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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/335

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A. D. 175^^' Anno yicefimo quarto Georgii II. C. 4. 315 XIX. And to the End, Intent and Purpofe, That all Tnift Eftates and Interefts in the faid Capital Stocks of Old and l^tw South-Sea Annuities, may be preferved and improved for the Benefit of the Per- fons concerned therein, with, the leall Expence and Inconvenience to them ; Be it enadted by the Autho- rity aforefaid, That in all and ever)' Cafes where, in purfuance of this Aifi:, any Payments or Dividends Truftecs msyl.iy fliall be made of the Capital of any fuch Annuity Stock, as fliidl be vefled in any Pcrfon or Perfons' inout t'l^ Money Traft for other Perfons who have or claim diilindt or different Interefts therein, or for any other Ends or"ljj^^^"ctocil'^ Purpofes, for which the Capital Sum or Annuity ought to be preferved intire, fuch Payments or Dividends '^ ' of the Capital Stock of Annuities fliall not be paid or applied as Dividends of Proiit, Annuity, or In- tereft, but fhall remain in the Hands of fuch Truftees reipciSlively, till otherwife difpofed of at Interefl: ; and for that Purpofe, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Truftee or Truflces who fhall receive the fame, at his or their Difcretion to lay out' or difpofe of the fame, or any Part thereof, in the Purchafe of fo much other Capital Stock of Annuities of the fame Kind, as hath been fubfcribed in purfuance of the w iaid two Afts of the laft Seffion of Parliament, or either of them, as at the current Market Price of fuch AiUiuity Stock, the Monies received for fuch Dividends, fiiall, as near as conveniently may be, extend to purchafe ; which nev/ purchafed Stock of Annuities fliall be transferred to fuch Truftee or Truftees, and a Receipt or Receipts fliall be given and figned by the Perfon or Perfons transferring the fame, for the Mo- nies paid for the fame ; and in cafe fuch Truftees refpeftively, by Writing indorfed on or annexed to fuch Receipts, and figned or acknowledged before one of the Maiters of the High Court of Chancery fliall de- clare that the Money in the faid Receipts were the Produce of the faid Dividends of the faid Capital Stock of Annuities (which Signing or Acknowledgment fuch Mafteis in Chancery are hereby required to accept or take, and each and every fuch Mafter, before v.'hom the fame fliall be done, fhall at the fame Time certify the fame, by fubfcribing his Name thereto, for doing whereof fuch Mafter fhall be paid for each Certificate one Shilling and no more) then and in every fuch Cafe, the Annuity Stock mentioned in fuch Receipts to be transferred, fliall refpectively go and be deemed fubje£l: and liable to the fame Trufts, for the Benefit of the fame Perfons, and for the fame Ufes, Ends, Intents and Purpofes, as the reft of the Truft Annuity Stock remaining in fuch Truftees refpeifively will or ought to be fubjeft and liable to ; and fuch Truftees refpedlively fliall from thenceforth be indemnified from any Lofs, Charges or Damages, on account oi their (b doing, Tit the Expences of the faid Truft Eftates. XX. Provided always, That nothing in this A6i: contained fhall extend or be conftrued to extend to re- or in sny othe? ftrain or prohibit any fuch Truftees from laying out or difpofing of any of the faid Truft Monies, in any^"^'^^^- other Purchafes or any other Securities, whether publick or private, if they fhall fo think fit, in the fame Manner and with the fame Freedom and Security to themfelves, as they might have done if this A6t had not been made. . ■ . ' XXI. And v^hereas Doubts have arifen with regard to the taking the Oaths and Affirmation, and ' fubfcribing the Declaration appointed by the Charter of the Governor and Company of the Bank of ' England, to be taken and fubfcribed by all and every the Members of every General Court : And whereas ,' the adminiftering the faid Oaths and Affirmation, and fubfcribing the Declaration at every G.eneral ' Court, will be a great Delay to the Proceedings of the faid General Court ;' Be it therefore enacted by The Bjnk may the Authority aforefaid. That it fliall and may be lawful for the faid Governor and Company in any Ge- g°'^"'^ '" ^"5" neral Court, to proceed to tranfaft any Bufmefs, without adminiftering the faid Oaths and Affirmation to,.,^^!^^,^,^,. ^fi^inj.. or fubfcribing the faid Declaration b)^ all or any of the Members of the faid Court, unlefs required there- fteiing the to, by any nine or more of the Proprietors prefent, qualified to vote at the faid General Court, according Oaths, he. ap- fo the Charter ; any Thing in their faid Charter, or any Aft or A6ls of Parliament contained in any wife P"'"" ^^ '^"f to the contrary notwithftanding. Charter. XXII. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That when any Court of Direflors of theCourt of Direc- ■ faid Governor and Company fhall be met accordingto any Summons or Appointment and fliall have No- '<"■= .'"^y chufe a tice or be otherwife fatished, that the Governor and Deputy Governor of the faid Corporation, will i'iot^bfe™eor'"he'^ be prefent fo as to hold the faid Court of Direilors, or in cafe the faid Governor and Deputy Governor Go^.g,noi.„r Deer fliall be abfent after the ufual Time of proceeding to Bufmefs, that then and in fuch Cafe it fliall and puty Govetnor, may be lawful for the faid Court of Direiffors, and they are hereby authorized and impowered, to Chufe a Chairman for that Time (which Chairman fiiall alfo in the like Cafe prefide at a General Court, if any^ fliall at that Time be fummoned to meet) and to proceed to Buiinefs, and tranfail the Afiiiirs of the Cor-, poration, and that the Tranfaflions of the faid General Court and Court of Diredtors refpectively fhall;, be as valid and efFedfual to all In',ents and Purpofes, as if the faid Governor or Deputy Governor" had been- prefent ; any Thing in the Charter of the faid Corporation, or any A£l or A6ts of Parliament contained irr any wife to the contrary notwithftanding. , '

  • ■ XXIII. And whereas feveral Perfons, not being timely apprized of the Notice given for fubfcribirig:' .

' in their feveral Annuities, being in his Majefty's Colonies in Ainerka, and other Parts beyond the Seas, or' ' from unavoidable Accidents have been deprived fubfcribing the fame;' Be it therefore enaiSled by.th? . Authority aforefaid. That the Sums which were ftanding in the relpeftive Namej of the following Per-^'l^^^fy 8'™r;!-'j? fons, on the twenty-eighth Day of February one thoufand feven hundred and forty-nine, fliall be' in|itled J"j?.^^"^^'[jJ|,g'"l^ 'to the Benefit of the Vote of the Houfe of Commons, pafled the twenty-ninth Day of iViwf7«fer onean/somh-Sea thoufand feven hundred and forty-nine, videlicet, Charles Apthorp of Bojlon in Ncvj England, to the Sum Annuitie es omit" of five thoufand three hundred twenty-eight Pounds in Bank Annuities, Jchn Ervlng of the fame Place toted to he fub- the Sum ofTix thoufand Pound-, in Bank Annuities, Daniel Huger of South Carolina to the Sum of eight ["J^^^^'l'^'l"^'^ thoufand Pounds in Old South-Sea Annuities, John Smith to the Sum of eleven thoufand Pounds in Old j[,^'j°(^, 5,^j°^._. South-Sea Annuities, and to the Sura-of two thoufand one huiuL-ed Pounds in New South-Sea .Annuities,' • S f 2, inftead