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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/352

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C. 23.
Anno vicesimo quarto Georgii II.
A. D. 1751.

[1] of Money which ſhall become payable as aforeſaid; or to accelerate the Time of the Delivery of any Goods, Chattles, Wares, Merchandize or other Things whatſoever; or the Time of the Commencement, Expiration or Determination of any Leaſe or Demiſe of any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or of any other Contract or Agreement whatſoever; or of the accepting, ſurrendring or delivering up the Poſſeſſion of any such Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments; or the Commencement, Expiration or Determination of any Annuity or Rent; or of any Grant for any Term of Years, of what Nature or Kind ſoever, by Virtue or in Conſequence of any ſuch Deed, Writing, Contract or Agreement; or the [2] Time of the attaining the Age of one and twenty Years, or any other Age requiſite by any Law, Cuſtom or Uſage, Deed, Will or Writing whatſoever, for the doing any Act, or for any other Purpoſe whatſoever, by any Perſon or Perſons now born, or who ſhall be born before the ſaid fourteenth Day of September; or the Time of the Expiration or Determination of any Apprenticeſhip or other Service, by virtue of any Indenture, or of any Articles under Seal, or by reaſon of any ſimple Contract or Hiring whatſoever; but that all and every ſuch Rent and Rents, Annuity and Annuities, Sum and Sums of Money, and the Intereſt thereof, ſhall remain and continue to be due and payable; and the Delivery of ſuch Goods and Chattles, Wares and Merchandize, ſhall be made; and the ſaid Leaſes and Demiſes of all ſuch Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, and the ſaid Contracts and Agreements, ſhall be deemed to commence, expire and determine; and the ſaid Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments ſhall be accepted, ſurrendered and delivered up; and the ſaid Rents and Annuities, and Grants for any Term of Years, ſhall commence, ceaſe and determine, at and upon the ſame reſpective natural Days and Times, as the ſame ſhould and ought to have been payable or made, or would have happened, in caſe this Act had not been made; and that no further or other Sum ſhall be paid or payable for the Intereſt of any Sum of Money whatſoever, than ſuch Intereſt ſhall amount unto, for the true Number of natural Days for which the principal Sum bearing ſuch Intereſt ſhall continue due and unpaid; and that no Perſon or Perſons whatſoever ſhall be deemed or taken to have attained the ſaid Age of one and twenty Years, or any other ſuch Age as aforeſaid, or to have completed the Time of any ſuch Service as aforeſaid, until the full Number of Years and Days ſhall be elapſed on which ſuch Perſon or Perſons reſpectively would have attained ſuch Age, or [3] would have completed the Time of ſuch Service as aforeſaid, in caſe this Act had not been made; any Thing herein before contained to the contrary thereof in any wiſe notwithſtanding.

  1. or of Delivery of Goods, Commencement or Expiration of Leases, &c.
  2. or of attaining the Age of 21 Years, &c. not altered.
  3. See 26 Geo. 2. c. 34. ſ. 4.