25 2 C. 25. Anno vicefimo terdo Georgii IF. A. D. 1750. accounted for as aJfo the yearly Intercfl-, Dividends and Proceed, which flial! arife or be prodaced from the Surplus Cafli in the Part of the Re- Bank oF England, as afoiefaid, (hall, from time to lime, as the fame lliall con-.e in and be received, be: ilkie;', venue of the paid, applied, and accounted for, together with and as Part of the ordinary Income and Revenue of the i/.,- Hanaperj nape;- Office, to and for fuch and the fame Ends, Intents and Purpofes, and in fuch and the fame Manne , as the Income and Revenue of the faid Office hath, from time to time, been ifiued, paid, applied, and ac- andi,2ooI. to counted for; and alfo for the Payment of the yearly Sum of twelve hundred Pounds, to the Mafter or the Maftei- of Keeper of the Rolls for the time being, by equal Half-yearly Payments, at or on the tv/enty-fifth Day of the Rolls. March, and" the twenty -iiinth Day of Septe?nher in every Year ; the firft Payment thereof to begin and be made at or on the twenty-ninth Day of September, which will be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fe- ven hundred raid fifty. Clerk of the VII. And be it further enafted. That in cafe the yearly Income and Revenue of the faid Office of Keeper Hanaper to ac- Qf Clerk of the Hanc.per augmented by virtue of this prefent Adi, fl:iall, at any Time or Times hereafter be count for Sur- ^Qj-g jj^^n fufficient to anfwer and pay the faid yearly Sum of twelve hundred Pounds to the Mafter or Keeper ^'^ ^ ' (jf the Rolls for the time being, and alfo the feveral Fees, Salaries and Allowances paid and payable out of the fame as aforefaid, then, and in fuch Cafe, the faid Keeper or Clerk of the Hanaper for the time being, fhall be accountable for fuch Overplus, and upon a Certificate thereof from one of the Auditors of the Im- preft (which Certificate fuch Auditor is hereby authorized and required, from time to time, in every fuch Cafe, to make and tranfmit to the Lord High Treafurer, or Commiffioners of the Treafury for the time being) fuch Overplus {hall, from time to time, as often as it fhall fo happen, be carried on to the Account of the fubfequent Year of the faid Keeper or Clerk of the Uaneiper, who fhall ftand charged therewith, in fuch fubfequent Account, and only fo much of the faid yearly Sum of three thoufand Pounds fhall be paid to the faid Keeper or Clerk of the Hanaper, or his Deputy, for and towards the next fubfequent Payment or Pay- ments, as with fuch Overplus to be afcertained by fuch Certificate as aforefaid, will be fufficient to anfwer and pay the faid yearly Sum of twelve hundred Pounds to the Mafter or Keeper of the Rolls for the time being, and" the feveral Fees, Salaries and Allowances paid and payable out of the fame. Deficiencks in VIII. And it is hereby further enaited. That in cafe the yearly Income and Revenue of the faid Office of the Hanaper Of- Keeper or Clerk of the Hanaper, augmented by virtue of this prefent Aft as aforefaid, faall, at any Time fice, how to be or Times hereafter, fall Thort or prove deficient to anfwer and pay the faid yearly Sum of twelve hundred zrwuegoo . Pounds, to the Mafter or Keeper of the Rolls for the time being, and the feveral Fees, Salaries and Allow- ances paid and payable out of the fame as aforefaid, then and in fuch Cafe, from time to time, as it fhall fo happen, it ftiall and may be lawful to and for the Lord High Treafurer, or Commiffioners of the Treafury, or any three of them for the time being, out of any Money that is or fhall be in the Exchequer, that hath arifen or fnall arife, by and from the faid revived Duties granted and directed to be paid by this ACz, net otherwife applied by Parliament, to direcS fuch Sum and bums of Money not exceeding what fnall have been faved in former Years, by lefs having been paid to the faid Keeper or Clerk of the Hanaper ot his De- puty, th.in the annual Sum of three thoufand Pounds as aforefaid, to be ilTued and paid unto the Keeper or Cleric of the Hanaper for the time being, or his Deputy, as fliall be necefTary for the anfwering and fupply- ingfuch Deficiency, fo from time to time happening, to be afcertained by a Certificate from one of the Au- ditors of the Impreft, to be direcSlcd to the Lord High Treafurer or Commiffioners of the Treafury in that Behalf, in the Manner aforefaid, and that the Receijits of fuch Keeper or Clerk of the Hanaper or his De- puty, fhall be a good and fufficient Difcharge for all fuch Sum and Sums of Money as fliall be fo iffued and paid as aforefaid. Deficiencies of IX. Provided always, and it is hereby enafted and declared. That in cafe the faid revived Duties, and the one Year to be Jntereft' or yearly Proceed of the faid Surplus Cafti in the Bank of England, fhall in any one Year produce Tthc^°Sur°'iuf ^^^' and in another more than the Sum of three thoufand Pounds, then, and in fuch Cafe, from time to fes of another ' time, as it fhall fo happen, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Lord High Treafurer, or Commiifion- Year. "" ers of the Treafury, or any three of them, for the time being, to order fuch Deficiencies to be made good out of fuch SurjilufTes, fo as the whole Money to be iiPued, paid and applied to the Keeper or Clerk of the Elanaper or his Deputy, out of the faid Monies arifing from the faid revived Duties-, and the Intereft and yearly Proceed of the faid Surplus Cafh in the Bank of England., do not one Year with another, exceed the yearly Sum of three thoufand Pounds, defigned to be provided for the faid Off.ce by this Acf. The Surplus of X. And it is hereby further enabled. That all the Refidtie and Sm'plus of the Money arifing by the Duties the Duties to be and oth.r Provifions, given, granted, m.ade or direfted by this Ai£t, which fliill, from time to time remain dupo'ed of by aftep^ and fhall not be iflued and applied in and for the Payment of the feveral yearly and other Sums of " ' ' Money hereby direSed' to be iffued and paid as aforefaid, fliall be, and the fame is hereby referved for the Benefit of the Publick, and fhall not be applied to any other Ufc or Ufes, tlian fuch as fhall be hereafter di- j-eifted by Parliament, CAP.