Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/371

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A. D. 1751.
Anno viceſimo quarto Georgii II.
C. 23.
TABLE to find Easter-day from the Year 1900 to the Year 2199 incluſive. THE Golden Numbers in the foregoing Calendar will point out the Days of the Paſchal Full Moons, till the Year of our Lord 1900; at which Time, in order that the Eccleſiaſlical Full Moons may fall nearly on the ſame Days with the real Full Moons, the Golden Numbers muſt be removed to different Days of the Calendar, as is done in the annexed Table, which contains ſo much of the Calendar then to be uſed, as is neceſſary for finding the Paſchal Full Moons, and the Feaſt of Eaſter, from the Year 1900 to the Year 2199 incluſive. This Table is to be made uſe of, in all reſpeſts, as the firſt Table before inferted, for finding Eaſter till the year 1899.
Day of the Month. Sunday
14 March 22 D
3 23 E
24 F
11 25 G
26 A
19 27 B
8 28 C
29 D
16 30 E
5 31 F
April 1 G
13 2 A
2 3 B
4 C
10 5 D
6 E
18 7 F
7 8 G
9 A
15 10 B
4 11 C
12 D
12 13 E
1 14 F
15 G
9 16 A
17 17 B
6 18 C
19 D
20 E
21 F
22 G
23 A
24 B
25 C