A. D. 1750. Anno vicefimo tertio Georgii IL C. 30. 267 Which Oath three of the Perfons to be afllgned, nominated and appointed Commiflioners as aforefaid, are hereby impowered to adminiiler, or caufe to be adminiftered, and a Memorial thereof lliall be entered in the Re^ifrer of the faid Court. XVI. And be it further ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid, That the feveral Fees and Sums of Money The Fees of hereafter limited and exprefied, and no more or greater Fees fhall and may be taken for the rcfpective Ser- the clerks and vices of the Clerks and Beadles j that is to fay. Beadles. For every Summons, to the Clerks, three Pence ; to the Beadles, two Pence. For every Hearing, to the Clerks, three Pence. For calling the Defendant before the Court, when he or fhe refufe to appear, to the Clerks, two Pence ; to the Beadles, one Penny. For an Attachment againft the Defendant for not appearing to the Summons, to the Clerks, fix Pence; to the Beadles, one Shilling. For an Execution, to the Clerks, eight Pence ; to the Beadles, one Shilling. For paying Money into Court, to the Clerks, fix Pence. For acknowledging Satisfaflion in full, to the Clerks, four Pence, For acknowledging Satisfadion in part, to the Clerks, two Pence. For fearching the Books, to the Clerks, two Pence. For a Nonfuiton the Plaintiff's not appearing, to the Clerks, two Pence. XVII. Provided always, That a yearly Account fhall be given upon Oath, by the faid feveral Clerks and An Account np- Beadles, before the faid Commiilioners, fitting in Court, or any three of them, of the Amount of the Fees on Oath, of the by them feverally received ; and that if the Fees hereby appointed to be taken for the Services of the Clerks ^'^"> '° te given ihall, in any one Year, exceed two hundred Pounds to each Clerk, clear of all Charges ; and the Fees for the ;7Tr' Services of the Beadles, exceed fixty Pounds to each Beadle, clear of all Charges, it fhall and may be law- „^^ ^'"'^'^"'^'^^^ to each ful for the Commiffioners at a General Meeting to be held and fummoned for that Purpofe, to order the Clerk, or 60 1. Surplus to be divided between the Clerks and Beadles in Proportion to their refpeftive Sums of two hundred to each Beadie, Pounds, and Cixty Pounds pej- j^?inum, pnd to order for the future that the faid Fees be reduced, fo as to 'he Surplus to bring in, as near as may be, the faid refpeftive Sums of two hundred Pounds a Year to each of the Clerks, be divided, ■ tile Fees re- and the faid refpedtive Sums of fixty Pounds a Year to each of the Beadles ; and if at any Time after fuch ^^^^^ ^^.^ Reduftion, the Bufinefs of the faid Court fhall decline, fo as not to produce the faid feveral Sums of two hundred Pounds a Year to each Clerk, and the faid feveral Sums of fixty Pounds a Year to each Beadle, it fhall be lawful for the faid Commiffioners at a General Meeting as aforefaid, to reduce the Number of Clerks, or increafe the Fees again, fo as they do not at any Time exceed the prefent fettled Fees. XVIII. And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That a Table of the aforefaid Fees fliall be hung rp^,^,^ C , _ up by the Clerks of the faid Court, or one of them, in fome publick and confpicuous Part of the faid Court- to be hung up!' Houfe, or other Place where the faid Commiffioners fhall meet for the Purpofes aforefaid, to the end that all Perfons concerned may at all Times fee and read over the fame; and if the faid Clerks or Beadles, or Penalty of ta- either of them, for the time being, fhall take or demand any greater or other Fees than as above-mentioned, king greater or fhall othcrwife mifbehave hirnfelf or themfelves in the Execution of his or their Office, then he or they Fees, &c. for every fuch Offence fliall forfeit and pay fuch Fine, not exceeding the Sum of twenty Pounds, as the faid Commiffioners, or any three of them fhall aiiefs, to be applied to the Ufe of the Sick, in the London Infirmary. XIX. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That upon Complaint made by any Perfon Proceeding or Perfons, of the R'lifbehaviour or Breach of Duty of the Clerks or Beadles, or any or either of them, to againft Clerks, be appointed by virtue of this Aft, or of any Clerk or Clerks, Beadle or Beadles, in taking or demanding &=•. where the any greater or other Fees than as above-mentioned ; and if it fliall appear to the faid Commiffioners, or the Oft"-"" defsrves major Part of them then prefent, that fuch Complaint deferves a greater Punifhment, then fuch Commif- ^^J^"'^' uni. i- fioners fo fitting in Court are hereby direfted and required to caufe the whole Number of Commiffioners to be fummoned to meet as foon as conveniently may be, by Notice in Writing to be given to all the faid Commiffioners refpeftively by the Beadles aforefaid, or any other Perfon or Perfons the Commiffioners &a!l direft, at leaf! four Days before the holding of fuch Meeting ; and the faid Commiffioners fo fummoned, and then prefent, being not lefs than fixty, (hall and may examine into the Merits of fuch Complaint; and if it fliall then appear to the faid Commiffioners, or the major Part of them, that fuch Clerks or Beadles, or any or either of them, have or hath been guiky of Mifbehaviour or Breach of Duty as aforefaid, in his or their OfHcc, or in taking any greater or other Fees than above-mentioned, that then it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Commiffioners, or the major Part of them, to fufpend or remove fuch Clerks and Beadles, or any or either of them, from his or their faid Office, and to call another General Meeting of the whole Commiffioners, by giving two Days Notice at leaif, in Writing, as aforefaid, and within eight Days next after the Removal of fuch Cerks or Beadles, or any or either of them ; at which Meeting all the Commif- fioners, or the greater Part of them, flrall and may choofe by Ballot a Clerk or Clerks, Beadle or Beadles of the faid Court, in the Room of fuch Clerk or Clerks, Beadle or Beadles fo removed as aforefaid. XX. Provided always. That this Aft, or any Thing herein contained, fiiall not extend to any Debt for Certain Debts any Rent upon any Leafe of I^ands or Tenements, or any other real Contraft, nor to any other Debt that =«?'«<'• fhall arife by reafon of any Caufe concerning Teftament or Matrim.ony, or any thing concerning or pro- perly belonging to the EcclefiafHcal Court, albeit the fame fliall be under forty Shillings ; any thing herein before contained to the contrary notwithftanding. XXI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That no Aftion or Suit for any Debt not N(;gu;t.fo,.Qj(,f, amounting to the Sum of forty Shillings, and r^'covcrable by virtue of this Aft in the faid Court of Re- recoverable by quefts, {ball b". brought againfiaay Perfon refiJing or inhabiting within the Jurifdidtion thereof, in any other this Aa, to be in Court whatfoever. ='">' °'^" C°"'^' M m 2 ' XXII. And
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