The TITLES of the STATUTE S, Rhhnoud afoireFaid, through Glliing,' Melfonhy and Ald- broiigh, to Lucx, otherwife Loiify Crofs, andliom GiUing through Gilling Town Lane, to the Turnpike Road on Gatherly Moor. qz. An Act for ex plaining, amending and malcing more ef- fectual, an Act of Parliament made in thetwenty-fixth Year of the Reign of his 'preient Majefly, intituled. An AB for repairing and widcnivg the Road from the Top of White Sheet Hill in thcParifl) of Dcnhead Saint Andrew intheCo'.intyofVJi]ts, through the Towns c/ Shaftfbury, Milborne Port and Sherborne, in the Counties of Dorfet ■ flWSomerfet, fo /!/;£• Half-way Houfe in the ParijJj of 'Ne- ther, otherwiji Lower Compton, in the fald County of Dorfet, and jeveral other Roads near the Tozvns of Shafts- bury and Sherborne aforefaid; and for repairing other Roads adjoining to the Roads in the faid former Act men- tioned. 93. An Act to enlarge the Term and Powers of an Act for repairing the Road from Shrew/bury to IP^rexham in the County oi Denbigh, and to repair and widen feveral other Roads therein mentioned, and the Road from Wrexham to Cheficr, and from thence to Pen Forddy iP'am in the Pa- ri{h of Whitford, and alfo the Road from Broughton to Mold in the'County of Flint. 94. An Act for amending, repairing and widening the Roads leading from the Rye-%uay in the Parifh o'i Tarpole in the County of Hereford to Preficigne in the County of Radnor, and from thence to Leintvjardine, and from Pre- ficigne aforefaid, to the Top o^ Trap /////, -and from the Rye-way aforefaid, by the Maidenhead, to JVooferton in the County of Salop. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno 29 Georgii II. r. A N A& for natara][Z)ng fol'n David Fatio. ^. 2. An Act for naturalizing Jens Pedcrfen. 3. An Aft for the Sale of feveral Lands in Bedford Level, the Eftate of the Right Honourable Plenry Earl of Lin- coln, Knight of the mofl: Noble Order of the Garter, and Katherine Countefs of Lincoln his Wife, and for pur- chafmg other Lands and Hereditaments of as great or greater Value ; and fettling the faid Lands fo to be pur- chafed, to the fame Ufes as the faid Lands to bs fold are now lettled, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. 4._An A6t for explaining and amending an A£l made in the twenty- feventh Year of his prcfent iVlajefty's Reign, in- tituled. An ASi for vefing certain Ejlates of Sir Ifaac Lawrence Woollafton Baronet, an hfant, fttuate in the IJle of Ely, and Counties of Cambridge, Huntingdon, Lincoln fl'?(5? Norfolk, in Tru/lees, to he Jold or mortgaged to raife Aioney for Payment of his Sijlers Portions, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. 5. An Act for empowering Efiher Hanmer, an Infant, to fettle lier Eftates, purfuant to Articles entered into in Confideration of a Marriage agreed upon between AJlieton Curzon Efquire, and the faid Ejlhcr Hanmer. d- An Aft for vcfting divers J^ands and Hereditaments in the Counties of Bucis and Berks, late the Eftate of Tho- mas TValker Clerk, deceafed, in Thomas JFalkcr the Grand- fon, in Fee Simple, fubjeft to the raifmg Portions for his younger Brother and Sifters. 7. An Aft for dividing and inclofing a certain o'pen and corr.mon Field, callea Radivay Field, within the Town- Ihip of Radzvay, in the County of IFarwick. 8. An Aft for dividing and inclofing certain Wafles or Common Grounds in the Parifh of Brancepeth, in the County of Durham. g. An Aft for dividing and inclofing the Common Fields,
- Common Paftures, Common Meadows, Common
