28 C. 19. Anno vlcefimo quarto Georgii II. A.D. 1751. wain of a Knight's being returned in fuch Panel, nor any Array quafhed by reafon of any fuch Chal- cngc taken after that Time ; any Law, Ufagc or Cuflom to the contrary rotwithflanding. be tikcn to any for Paiitl of Jniiiis I i'oi- want ot a Knighl's being iciurned, &c 11 &■.. 1. .-. 31. Jiiftices of Nift ■ Prius for the County of Mid* dlefcs, may, ^vithln 14 Days afltr the End of Ternri, try JjTues. Sfe fijrther 2g iiGco.i.c, 31. ' ". And whereas by an Acl of Parliament made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of King George the Fird', intituled, jin ASf for the better regulating Trials by Nifi Prius In the County of Middlcfcx ; l-'owcr and Authority is given to the Chief Jufiice of the King's Bench, the Chief Juflice of the Common Plcai, and the Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer, for the Time being, and every of them refpectivel}-, and in the Abfence of any of them, to and for any other Judge or Baron of the faid feveral Cojrts, a^ Jufticcs of Niji Prius for the faid County of A^icldhfex, within the Term, or within the Space of eijrht Days after the End of any Term refp:dively, to try all fuch IlTues as by an Act of Parliament made in the eighteenth Year of the Reign of Qtieen Elizabeth, (intituled, Jn A^ for Trial of Nifi Prius in the County of Middlefex) they, or any of them, are enabled to try, in fuch Place and Manner, and wiih and under fuch Powers, Authorities and Provifions, as in the faid laft-mentioned Act, or any other Act of Parliament, or Law whatfoe^'er concerning the PremilTes, are prefcribed and contained : And whereas the reftraining the Time for fuch Trials after the Term, to eight Days, hath been found incon- venient, and occafioned Delay of Jiiftice :' Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid, 'I'hut from and after the faft Day of Eajier Term in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fifty- one, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Chief Juftice of the King's Bench, the Chief Juitice of the Common Pleas, and the Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer, for the Time being, and every of them refpeftively, and in the Abfence of any of them, to and for any other Judge or Baron of the faid feveral Courts, as Juftices of Nifi Prius for the faid County of Middlefex, at any Time or Times within the Space of fourteen Days after the End of any Term r^:fpe£tively, to try all fuch Iflues as by the before- mentioned Atfts they or any of them are enabled to try, in fuch Place and Manner, and under fuch Pow- ers, Authorities and Provifions as in and by the aforefaid Afts, or any other A6l of Parliament or Law whatfoever concerning the Premifles, are prefcribed and contained ; any Thing in the before-mentioned Atirs to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithftanding. CAP. XIX. An A6t for making the River Nar navigable, from the Town and Port of King's Lynn to fVeJlacre, in the County of Norfolk. P R. HE RE AS the River Nar in the County of Norfolk, is very capable of being made navigable, from the Town and Port oi King's Lynn to TVeJlacre in the faid County; and the fame, if effected, will be of great Benefit and Advantage, not only to the faid Town of King's Lyyin, but to all the Towns and Places fituate near the faid River, and be a general Benefit to all the adjacent Country, by better accommodating the fame with Neceffaries, and by opening and facilitating Trade and Commerce, whereby Navigation and the Number of Watermen will be increafed, the Poor find Employment, and the Highways thereabouts, now worn by the Weight of heavy and frequent Carriages, will be better fupported and maintained ;' To the End therefore that the faid River Nar may be made navigable for Boats, Barges and other VelTels, from the faid Town and Port oi King's Lynn to PFe/facre aforefaid j Be it enadled, is'c. Commiffioners may contraft with Perfons to make the River navigable. Undertakers may rcmo-e An- noyances, &c. and ereft Locks above Setch Bridge, &c. and fet out Tovi'ing paths. Satisfaction to be made to the Owners of Grounds. Seven Commiffioners may receive Propofals ; nine to be prefent at making the Contradts. Notice of Meeting for that Purpofe to be given. If the adjourned .Meetings be not held as often as necefiary, five Commiffioners may lummon a Meeting. Nine Commiffioners may agree with the Owners of fuch Lands as fhall be made ufe of, and fettle the Proportion paya'oie there- out to the Tenant. If any Perfons fhall refufe, or be incapable of making fuch Agreemejit, a Jury to be impanelled, who may view the Lands, and affefs the Recompence. VerdiiS to be kept amongft the Records of the Seffions. Commiffioners may fummon Witneffes, and impofc Fines on the Sheriff and others making default in the PremilTes, to be levied by Diltrefs and Sale. Tolls to be paid for Goods carried up or down the River, which are veiled in the Commiffioners, and may be levied bv Dirtrefs and Sale. No Toll to be paid for Goods carried not more than a Furlong above Setch Bridge. Commiffioners may appoint Colle£tors and Treafurers of the Tolls, and other Officers, and adminifter an Oath of Office to them, afe. Salaries to be allowed to the Officers. Watermen to give an Account of the Qiiantity and Qtiality of Goods on hoard, &c. Penalty on his Refufal, ^c. Commiffioners to fct up Gates, i?V. where Towing-paths fliall he fet out. If the River fliall be raifed above its ufual Height by Veirs or Dams, the Banks are to be proportionably raifed. If new Cuts, is'e. be made, Ijfc. which render the Ways impaffable. Bridges are to be built over them. Commiffioners may make Orders concerning the Navigation of the River. No haling with Horles allowed between King's Lynn and Stindringhur: Eau. Pe- nalty on Commiffioner aifting where he is interefted. Commiffioners may make By-Laws, ilfc. with Pe- nalties. Perfons aggrieved by any By-Law may appeal to the Qiiarter-Seffions. Royalties of the River rcferved to the Loru^, toV. No Toll for Pleafure-boats. Commiffion of Sewers not abridged by this Act. Boat-
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