A. D. 1751. Anno vicefimo quarto Georgii ll. C. 41. 381 XVIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Perfon and Perfons importer to whatfoever who fhall import any Tobacco into Great Britain from any of his Majefty's Plantations in tranfmit to the America^ fhall within the Space of twenty-one Calendar Months, to be reckoned and computed from the '^°"'^^> ^"■'^- faid twenty-fifth Day oi March one thoufand fevcn hundred and fifty-two, tranfmit and deliver to thejr"^^'^ M^rch Colleilor or other Chief Officer of the Cuftoms at the Port or Place where any fuch Tobacco is imported, ly^o, an Ac- a true Account in Writing under his Hand, and their refpeftive Hands, of all fuch Tobacco which he count ofsllTo- fhall at the Time of giving in fuch Account, have in his Cuftody, Power or PoflelTion ; which Account f"" then in fhall contain the Number of Hogflieads, Cafks, Chefts, Cafes or other Packages in which fuch Tobacco " Cuftody ; is contained, together with all, and each, and every of the feveral and refpeftive Marks, Numbers and Weights fet upon all, and each and every fuch Hogfhead, Cafk, Chefl, Cafe or other Package, and the particular Warehoufes, Storehoufes, Cellars, or other Places where the fame are then lodged and lie ; and ^""^ >= '■= all and every fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall from and after the Expiration of the aforefaid Term of twenty- '^'^'^™';'^ ^"- one Months, tranfmit and deliver annually, and every Year, between the firft and twenty-fourth Days of ' ' ' 'June in each Year, to fuch Colle£lor or other Chief Officer of the Cufboms, at t:e Port or Place where any fuch Tobacco is imported, a true Account in Writing under his and their refpeclive Hands, of all fuch Tobacco which he fhall, at the Time of giving in fuch Account, have in his Cuftody, Power or PolTeffion which has been entered in Great Britain eighteen Months, or more, at the Time of giving in fuch Account; which Account fhall alfo contain the Number of Hogfheads, Cafks, Chefts or other Pack- ages in which fuch Tobacco is contained, and alfo all, and each, and every of the feveral and refpecSlive Marks, Numbers and Weights fet upon all, and each and every fuch Hogfhead, Cafk, Cheft or other Package, and the particular Warehoufes, Storehoufes, Cellars or other Places where the fame are then lodged and lie; and every fuch Colle£f:or or other Chief Officer is, upon Receipt of fuch Accounts, *he Goods to te forthwith to caufe the feveral and refpeiSlive Goods contained in fuch Accounts to be examined thereby, ^'^^'"'"'^ *"°" and then to tranfmit fuch Accounts to the Perfon appointed by the High Treafurer or CommifTioners of ^^y^^^jfj J,^^ the Treafury for keeping the Accounts herein before-mentioned ; and if any Importer or Importers oftranfmitted to Tobacco fhall negleiS to give in fuch Account and Accounts as aforefaid, at the Time and Times, and in the Officer ap- fuch Manner and Form, in all refpeiis, as is herein before limited, direfted and appointed, or if fuch P°'"'j?'* y "^h^ Account or Accounts fhall, upon Examination, appear to be falfe or fraudulent in any refpeit whatfoever, "" "'^' he, fhe or they lb offending in both or either of thefe Cafes, fhall forfeit and lofe the Sum of fifty Pounds P'^n^'ty- for each and every fuch Offence. XIX. And be it further tnaded by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever P'-'"=fy°f='l'"<^- fhall at any Time or Times hereafter, in order to defeat any of the Purpofes or Intents of thiis Aft, eraze, '|."^| ^ '|'!*""S cut out, burn out, blot out or in any wife whatfoever alter, change or deface any Mark or Number, upon ^^e Marks or Numbers v/hatfoever, which was burnt in, or fet upon any Hogfhead, Cafli, Cheft, Cafe or Packagee, other Package whatfoever of Tobacco, in the Plantations in America^ or which was burnt in or iet thereon. in Great Britain, upon the Importation or Landing thereof, or which was burnt in or fet thereon in Great Britain upon the Exportation thereof from thence to foreign Parts, he, fhe and they fo offending fhall forleit and lofe the Sum of twenty Pounds for each Hogftiead, Cafk, Cheft, Cafe or other Package what- foever of Tobacco, the Murk whereof fhall be fo alter&d or defaced as aforefaid, to be fued for, ri-covered,. levied and divided as is herein after direfted. XX. And be it further enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid twenty-fifth ^'^"^'^y^" 'f"- Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-two, no Tobacco fhall be brought or imported i-nto^"i,"r"^Y'""h-" the Kingdom of Great Britain otherwife than in Cafk, Cheft or Cafe only, each Cafk, Cheft or Cafei,,' Csk, ch°ft whereof fhall contain four hundred and fifty Pounds Weight of neat Tobacco at the leaft, under the Pe-or Cafeof^ru.h. nalty of the Forfeiture of all fuch Tobacco as fhall be imported contrary to this. Aft, together with the '^"';'?') at the Cafks, Chefts, Cafes or other Package containing tht- fame. '^^"^' XXI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid twenty-fifth M"'"""^'^*' Day oi March one thoufand kv^w hundred and fifty- two, no Tobacco unmanufaftured fhall be loaden or ^^°^^"^^j",, ^"^ laid on board in any Ship or Veftel whatfoever in any Poit. or Place in Great Britain, to the Intent to bein Caflc^ &c. c*" exported to foreign Parts, but in Caflts, Chefts or Cafes only, containing four hundred and twenty-five42slh. Weight, Pounds Weight or more of Tobacco, in each Cafk, Cheft or Cafe, under the Penalty of the Forfeiture'"' ""Of^- of fuch Tobacco, and of the Cafk, Cheft or Cafe containing the fame, except Cafks or other Packages containing Samples of Tobacco fliipped and exported at the fame Time and Place, and with th-: fame Hogfheads or Calks out of which fuch Samples were taken ; and the fame Goods and Package fliall and' pay be feized and proiecuted by any, OfScer or Officers of the Cuftoms in fuch Manner and Form as here- in after is exprefled.. v XXII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and afterthe faid twenty- ninth ?'°|'^°"'^'^/ Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one, no Tobacco or Tobacco Stalks exceeding. J^'* or Sr,tfr,. twenty-four Pounds Weight, nor any SnufF exceeding ten Pounds Weight (which fh;ll have been re- welgh^'^can'i-^d moved or carried Coaftwife, or by Water, from the Pert or Place of Importation in Great Britain, to any Coaftwil'e, to be. other Port or Place within this Kingdom) fhall afterwards be removed or carried from thence by Land to afterwards re- any other Place whatfoever,. without a Certificate being firft had and obtained from the Colleftor and ™y^^ y ^nd^ Comptroller, or the Chief Officers of the Cuftoms at the Port or Place, to which fuch Goods were car- g^'^^ ""',-", ^J'"'° ried Coaftwife, or by Water, as aforefaid, that it appears to them by the Entries of the Certificate or Cer- Duties being- tificates in their Books which came with the Goods from the Port or Place of Importation, thatthepaid. Duties thereof were paid or fecured at the faid Porter Place of Importation ; and alfo in what Ship or Yeffel, Shigs or Veflels^ fuch Goods and every Part thereof, came or. w.ere. brought. Coaftvvfife,. or by; Water,.,