Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/306

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262 Ci 29. Anno vicefimo tertlo Georcii H, A. D. 1750. ionics iiUo the Port of Londoji; any Law, Statute or Ufage to the contrary thereof in any wife notwith- ftanding. Tcnaltvofex- j}_ ^,^j be it further enafled by the Authority aforefaid, That no fuch Bar Iron fo imported into -the r"i'n'n3r™ri' P° o^ London, ihall be afterwards exported, or flTall be carried Coaftwifc to be landed at any other Port or CoailvvH'c, ex- Place of Great Britain, except for the Ufe of his Majefty's Dock Yards ; upon Pain, that all fuch Bar Iron ccpt for the fo exported or carried Coaftwife, and every Ship or VefTel, on Board of which any iuch Bar Iron (hall be Kind's yaids. {q exported, or carried Coaftwife, {hall be fubjeft to fuch Forfeiture and Seizure, as any prohibited or un- cuftomed Goods, or any Goods clandcftinely exported or imported, or any Ship or VefTel on Board of which any Iuch Goods fhall be exported or imported, are now liable by Law ; and alfo upon Pain, that every Per- fon, fo exporting fuch Bar Iron, or fending the fame Coaftwife, and the Mafter or Commander, and Ma- riners of every Ship or Veflel, on Board of which any fuch Bar Iron Ihall be fo exported or carried Coaft- wile, fliall be fubjeft to fuch and the like Punilhments and Penalties as the Mafter or Commander, or Ma- riners of any Ship or Veflel, laden with any prohibited or uncuftomed Goods, or Goods clandeftinely ex- OfHcer grantlns; ported or imported, are now liable to by Law ; and that no OiBcer of his Majefty's Cuftoras fliall fign or grant anyCocqiietfor any Cocquet, Sufferance, Tranfire, Let-pafs, Warrant or Certificate whatfoever, for exporting or carrying es potting there- Cgaftwifc, except for the Ufe of his Majefty's Dock Yards, any fuch Bar Iron fo imported into the Port of " ' London, upon Pain, that every Officer of his Majefty's Cuftoms, fo offending, fliall forfeit and pay the eo forfeit 200 1. Sum of two hundred Pounds, to be fued for and recovered by Aflion, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at JVeftmi7i/ier, and to be applied, one Moiety to the Ufe of his Majeftjr, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, and the other Moiety to fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall fue for the fame, and Ihall and his Office, alfo lofe and forfeit his Office, and be incapable of ferving his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeflbrs, in any Of- fice of Truft or Profit whatfoever ; and that if any fuch Cocquet, Sufferance, Tranfire, Let-pafs, War- rant or Certificate whatfoever, Ihall be figned or granted, the fame Ihall be void, and of no Elfedt whatfo- ever. No Bar Iron to HI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Bar Iron whatfoever Iliall be permit- becanieJ Coart- jgj jq [jg carried Coaftwifc, unlefs Mention be made in the Certificate to be granted for that Purpofe, ot n'^t^'b- V the Day on which the Subfidies, Cuftoms, Impofitions, Rates and Duties, payable upon the Importation u y c pai . thereof, were paid, and of the Name of the Perfon or Perfons by whom the fame were paid. Penalty of car- IV. And it is hereby further enadled. That no Bar Iron imported into the Port o'i Lovjlon, by virtue or In rymg by Land purfuance of this A(5f, Ihall be carried or conveyed by Land Carriage to any Place beyond ten Miles from beyond ^lo'Miles ^"Y ^^rt of the Port o'i London, except to his Majefty's Dock Yards for the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heir; Rom London, and Succeflbrs; and if any Perfon or Perfons Ihall carry and convey, or caufe or procure to be carried oi conveyed upon Horfeback, or in any Waggon, Cart or other Carriage, any Iron fo imported, to any Place beyond the Limits prefcribed by this Adt, every Perfon fo ofl^ending fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfei: and pay the Sum of twenty Shillings for every hundred Weight of fuch Iron. V. And