274" C' 3^> 33' Anno vi'cefimo tertio Georgii II. A. D. 1750. lowed ; and all and every OfR-nce and Offences which any Perfon or Pcrfons fliall be guilty of on the Higli Sea, or on Shore, within the Limits before mentioned, contrary to this Aft, (hall- be enquired of and de- termined in his Majefty'd Court of King's Bt-mh at IVeftminjier^ or before fuch Commillioners, and in fuch County of this Realm, as fiiall be affigned by his Majefty's Commiffion, and by good and lawful Men of the fame County. Limuatlonof XXXVIII. And it is hereby further enaftcd by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Action or Adions Aflions. £t-A be commenced or brought aguinfi any Perfon or Perfons for what he or they Ihall do, or caufe to be done, in purfuance of this Aft, then, and in every fuch Cafe, fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall and may plead General Iflue. the General Iffue, and give this Aft and the Special Matter in Evidence; any Law or Ufage to the contrary thereof in any wife notvvithftanding. PubJick AG. XXXIX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That this Aft fhall be deemed and taken to be a Publick Aft, and fliall be taken Notice of as fuch, by all Judges, Juftices and other Perfons what- foever, without fpecially pleading the fame. CAP. XXXII. An Aft for granting to his Majefty certain Duties upon fuch Species of Sail Cloth as are therein mentioned, which lliall be imported from Ireland into Great Britain^ during the Time therein TormerPrmiifmin limited. 1 Jac, I. c, 24. 7 &i,iv. 3, f. ' WJ H E R E A S large Bounties have been granted and allowed by the Parliament of Ireland on Sail 10 Sf 39. iz ' Vy Cloth of the Manufafture of that Kingdom, which hath encouraged the Importation of confide- 'f"i6^'"'G ' ^^^^^ Quantities of the fiid Manuftifture into Great Britain, which may tend to the Prejudice of the faid 2.^.27.^ ""' ' Manufafture in this Kingdom:' We your Majefty 's moft dutiful and loyal Subjefts, the Commons of 9 C«. 2. f. 37. Great Britain, in Parliament adembled, do give and grant unto your Majefty, your Heirs and Succeflbrs, loGio. 2. c.zj. fuch Duties on Sail Cloth imported from Ireland-ds are herein after mentioned ; and do moft humbly beieech iga-o. 2.C. 2/. your Majefty, that it may be enafted; and be it enafted by the PCing's moft Excellent Maj-fty, by and 23&«. 2. c. 21. -^^rji-jj t[;)g Advice and Confent oi-" the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parlia- Diitiesonthe ment afl'embled, and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the twenty-ninth Day o^ September Impnttation of one thoufand feven hundred and fifty, the feveral Duties following fhall be levied and paid to his Majefty, slimoth^^ °' hisHcirs^and Succeilors, upon all Canvas or Sail Cloth of the Manufafture of Ireland, imported into Great Britain (onwhich the feveral Bounties of four Pence, and two Pence a Yard refpeftively, granted by an Aft of Parliament made in helandm the nineteenth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, fliall have been allovifed) that is to fay, For each Yard of all fuch Canvas or Sail Cloth imported as aforefaid, of the Value of fourteen Pence a Yard, and upwards, a Duty of four Pence ; and for each Yard of fuch Canvas or Sail Cloth, imported as aforefaid, of the Value of ten Pence a Yard, and under fourteen Pence a Yard, a Duty Method of le- of two Pence: Which relpeftive Duties Ihall be levied, recovered and paid, by fuch Means and Methods, vying nndap- and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, and fhall be applied to the fame Ufes and Purpofes, as the Duties plyingthe Du- now payable upon the Importation of Foreign Sail Cloth are collefted, levied and applied- a'nd'forafcei-tain- ^^' '^"^ ^^ '* enafted by the Authority aforefaid, in order to prevent Frauds, and to afcertain upon what jng upon what Canvas or Sail Cloth the (aid Bounties of four Pence and two Pence fliall have been paid. That no Canvas Canvas or Sail or Sail Cloth fliall be imported from I-cland into this Kingdom but in whole or entire Bolts or Pieces ; and Cloth, the if the Loops or Double Threads of the faid Bolts or Pieces fo imported, which by the faid Aft of Parlia- Boiinties ihall „-,£„£ ^^^^ jj, /,-^,v,^^^ j„ j^g nineteenth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, are direfted to be Part of ihe ^' • Warp at the Middle of that End of the Web which is laft in Weaving, fliall be cut off; or if fuch Bolts or Pieces be ftamped with an Impreflion, importing the Payment of either of the faid Bounties, then, and in either of the faid Cafes, fuch Canvas or Sail Cloth ftiall be deemed to have received the faid Bounty, and he liable to the Payment of the relpeftive Duties laid and made payable by virtue of this Aft. Duties to be -in. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefeid. That the faid feveral Duties of four Pence and fh' B^ouml's" *^° ^^P'^'^ ^ Yard by this Aft impofed, fliall continue and be paid on all fuch Convas and Sail Cloth im-. ftall continue, potted into Great Britain, for fo long Time as the refpeftive Bounties allowed by virtue or in confequence of the faid Aft of the Parliament of heland{h?i continue, and no longer. Ofiiccrofthe IV.^ And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That upon the Importation of any Canvas or exn'miM tTe ^^'^ Cloth from Leland Into this Kingdom, it fliall be lawful for the Colleftor, Comptroller or other proper Fiiccron im- Officer of the Cuftoms, to open, view and examine the fame; and if it fliall appear that either of the faid p: rtJtion, &c. Bounties has been paid, and no regular Entry of fuch Canvas or Sail Cloth has been made at fuch Port where the fame was fo imported, then, and in fuch Cafe, all the Canvas or Sail Cloth fo omitted to be en- tered as aforefaid, fhall be forfeited and feized by any Officer of the Cuftoms. MethoJ of af- V. And bc it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any DiCpute fliall arife touching the Du- cr.tamms; tiie (y ^j^j^}, o^,„j,j ^^ ,^g paid^iipon fuch Canvas or Sail Cloth, fuch Duty fliall be afcertaincd in the f.:me Man- Sce farther z6 "'^J' ^'.'"^ tinder the fame Forfeitures and Penalties, as Duties upon Goods and Commodities imported into Co. ?..c. 32. a«d this Kingdom, and fubjeft to Payment of Duties ad Valorem, arc afcertaincd. 32 CetJ, a.i. 2 7, CAP. XXXIIL An Aft for preventing Del.'vs and Expences in the Proceed'ngs in the County Court of A fiJJle- fey ; and for the more eafy and fpeedy Hecovery of Small Debts in the laid County Court. HE R E A S Sheriffs in their feveral County Courts hold Plea of all perfonal Aftions where the Debt or Damages do not amount to forty Shillings: And wliereas the Proceedings in tlic County Courts, in fuch />ftions, have been found to be vexatious, expf nfive and dilatory:' For Remedy thereof in the Comity of y!'/;V////r/2vv, and for the more eafy and fpeedy Recovery of Small Debts within the (aid County ; May it pleafc your Majefty, that it may be enafted ; and be it enafted by the King's moft Excel- lent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, 5 in
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