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312 C. 4-. Anno vicelimo quarto Georgii IL A. D. 1751. venues whatfocver, payable to his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, during fuch Time and Times relpec- tively as luch Bills (hall be or remain in the faid Receipt, or in fuch Hands or Power as aforefaid. andtobenum- V. And it is hereby enacted, That all the laid Bills fliall be numbered arithmetically, beginning with bcrej, IT« I. and lb proceeding in an arithmetical Prngreffion afcending, wherein the common Excefs or DiiFe- rence fhall always be one, and {hall be regiilered accordingly, fo that the principal Sum to be contained in euery fuch Bill, may regularly be paid off and difcharged in Courfe, according to the Number of everv fuch Bill, as it fliall fland in the faid Regifter, and that the Interefl: upon all and every the fame Bills fhafi be payable every three Months, according to the Purport and true Meaning of this Acl ; and that upon . every fuch Bill there fliall be indorfed, printed or written in Words at length, or in Figures, the Sum after which the Principal to be contained therein fliall be payable in fuch Courfe as aforefaid, according to the Purport and true Meaning of this Aft. and made wMi VI. And it is hereby further enadled. That all the faid Bills fhall be prepared and made with fuch Cheques, Sic. Cheques, Indents or Counterfoils as fhall be direiSted by the CommiiTioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them now being, or by the High Treafurer, or any three or more of the CommiiTioners of the Treafury for the Time being ; and that the Perfon or Perfons who fhall be appointed to pay off the faid Bills in Courfe, fliall from Time to Time have the Ufe and Cuflody of one Part of all the Cheques, In- dents or Counterfoils of the faid Exchequer Bills, to be prepared and made by virtue of this Act, from which the fame Ihall have been cut, to prevent his or their being impofed upon by counterfeit or forged Bills J and that the Undertakers or Contractors for exchanging and circulating the faid Bills, or fuch of them as fhall be current, fhall from Time to Time have the Ufe and Cuftody of one other Part of all the faid Cheques, Indents or Counterfoils of the faid Exchequer Bills, from which the fame fhall have been cut off as aforefeid, in order to prevent their being impofed upon by any counterfeit or forged Bills ; and that all the faid Parts of the faid Cheques, Indents or Counterfoils fhall be delivered back into the Ex- chequer, when the faid Bills to be made forth by virtue of this A&, fhall be paid off, cancelled and dif- charged. and to be placed Vll. And it is hereby enafted. That the faid Commiffioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of VvS^* '" "^^ them now being, or the faid High Treafurer, or any three or more of the CommiiTioners of the Treafury xc)e(]uer, jr^^. ^-^^ Time being, fhall, and they are hereby refpeftively authorized and impowered, to caufe fuch Bills as fliall be prepared by virtue of this Aft, to be placed as fo much Cafh in the refpeftive Offices of the Tellers of the faid Receipt of the Exchequer, each and every of which Tellers fhall be feverally charged with the Proportion of the faid Bills, whieh fhall be fo placed in his Office refpeftively ; any Law or Ufage to the contrary notwithflanding. to be current, VIII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all the faid Bills to be iffued as afore- and (ubjea to faij^ fhall be current in like manner, and with fuch Privileges and Advantages, and fubjeft to fuch Rules as- in A.tt — ^ the Service of the Tear one thou/and feven himdre'd and fifty-one) for or concerning the Exchequer Bills' there- by authorized to be made forth ; and that all and every the Claufes and Provifoes in the faid laft-mentioned Aft, relating to the Currency, Exchanging or Receiving the fame lall-mentioned Exchequer Bills, by any publick Receivers of Aids, Taxes or Supplies, or in his Majefty's Receipt of the Exchequer, or for for- ging, counterfeiting or altering the fame Bills, or making out new Bills in the Room of fuch as ihall be filled up with Indorfoments, loft, burnt, defaced or otherwife dellroyed, or for making out Exchequer Bills of five thoufand Pounds each, or for making out Exchequer Bills, without bearing Intereft, or for making them afterwards to bear an Interell:, or a higher or lower Rate of Intereft, from Time to Time, as the Contraftors fhall agree to, or for preventing any Mifapplication of the Fund on which the fame are charged, or any other Mifbehaviour of any Officers concerned in the receiving, iifuing, exchanging, pay- ing off or cancelling the fame laft mentioned Exchequer Bills, or for obliging the Contraftors to pay tiie Intereft of, or exchange for ready Money on Demand, the Exchequer Bills tnereby authorized to be ilVu- ed, at a Rate or Premium not exceeding three Pounds per Centum per jlnuum, or for preventing any Difa- bilities in any fuch Contraftors, or for making them not liable to be Bankrupts on account of fuch Con- trafts, or for appointing a Paymafler or Pay-maflers, for |-)aying oft" and cancelling the fame Exchequer Bills in due Courfe and Order, (not otherwif; altered by this Aft) fliall extend, and be conllrued to ex- tend, as well to the Exchequer Bills by this Aft authorized to be made forth, as to the Exchequer Bills to be made forth in purfuance of the faid Aft, for continuing and granting the Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry (except fuch Claufes as do charge the fame on the Rates or Duties continued and granted by the fame Aft) as amply, fully and cffcftualJy, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame Claufes or Provifoes had been paiticularly repeated and re-enafted verbatim in this Aft. Trc-arury to idue IX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the laid Commiffioners of the Treafii- tii= Monies due yy^ j,;- j,].,y tliree or more of them now being, or the faid High Treafurer, or any three or more of the wivoflmpreft Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being, fhall or may illue, or caufe to be iffued, to fuch Pay- to"ibe Pay- niafter or P.iymafters to be conftituted as aforefaid, by way of Impreft and upon account, fo much Monies mjfter, out of the grov/ing Produce of the faid Surphifles, Exceffes or Overplus Monies, called the Sinkir.j Fund, as ihall from Time to Time incur and grow due to the faid Contraftors, for the Intereft or Premium up- on the faid Exchequer Bills to be made forth by this Aft, during the Continuance thereof, and fuch other Payments as are by this A6f dircfted or allowed to bj paid or difchargjd out of the fame ; any Thing in this or any former Aft or Afts of Pai-lianient to the contrary notwito.llandin";. X, Piovidsd <; iuu|t;i.L uu jaiQ^ inau DC current in UKe manner, ana witn lucn rrivneges ana /avantages, ana luoject to lucn i^.uies •^ V'^^'r ff"^' and Direftions as are prefcribed and enafted by an Aft of this prefent Seffion of Parliament, (intituled, rj_ An Act for continuing and granting to his Majejty certain Ditties upon Mult., A'lum^ Cyder and Perry, for the