that the Importers of Foreign Pig and Bar Iron, not made in and imported from the faid Cole- Oath to be made nies, may not, upon any Pretence whatfoever, claim the Exemption hereby granted; Be it further enaifle^ "^h^^'h^'^T by the Authority aforefaid, That every Merchant, Trader, Faftor or other Perfon, loading any Pig or Br: r/™!j^ '^°j Iron on Board any Ship or VefTel in any of his Majefty's Colonies in America, fliall, before the clearing oi. %as made, and ^, ^.,«. . J ^r rr ■, r n r /^ n ' • i /-^iir i/— i t- *<--. to whom con- of the faid Ship or Veilel for any 1 ort ot Great Britaw, make Uath before the Governor or Lieutenant G fignod. vernor, Colledior and Comptroller of the Cuftoms, and Naval Officer, or any two of them (which O.:: every fuch Governor or Lieutenant Governor, Collector and Comptroller of the Cuftoms, and Naval Ot ficer, is hereby impowered and required to adminifter without Fee or Reward) that the Pig or Bar Iron f Ihipped, the true Weight whereof fhall in fuch Oath be exprefled, was made at within tin Colony of in which Oath alfo the Name or Names of the Perfon or Perfons to whom thi Certificate So f^'d Iron fliall be fold or configned, fljall be exprefled ; and thereupon the faid Governor, Lieutenant Go be given, vernor, Colleftor and Comptroller of the Cuftoms, and Naval Officer, or any two of them, fiiall deliver ti fuch Merchant, Trader, Fa£lor or other Perfon, fo making Oath as aforefaid, a Certificate, under thei Hands and Seal of Office, of fitch Oath havingbeen made before them. Rules to be ob- VI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That no Perfon or Perfons importing any Pig c ferved inthe Ear Lon intoGr^'fli! Britain from his Majefty's Colonics in America, fliall import the fame Duty-free as afore Importation of fgjj^ unlcfs fuch Pig or Bar Iron fliall be ftamped with fome Mark denoting the Colony or Place where th ■'^' fame was made ; and unlefs fuch Perfon or Perfons fliall produce fuch Certificate to the Chief Officer of th Cuftoms at the Port in Great Britain where the fame fliall be imported ; and unlefj Oath fhall be made be- fore the faid Chief Officer of the Cuftoms, by the Mafter or Commanding Officer of the Ship or Vcdi:! importing fuch Pig or Bar Iron (which Oath fuch Chief Officer is hereby imjiowered and required toad minifter without Fee or Reward) that the Iron fb imported is the fame Iron mentioned in the faid Certificat< Ironnotmariied, VII. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Pig or Bar Iron importe a^dcxvtifieJ, to jpff, Great Britain, which fliall not be fo ftamped and certified as aforelaid, to be made in his Majefty's Cc pjyiiic uties. joiiies in ^w«';V(7, fliall be fubjeft to the, Payment of the fame Subfidies, Cuftoms, Impofitions, Rates an Duties, to which fuch Iron was liable before the nr.iking of this Ai£f. Pf-naltyof falfe , VII). And be it further enathed by the Authority afor-faid. That if any Governor, Lieutenant Govci Ccrtiucaies, ^^^.^ Colledor or Comptrnllf r of the Cuftoms, Nav:il Officer or Chief Officer of the Cuftoms as aforefaic Ihall falfely make any fuch Certificate, every Perfon fo offending fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit an pay the Sum of two hundred- Pounds, and alfo forfeit and lofe his Office, and be incapable of ferving h: s>r0.itli?; Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, in any Office of Trufl or Profit ; or if any Merchant, Faiftor, Tradi' and Mafter, or Commanding Officer of any Ship or VclTel, Ihall falfely make any Oath required by th Ail, every fuch Oflfender fliall incur the Punifliment infiic^lcci by tlie Laws of this Realm for wilful and co." an^ofcoimter- rupt Perjury; and if any Perfoji fliall knowingly counterfeit any fuch Stamp, or fhall counterfeit any fuc'

  • St'a'mps'or Certificate, orjiublifli the fame, knowing it to be counterfeit, every fuch Perlbn fo offending fhall incur tl

Certificate. P.unilhment inflicted by the Laws of this Realm for Forgery. : IX. Ar/