Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/406

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3S6 C. 45' Anno vrcefimo quarto Georgii IT. A. D. 175-1. '■ continue to render, the Profits arifing to the faid Officers of the Court very inconfiderable :' There- fore, to enable the faid Officers to defray fuch Experces, and in order to provide fome Compcnfation for '"'• '^'^" I" their Trouble, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid tv/enty- fourth Day i"ic"'^"iiriioj of °'^ T^'-"^-- inftead of- the Fees limited by the.faid former A(St, the feveral Fees hereafter lirnited, -^nii no liio'c limlfci by Other Fee or Fees, fhall be taken for the refpe6tive Services of the High Bailiff of the City and-Liberty of tiiciwnfici- Art, lycjbnhijtcr for the Time being, and the Clerks of the faid Court; that is to fay. For IfTuing out every Summons, to the Clerk or Clerks four Pence. For the Service of fuch Summons, to the High Bailiff four Pence. For every Hearing, to the Clerk or Clerks fix Pence, to the High Bailiff three Pence.. For an Execution, to the Clerk or Clerks one Shilling, to the High Bailiff" one Shilling and fix Pence, For paying Pvloney into Court, to the Clerk or Clerics fiven Pence. For acknowledging Satisfadtion in fiill, to the Clerk or Clerks fix Pence. F'or every Search, to the Clerk or Clsrks tv/o Pence. For calling the Defendant before the Court, to the Clerk or Clerks two Pence, to the High Bailiff twa Pence. For every Order upon Hearing, and the Entry thereof, to the Clerk or Clerks four Pence. For the Service of every fuch Order, to the High Bailiff two Pence. For a Nonfuit on the Plaintiff's not appearing, to the Cl.'rk or Clerks four Pence. Tabkof Fees p^ Table of which Fees fhall be hung up by the Clerks of the faid Court,, or one of them, in fome pub- to be hungup j^j^j^ ^^^^ confpicuous Place of the two Court-houfes where the faid Commiffioners fhall meet for the Pur- lioufe/ ' ' pofes aforefaid, to the end that all Perfons may at all Tirties fee and read the fame. The Number of ' V. And whereas by the faid Afl: of the laft Seflion of Parliament four Clerks are appointed for the Clerks to b; re- ' faid three Divifions, which Divifions are by this A£t reduced to two ;' Be it enadled by the Authority dnccd upon, the* aforefaid, That upon the Death, Refignation or Removal of any one of the faid four Clerks, the remain- '^adon' o!^luf-" '"S three Clerks fhall continue to aft; and upon the Death, Refignation or Removal of any one of the moval &c, fsid three Clerks, then the remaining two fhall in like manner proceed to aft ; and fhall continue to cirry. into Execution all ihe Powers and Authorises by the faid former and this prefent Aft veiled in the faid. Clerks ; nor fhall the Commiflioners proceed to chufe another Clerk in the Place or Stead of any one {o dying, refigning or being removed, until the Number of the faid Clerks fhall be reduced to one ; at which Time, or fo foon after as the fame fliall be publickly known, the Commiffioners appointed to put the faid former and this prefent Aft in Execution fhall proceed to eleft another Clerk, to be joined with the fur- viving or remaining Clerk, according to the Direftions for that Purpofe in the faid former Aft, io as fuch Number of Clerks ihall not at any Time afterwards exceed the Number of two. Clerks not to VI. And be it further enafted by theAuthority aforefaid. That no Clerk or Clerks of the faid Court art as Juftkes fliall adt as a Juftice or Jufiices of the Peace in an^r Matter or Thing whatfoever relative to the Proceedings, in .my M-itters ^f ^^ f^jj Court, Or any Matter which may arile in rel.ition to the Jurifdiftion of the fame : But nothing. '^urircHft^on o^f '" '^^'^ ° ^^ '"^^ former Aft contained fhall prevent or exclude any Clerk of the faid Court from aft- 'ihe Court. ing as a Jullice of the Peace in any Matter not relative to the Bufinefs or Jurifdiftion of the faid Court. Perfon; refilling ' VII. And v/hereas Doubts have arifen, whether any Perfon or Perfons refiding within the City and' ■within the Li- ' Liberty of Weflinlnfter, or that Part of the Dutchy of Lmuqfter adjoining thereto, and who are indebted mit-, fubjeft to <. to Perfons who did not refide within the Limits aforefaid, are fubjeft'"to the Jurifdiftion of the faid tbmi ""the '"" ' Co'iirt :' For Remedy thereof. Be it declared and enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Perfons viiintiff be not inhabiting within the Limits aforefaid fhall be, and are hereby declared to be, fubjeft to the Procefs and Jurifdiftion of the laid Court, although the Plainnff fuing out fuch Procefs fhall not inhabit or refide within the faid City and Liberty of JVejbninJicr, and that Part of the Dutchy of Lancajhr which adjoincth; thereto, CAP. XLIII. An Adt for the more effedual Prefervation of the Turnpike Roads in that Part of Greaf Britain called England; and for the Difpoficion of Penalties given by Afts of Parliament relating to the Highways, in that Part of Great Britain called England, and for enforcing the Recovery thereof; and for the more effeiSlual preventing of Mifchiels occafioned by the Drivers riding upon Carts, Drays, Carrs and Waggons, in the City oi London^ and within ten Miles thereof. For fiynh-rtaws * ]S/ H E R E A S great Sums of Money have been expended in amending and repairing the Turnpike r.-fcr to 13 Ed. ' y y Roads of this Kingdom, yet the faid Roads cannot be kept in fufficient Repair, and are in many ^'&~'pmm ' ^^'■"'^^ become ruinous, by the great and exceffive Weights which the Number of Horfcs now allowed' f. S. ^ iEl.c. ' ^y Lav/ to dra^ '/aggjns and other Carriages enable Carriers and other Perfons ufing the iaid Roads. 15. zgEl.c. ' to carry upon the fame:' For Remedy whereof. Be it enafted by the King's nioft Excellent Majeffy, 5. i^fcf 14 by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prc- G.T.2. c6. £e„(^ culiant therein.