226 C. i^, i6. Anno viceiimo tertio Georgii II. A. D. 1750. '* be entered in the Rcgifter's Office of the County of Middle/ex, &c. Upon Payment or Tender of the " Purchare-Money, the Dean and Chapter may enter on the Premifies, and convert the fame into a Market. " NoLeafes to be for !cfs than the Rents heretofore paid for the Market in the Round TVool/iupU, {jft." CAP. XV. An A(5l for taking down feveral Buildings, and inlarging the Streets and Market Places in the City of Gloucejicr. P R.
- Tl^/'HEREAS theTrade and Inhabitants of the City o'i Gloucejlerh^ve of late Years greatly increafed:
'■ VV And whereas in the four chief Streets of the faid City commonly called £fly?g-(7/^ Sfr^r/, JVeftgate
- Street^ Northgatc Street and Soiithgate Street, and where the Markets are iifually kept, there are are feveral
' old Houfes or Tenements, Stalls and Buildings, fome of which ftand in the Middle of the faid Streets,
- and the reft of them jet out, projeift, and are extending irregularly beyond the Range or Sides of the faid
- Streets, towards the Middle thereof refpeftivtly ; whereby the Area of, or Places ufed for the Markets of
' the faid Town are greatly flraitened and confined, and the Paffage of Carriages, Korfes, Cattle and Pe:- ' fons, in, and through the fame, is very much obftruiSed, and rendered diffi.cult and dangerous : And whereas ' by taking down the feveral Ploufes or Tenements, Stalls and Buildings aforefaid, the faid Streets will be
- greatly opened, and rendered much more commodious for the PaiTagc of Carriages and Foot PalTengcrs,
' and for the holding and keeping t^e Fairs and Markets, and carrying on the Trade and Bufincfs of the ' faid City ; and the Owners of fuch Houfes or Tenements, Stalls and Buildings, or the greateft Part of ' them, are willing to fell and difpofe of the fame, in order that they may be taken down for the Purpofts
- aforefnid : But as feveral of the faid Houfes or Tenements, Stalls and Buildings, and the Site and Soil of
- the fame refpeftively, belong to, and are the Eftates and Property of Ecclefialtical and other incorporated
- Bodies, Femes Covert, Infants and others, who by Law are difabled to make an abi'olu'.e Sale and Con-
- veyance thereof in Fee-fimple, the fame cannot be applied and diipofed of tor the Purpofes aforefaid
- v/ithout the Aid and Authority of Parliament ;' May it therefore pleafe your Majefty, That it may be
enafted, &c. " Commiffioners impowered to contraft for the Purchafe of fuch Houfes and Grounds as are defcribed in " the Schedule. Perfons interefled, impowered to make Sale thereof. If any refufe to treat, or if the fame " be the Property of Infants not having Guardians, the Commiffioners are to iffue Warrants to the Sheriff, " to return a Jury, who fliall inquire upon Oath into the Damages and Recompence, and their Verclifts to " be binding to all Parties. 3 Days Notice to be given of the Commiffioners and Jury's Meeting. The Pur- " chafe-money of the Eftates of Infants and Femes Covert, i^c. to be paid to the Mayor and Burgeffes of " Gloucejicr. Upon Payment Or Tender of the Purchafe-money, the Commiffioners may caufe the Buildings " to be taken down, and the Ground to be ufed as a Highway. The Purchafe-money of the Eftates of " Infants and Femes Covert, to be laid out in other Purchafes to the fame Ufes j and till Purchafes can be " made, the Money is to :be put out to Interefl, i^c. CAP. XVI. An A 61 for granting to his Majefty the Sum of one million, to be raifed by Annuities 3t three Pounds per Cenhini per Annum, and charged on the Sinking Fund, transferrable at the Bank of E^'gland. , Mojl Gracious Sovereign. WE, your Majefly's mofl dutiful and loyal Subjefls, the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament af- _ fembled, being defirous to raife the necefiary Supplies which we have chearfully granted to your Ma- jefty, in the eafieft Manner we are able for the Benefit of your Subjefts, have freely and voluntarily given The Sum cf ^'id granted, and by this Act do give and grant unto your Majefty the Sum of one million, to be raifed in i,ooo,cocil. fuch Manner and Form as is herein after direfled ; and to that End do mofl: humbly befeech your Majefty, grante,! to his that it may be enafted ; and be it enabled by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice "J'^'J'- and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled. The Annuities aJid by the Authority of the fame, That the Annuities which by this A£l fhall be granted and made payable payable in re- in refpeft of the faid principal Sum of one million, until Redemption thereof by Parliament, in Manner herein bTdiareed"'^' '" ^'^.-^entioned, fhall, from and after the Feaft Day of the Annunciation of the Bkifed Virgin Mary, theSiniiing" which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thousand feven hundred and fifty, be charged and chargeable Fiiiid. upon, and payable out of the R'lonies which, from and after the faid Feaft Day, fh.ill, from time to time, arile and be remaining in the Receipt of his Majcfty's Exchequer, of or for the Surplufles, Excefles or Overplus Monies of the Fund, commonly called the Sinking Fund ; and the faid Surpluses, ExcelTes or' Overplus Monies are hereby appropriated for that Purpofe accordingly. 'j Natives or Fo- H- And for or towards raifing the faid Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding in the whok the faid Sunt' reigners may of One million, for the Purpofes aforefaid. Be it further enafted by the Authority aforeiaid. That it Hiall and' ""!-'""■ '" may be lawful to and for any Perfon or Perfons, Natives or Foreigners, Bodies Politick or Corpor.ue, to I oco'ccoT contribute, advance and pay to the Firft or Chief Caftiier or Cafliicrs of the Governor and Company of the ' ' Bank of England for the time being, at or before the refpeclivc Days and Times by this A6f limited in ttiat Behalf, any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding in the "Whole the faid Sum of one million, for the' forihe Purchafe Purchafe of any Annuity or Annuities, to commence from the faid Feaft of the Annunciation of the Bleffed •f Annuities. Virgin Mary in the faid Year one thouland feven hundred and fifty, and to be paid and payable to fuch Contiibutor or Contributors, or fuch as he, fhc or they fhall nominatCj his, her or their Executors, Admi- lii'.hators,