omhcrjley, in the County of Worce/lcr, of keeping a Warren for Conies on Linall Common, the Birchin Val- ley, and the Lyth, and for i'ecuring to the iuid Lord the Rent now paid for the fame; and for annexing and uni- ting tlir faid Birchin Valley to feveral ancient Copyholds, or cui'omary Tenements, within the faid Manor. 23. An Act for dividing and inclofing the Common Fields. and Common Meadows of Narboroiv, otherwife Narbo~ rough, in the Couiny of Leiccjler. 24. An Aft for confirming Articles of Agreement, and art Award, for inclofing and dividing certain Waftes and Commons in the Manor of Ridley, in the County of Northumberland. 25. An Aft for dividing and inclofing the Common Fields, Common Paftures, Common Meadows, CommonGrounds and Wafte Grounds, in the Hamlet of Drayton, within the Parifh of Daventry, in the County of Northampton. 26. An Aft for eftabliihing and rendering efieflual certain Articles of Agreement, for the inclofing and dividing the Commons and Wafte Grounds in theTownfhips of Snaithy Coiuick and Rawcliffe, in the County of York. 27. An Aft for inclofing and dividing Wytham on the Hilt Infield, in the County of Lincoln, and for fettling a Sti- pend on the Vicar in lieu of Glebe and Tythes. 28. An Aft to impower Richard Chandler Efquire, and Eli- zabeth his Wife, and their IfTue, to take and ufe the Sur- name of Cavendijh^ 29. An Aft to enable John Cave, now called John Eroivne^ and his IfTue, to take and ufe the Surname of Broivne. 30. An- Aft to enable Michael Archer Efquire, and his IfTue Male, to take and ufe the Surname of Newton only, and to take and ufe the Coat of Arms of the Family of New- ton. 31. An Aft for naturalizing Jane Magdalen Robelon, 32. An Aft for naturalizing Francis Degcn. 33. An KQl fox UTAxixzWlAW^ John Matthias Miller. 34. An Aft for naturalizing Frederick TVilliam Coynmerell^ John Anthony Toopkin and Chrijjian Gottlieb Mofer. 35. An AS: for ns.tu:aizing Chri/lian Samuel Geledneki. 36. An Aft for naturalizing Philip Dencyer.. 37. An Aft for naturalizing James Fremeaux Merchant. 38. An Aft for naturalizing Andreiu Girardot. 39. An Aft for naturalizing Peter Auriol and David Pralvicl of London, Merchants. 40. An Aft for naturalizing Andreiu Annibal Legiies, and Frederick Charles Augujlus Blomberg. 41. An Aft for naturalizing Johan Meylohm, PUBLICK ACTS. Anno 26 Geo. II, N Aft for continuing and granting to his Majefty ^ ^ certain Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Per- ry, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven him- drcd and fifty-three; and for enlarging the Time limited by an Aft of the laft Seflion of Parliament, for fubfcri- bing Annuities, after the Rate of three Pounds per Cen- tum per Annum, into the joint Stock of Annuities therciii mentioned. 2. An A'ft to amend an Aft made in the eighth Year of the Reign of his late Majefly King George the Firft, intitul- ed, An Ail for the better Recovery of the Penalties infiicled upon Perfcns who dejlroy the Game, by enlarging the'Time vithin which Suits and Aftions are to be brought by Force of the faid Aft. 3, An Aft for continuing the Duties upon Salt, and upon Red and Vv'Jiite Herrings, for the Purpofes therein men- tioned. . An Aft for granting an Aid to his Majefty by a Land Tax, to be railed in Great Britain, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-three. 5. An Aft for punifning IMutiny and Defcrtion ; and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters. 6. An Aft to oblige Ships tr.ore eifeflually tp perform their Quarentincj