(irounds and Wafte Grounds, in the feveral Pariflies of Boughton and Pisford, in the County of Northampton. 10, An Act for dividing and inclofmg feveral Fields, Mea- dows and Commo.ns, in the Townfhip of Sutton upon the Foreft, in the County of York, and for giving Conipen- fations, in lieu of T'ythes, to the Impropriator of the Reftory, and the Vicar of Sutton aforefaid. 11. An Aft to ewike Robert MynorsY.i(xre, and his firft and other Sons, and their Heirs Male, to take and ufe the Surname of Gouge, in purfuance of the Will of Nicholas Gouge, deceafed. 12. An Aft to emhlelPllliam JViggctt, Efquire, now cal- led William Bulwer, and his Heirs, to take and ufe the Surname and Arms of Bulvjer, purfuant to the Will of William Bulwer Efquire, deceafed. 13. An A&. for n2Ltur3Lizing Anthony Henry Stemann, Peter Otte, Godfrey Moiling, and Chrifian Meyer, Henry Biel- field, John Peter Blaquiere, and Mattheiu Lichigaray. 14. An AGi for n?itixzTAngJoJi David Eflerjjod. 15. An Aft for providing a Maintenance for the Marquis of Blanford, during the Life of his Father the Duke of Marlborough, and for rebuilding the faid Duke's Houfe at Langley in the County of Bucks ; and for purchafing in, and making void, divers Leafes granted by the faid Duke in Truft for his younger Children, and for other Purpo- fes therein mentioned. 16. An Aft to enable fohi Earl of Sandtuich, George Earl of Cholmondeley, and JVellbore Ellis Efquire, to take, in Great Britain, the Oath as Vice Treafurer and Receiver General, and Paymafter General of all his Majefty's Re- venues in the Kingdom of Ireland, and to qualify them- felves for the Enjoyment of the faid OfEces. 17. An Aft for making the Exemplilrcation of the lafl Will of the Right Honourable Richard late Earl of Burling- ton and Cork, deceafed. Evidence in all Courts of Law and Equity in Great Britain and Ireland. 18. An Aft for vefting the Capital RdelTuage of Haljled, and divers Lands in Kent, Part of the fettled Eftate of Vere Lord Vere, in Truftees, to be conveyed to Robert Bagfhaw'Ef(ire, the Purchafer thereof, purfuant to Ar- ticles, and for fettling another Eftate in the County of Middlefex, of greater Value, in lieu thereof. 19. An Aft for raifing Money out of the Eftates of Ralph Lane Efquire, deceafed, in the Counties of Northampton - and Cambridge, for difcharging the Incuaibrance affefting the fame ; and for applying Part of the Perfonal Eftate of Elizabeth Lane, his Wife, deceafed, in the Purchafe of the Cambridge/hire Eftate, to be fettled purfuant to her Will. 20.. An Aft for vefting certain Adjudications jiov/ vefted in the Crown by the Conviftion or Attainder of Alexander Mackenzie of Frafcrdale, in Hugh M^Leod of Genies Efquire. 21. An Aft for vefting Part of the fettled Eftate of Thomas Parfon Gentleman, and Honour his Wife, in Truftees, to be fold for raifing Portions for younjer Children, and for laying out the Surplus, if any, in the Purchafe of . other Lands, to be fettled to the tjfes of their Marriage Settlement. 22. An Aft for vefting in Trufirees, certain MclTuages, Lands, Tenements and Farms, in the County of Swry, fettled upon the Marriage of Rirhard Dickfon Shine Efquire, with Elizabeth his now Wife, to he fold and conveyed purfuant to Articles, and for laying out the Purchafe Money in other Lands and Teiicments, to be fettled to the Ufes of their Marriage Settlement. 23. An Aft to enable Theodore He>iry Brcadhead, an Infant, to make Leafes of the Eftates giien and deviled to him by the Will of his Uncle Henry Broadhead, Efquire, decea- fed. 24. An Aft for vefting the Eftate of Trevor Charles P.opcr, and Plenry Roper, who are both Infants, in tlie (bounty of Kent, in Truftees, to be fold ; and for applying the Purchafe-money for difcharging Incumbrances affefting the fame, under the Direftions of the Court of Chan- cery. 25. An Aft for felling the fettled Eftate of Thomas FclUott Baugh Efquire, in the County of Hereford, and for fet- tling