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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/330

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310 C. 4. Anno vicefimo quarto Georgii II. A. D. 1751* CAP. IV. An A£t for enabling his Majefty to raifs the feveral Sums of Money therein mentioned, by Exchequer-Bills, to be charged on the Sinking Fund ; and for impowering the Commif- fioners of the Treafury to pay off the Old and New unfubfcribed South-Sea Annuities out ■of the Supply granted to his Majefty for the Service of the Year one thoufand fcven hun- dred and fifty-one ; and for enabling the Bank of England to hold General Courts, and Courts of Direftors, in the manner therein direfted -, and for giving certain Perfons Li- berty to fubfcribe Bank and South-Sea Annuities omitted to be fubfcribed purfuant to two AAs of the laft Seffion of Parliament.

«3Geo.a.,c.22. « l^/rOS T Gracious Sovereign ; Whereas by an A£l of Parliament made and paffed in the twenty-

■' J.VJ. third Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, An A£i for giving further 'Time to the Proprietors of •* Annuities after the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, to fubfcribe the fame in the manner and ' upon the Terms therein mentioned and for redeeming fuch of thsfaidAnmiuics as fnatl not be fo fubfcribed ; and •' for empowering the Eafl-India Company to raife certain Sums -by transfcrrablc Annuities, it is amongft other ■' Things enafted, That any Perfon or Peribns, Bojies Politick or Corporate, who are interefted in or

  • intitled unto any Part of the National Debt incurred before Michaelmas one thoufand feven hundred and

■' forty-nine, redeemable by Parliament, which carried an Interefl after the Rate of four Pounds per Ccn- ■' turn per Annum, and which was not fubfcribed in purfuance of a former AcSl of the fame Seffion of Par-

  • liament, and who fhould, on or before the thirtieth Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and fifty,
  • fubfcribe their Names, and fignify their Confent, to accept of an Intereft of three Pounds per Centinn

■' per Annum, to commence from the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and lifty-

  • five, fubjeft to the fame Provifoes, Notices and Claufes of Redemption, which their refpeclive ioir per

'■ Cents were Liable to, fhould, in lieu of their prefent Intereft, be intitled unto, and receive an Intereft of

  • four Pounds per Centum per Annum, until die twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred

' and fifty ; and from and after the faid twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and ^ fifty, an Intereft of three Pounds ten Shillings per Centum per Annum, until the twenty-fifth Day of ■^ December one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-five, and that no Part of the fame fhould be liable to be ■' redeemed until the faid twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-five ; and

  • that fuch Part of the National Debt incurred before Michaelmas one thoufand feven hundred and forty-

■' nine redeemable by Law, which carried an Intereft of four Pounds per Centum per Annu?n, and which •' fhould not be fubfcribed before the faid thirtieth Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and fifty,

  • fnould be redeemed and paid oft"; and that it fhould be lawful for the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by
  • Warrant under his Royal Sign Manual, to authorize and impower the CommifTioncrs of the Treafury,

■' or the High Treafurer for the Time being, to raife by Loans or Exchequer Bills, or by way of Subfcrip- ■' tion, -or m fuch other manner as his Majefty in his great Wifdom fhould think moil for the Ad-antage.

  • of the Publick, from any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, any Sum or Sums of Money,
  • not exceeding fuch Part of the National Debt, carrying an Intereft of four Pounds per Centum pa- An-

'• nwn, redeemable by Law, as fhould not be fubfcribed in purfuance of the faid recited Aft, or the faid

  • former Act, to be charged on the Sinking Fund, and to be applied to pay oft' and redeem fuch Part of

■' the National Debt fo unfubfcribed as aforefaid, upon any Terms not exceeding the Rate of Intereft in

  • the faid recited Aft mentioned : And whereas, fince the paffing of the faid Aft, a great Part of the Aa-
  • nuities, after the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, which remained unfubfcribed upon the

•* former A<3-, have been fince fubfcribed, fo that the principal Sums remaining unfubfcribed on the faid ■' thirtieth Day of May oiie thoufand fcven hundred and fifty, upon the Annuities payable at the Exche- •* quer and Bank o'i Endand, do amount in the whole to the Sum of one million twenty-fix thoufmd four

  • hundred feventy-fix Pounds four Shillings and fix Pence ; winch fiiid Sum of one million twenty-fix
  • thoufand four hundred feventy-fix Pounds four Shillings and fix Pence, is direfted by the faid recited Act

' to be paid oft' and redeemed at the ftated Times, and in the Proportions herein afcor-mcntior.^-.f, ac-

  • cording to the feveral Notices given by the Speaker of the Houfc of Commons the lalt Seilion of Parlia-
  • mentin that B-half ; that is to fay, the principal Sum of one hundred eighty-two thoufand two hundred

' and fifty Pounds, the Amount of the unfubfcribed Exchequer Order payable thereout of the Duties

  • upon, wrought Plate, on the tv.'enty-fifth Day of March one thoufand fc-en hundred and firty-one ; and
  • the prin-cijxVl Stun of one hundred feventy-five thoufand {ivc luindred fevcnty-oiie Pounds fix Shillings
  • and one Pqnny, the Amount of the unfubfcribed Annuities of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and
  • forty-fix J andalfo the principal Sum of feventy-one thoufand feven hundred iwcnty-three_ Poun.'s nine
  • Shillings and fix Pence, the Amount of the unfubfcribed Lottery Atmu.ties one thoufand feven hundred

' tind forty-feven, both transfcrrablc at the Bank oi England, on the tvvent> -fourth Day oiJ:.ne ono thou-

  • fiind feven hundred and fif y-one ; and the principal Sum of two hundred and eleven thoufand fix hun-
  • dred thirty-four Founds fifteen Shillings, the Amount of the unfubfcribed Annuities of the Year one
  • thoufand feven bundrs i and t'orty-revcn, transferrable as aforefaid, on th: twenty-ninth Day of .Sc/'/cm-
  • Ar one thoufand kvzn hundred and fifty-one; and the prijicip.tl Sum of two hmujcd cightv-one thou-

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