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322 C. 8. Anno vkefimo quarto Georgii 11. A. D. 1751. as herein before cllrecled, to any five or more of the faid CommifTioners, at any of the faid Sub-meetings, that any (3wncr or Occupier of any Lock, ^Vcir, Turnpike, Dam or F!ood-gate, or any other Perfon or Pcrfons, hath removed any Water-mark, fo an aforefaid let or appointed by the faid Commiflioners, that the Perfon or Pevfons fo removing the iame fhaJl forfeit and pay the Sum of five Pounds, to be recovered at any of t'.e faid Sub-meetings, in a fummary Way by any Perfon or Pcrfons who will complain or in- form thereof, and levied by Diltrefs and Sale of the t_)f!:ciider's Goods and Chattels, in Manner aforefaid. ' XIX. And whereas it may be necefliiry to clcanle, Icour, clear r.nd ballafl the faid Rivers in many Comm'moners ' Places;' Be it enafted by the Authority aforcfaid, Tfiat it fhall and maybe lawful to and for the faid may mjkeOrdeiQo,^,-„j/]jopj;rs, or any feven or more of them, at any of their General ]lccLing<;, by any Order under their [^[„^;:'"^'"^ Hands and Seals, to caufe the faid Rivers, or fuch Parts thereof as to them fliall L-em meet, to be clcanfed, ' fcoured, cleared and ballafted, and all Obftructions and Annoyances in and upon the taid Rivers to be re- moved ; and to defray the Chaiges and Coils of fuch clearing, cleanfing, fcouring and ballailing; and re- moving all Obftruftions and Annoyances aforefaid ; as a!fo to defray the incidental Expences of priiiting and publifliing the Orders of the CommifTioners ; and for the making a reafonable Recompence to the fc- veral Clerks of the Peace, for tranfmitting Duplicates of fuch Orders as aforefaid ; and for paying the Sa- laries of fuch Officers as the Com-niffioners fliall thiiik fit to appoint, for the inipefling the Execution of and impofe a thij A£t ; it fliall and may be lawful to and for the fiid CommilTioners, or any feven or more of them, at Rate on Barges, ^^j^y ^j- ^j^^jj. General Meetings, to impofe and fet a Rate or Rates, to be paid by the Owner or Ov.-ners of '"■ every Boat, Barge or Veflel, pafling the faid Place fo cleared, cleanfed, fcoured and ballafled; and to ap- ami appoint point a Receiver or P.eceivers thereof until a fufRcient Sum be raifed for defraying the Expence thereof: Receivers. j^^^ -^^ ^^^^ ^j^g Owner or Owners of fuch Boat, Barge or Veffel fhall neglect or refufe to pay the faid Rate or Rates, fo directed to be paid, that then it fhall and maybe lawful to and for the faid Commiflioners, or any feven or more of them, by Warrant unJer their Hands and Seals, directed to fuch Receiver or Receivers, to levy the Monies fo rated, or direiSted to be paid,_upon the Goods and Chattels of the Perfon or Perfons fo refufmg or negleding to pay the fame, and to difpofe of and fell the Goods and Chattels fo levied, and to deducf thereout the faid Rates fo directed to be paid, together with the Cofts and Charges of fuch Warrant, Diftrefs and Sale, rendering the Overplus to the Perfon or Perfons fo refufing or neg- IciSing to pay the faid Rate or Rates as aforefaid. OwnersofEi^rgcs XX. Provided always, and be it enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That the Owners of all Boats, 10 affix their, , Earges and other VefTels, of the Burden of twenty Tons, and upwards, navigating the faid Rivers, fhall PilTeTof Abode "^^uie his, her or their Name or Names,_ and Place of Abode, together with the Dimenfions and Tonnage &c'. on their ' of his, her or their Boat, Barge or Veffel, to be fet on fome confpicuous Places of their refpe^ffive Boats, Veffels. Barges or Veffels : And every Owner or Owners neglecting fo to do, or fuffering his, her or their Boat, Penalty. Barge or other Veflel, to navigate in or upon the faid Rivers, or either of them, without their refpecfi-e Names, Place of Abode, Dimenfion and Tonnage thereon, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of forty Shillings for every fuch OlFencc, to any Perfon or Perfons who will make Information or Complaint thereof to the faid Commiflioners, at any or either of their Sub-meetings, to be, as aforefaid, held ; the fame to be leied by Diilrefs and Sale of the Offenders Goods as aforefaid, fo as the Offender or Offenders be thereof lirft duly convi£fed by the faid CommilTioners, at any of their Sub-meetings as aforefaid. ' XXI. And whereas for improving the Navigation of the Rivers Thames and ]fis^ it is found expedient ' to put fuch Part of the River oi Kcirnet, as is between the common Landing-place at Rcad'm^ aforefaid, ' and rhe Mouth of the faid River of Keiinet, under the fame Regulation and Managem.ent ;' Be "it therefore pjrtoftheRi enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Commiflioners appointed by this AQ. fhall be Commiflioners unto "^f/"^ for carrying on and regulating the Navigation of the aforefaid Part of the faid River Kcnnct, in like man- Managcmen™^ ner as they are hereby appointed Commiflioners concerning theNavigation of the faid Rivers of 77w;/.-j and Jjh •, and that all and fmgular the Powers and Authorities by this Aft given to, or vefted in, the faid Com- milTioners, relating to the Navigation of the faid Rivers of Thames and Ifis, fliall extend to, and the faid Commiilioners are hereby authorifed to exercife the fame over the aforefaid Part of the faid River Kanifi, and over all Perfons, Boats, Barges and Veffels navigating the fame, or any ways concerned therein, and the Locks, Weirs, Turnpikes, Dams, Flood-gates and other Engines thereon, and the adjacent Lands, Meadows, Tenements and Premiffes ; and to make all fuch, or any of the Orders and Conifitutions rela- ting thereto, as are herein mentioned, and in like manner as the faid Coir.miffioners are hereby authorized to do, of and concerning the Navigation of the faid Rivers of Thames and IJis, and the Matters and Things relating thereto, or any Perfons interefted or concerned therein. Limitation. XXil. Provided always. That nothing in this Aft contained fliall extend, or be conflrued to extend, to take away any Jurifdiftion, Power or Authority of the Mayor, Commonalty and Citizens of the Ci;y oi London, or any other Body Politick or Corporate, or other Peribn or Pcrfons whatfocver. Orders to be kept XXIII. And hc it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all tlie Orders of the faid Commif- the'peiceamon'r'°"*^-^ ^^'^ ^^ '^^P'^ ^7 ^"^^ Clerks of the Peace aforefaid, among the Records of the ScfTions of the Peace the Records. ^ '" l'^*^ refprftive Counties where the fame (hall be made; and that fuch Clerks of the Peace, refpeftivcly, fhall permit the fame to be infpefted by all Perfons defiring the fame, at convenient Times; and fliall de- liver Copies thereof, or of any Part thereof, to any Perfon defiring the fame, taking for the Searches and' Copies thereof reafonable Fees, to be limited by the faid CommifTioners from Time to Time, at their Ge- nera! Meetings aforefaid. Tublick Aa. XXIV. And be it enafted and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That this Aft fliall be deemed a publick Aft, and fhall be taken Notice of as fuch, without fpecially pleading the fame: And if any Aftion Jhall be brought, or Suit commencedj againft any Perfon or Pcrfons for any Thing done in purfuance < f this