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C. 23.
Anno viceſimo quarto Georgii II.
A. D. 1751.

A Table of the Vigils, Faſts and Days of Abſtinence, to be obſerved in the Year.

THE Evens or Vigils before

The Nativity of our Lord.

The Purification of the Bleſſed Virgin Mary.

The Annunciation of the Bleſſed Virgin.




S. Matthias.

The Evens or Vigils before

S. John Baptiſt.

S. Peter.

S. James.

S. Bartholomew.

S. Matthew.

S. Simon and Jude.

S. Andrew.

S. Thomas.

All Saints.

Note', That if any of theſe Feaſt-days fall upon a Monday, then the Vigil or Faſt-day ſhall be kept upon the Saturday, and not upon the Sunday next before it.

Days of Faſting, or Abſtinence.

I. THE Forty Days of Lent.

II. The Ember-days at the four Seaſons, being the Wedneſday, Friday, and Saturday


1. the firſt Sunday in Lent.

2. the Feaſt of Pentecoſt.

3. September 14.

4. December 13.

III. The three Rogation-days, being the Monday, Tueſday and Wedneſday before Holy Thurſday, or the Aſcenſion of our Lord.

IV. All the Fridays in the Year, except Chriſtmas-day.

Certain Solemn Days for which particular Services are appointed.

I. THE fifth Day of November, being the Day kept in Memory of the Papiſts Confpiracy.

II. The thirtieth Day of January, being the Day kept in Memory of the Martyrdom of King Charles the Firſt.

III. The nine and twentieth Day of May, being the Day kept in Memory of the Birth and Return of King Charles the Second.