45? C. 41. Anno vicelinio quinto Georgii II. A. D. 1752. The Second SCHEDULE referred. to in this Act. ^ I. s. d. To George Arnold Eiqmrz, and Company, the Sum of 1321/. 15 x. and alfo the Sum ) o,, ,r n '^c of 500/. making together the Sum of — — — — — — J _-5^' The Third SCHEDULE re/erred to in this Act. STOCK. The Sum of /. s. d. I. s. d To John JJh oi Alderbroke, for — — — — — — 6 17 6 o 13 9 fg^f. The Fourth SCHEDULE referred to in this Act. STOCK. The Sum of /. s. d. I. 5. d. To Solomon JjljleyyEHq; James-Jireet, TVeJlminJler, for — — 350 00 17 10 trV. CAP. XLI. An Acl for anncKing certain Forfeited Eftates in Scotland to the Crown unalienably ; and for making Satisfadion to the lawful Creditors thereupon ; and to eftabiifh a Method of ma- naging the fame; and applying the Rents and Profits thereof for the better civilizing and improving the Highlands of Scotland, and preventing Diforders there for the future. aoGw.a, c,4i. « ■¥■!■ THEREAS by an A£t made in the twentieth Year of his Majefiy's Reign, (intituled. An A£ifcr ' YV vejiing in his Majcfly the Eftates of certain Traitors ; andfor the more effeSiually difcoveringthe fame; ' and applying the Produce thereof to the Ufe of his Majefy ; and for afcertaining and fatisfying the lawful Debts
' and Claims thereupon) it is (among other Things) enabled, That in cafehis Majefty, his Heirs and Suc-
' cefTc-f, fhall not make effedual Provifion for ths Payment and Satisfaction of all fuch Debts and Claims ' uponi he Eftates Real and Perfonal, by the faid Aft vefted in his Majefty, as fhail be decreed to be juft ' and lav/ful, in the Manner by the faid AQ. direfted, within the Space of twelve Months after the fame ' fhall be refpecSively adjudged, then it fliall be lawful for the Barons of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland, ' or any three of them, and they are thereby required to fell, or caufe to be fold, fo much of the Eftates of ' the attainted Perfons, as they fhall judge neceffary to be fold for Satisfaiffion of the Debts and Claims ' affefting the fame, and apply the Money arifmg by the Sale thereof refpedirively, in Difcharge of the
- feveral Debts or Claims to which they (hall be adjudged to be liable : Provided neverthelefs. That if his
"^ Majefty his Heirs or Succeffors, fhall, after the Expiration of the faid Time, make effectual Provifion ' for the Payment or S^tisfadlion of all the Debts or Claims upon any fuch Eftate, and fhall, before the ' fame is fold, by Warrant or Warrants under his or their Sign Manual, at any Time or Times, direft any ' fuch Eftates not to be fold, then the faid Barons fhall not proceed in the Sale of any Eftat:s fo prohibited 2oGe9,2, 0. 50. ' to be fold : And whereas by another Act of the twentieth Year of the King, (intituled. An Aci for taking t j/.-cT- r Trr 1 ;..;j.' _ •. c .1 i r r.,. „,.„*;„„ tl,^ z^™^ ;».j; d;„. ..-.', i z?,.. t./j; . 1 ceffors there ^ afummary Procefs againfl Superiors ; and for difcharging the Attendance ofVafjals at Head Courts "■ there ; andfor afcerlaimng the Services of Tenants there ; and for alloiving Heirs of Tailzie there, to fell Lands ' to the Crotun for erasing Buildings, and making Settlements in the Highlands) upon a Recital that it hath
- been, and may be found neceffary for the publick Service to ere£t Buildings, and make Settlements in
' certain Places in the Highlands of Scotland; it is enadled. That it fhall and may be lawful for any Perfon ' who is feized in, or poffefied of, a Tailzied Eftate iii Scotland, to fell, difpone or refign, ad perpetuam ' remanentiam, any Part thereof, which his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, fhall think fit to purchafe, ' for erecting of Buildings, or making Settlements within the fame : And by one other Att of the fame 30 Geo. 2, €.51, ' Year of the King, (intituled, An A£l to enlarge the Time limited hy an Ail of the lajl Sjfscin of Parliiiment, ^ for rejiraining theijfe of the Highland Drefs ; and to enable Hirs of Tailzie, Gur.rdians, Tutors, Curators,. ' and ^iruflcjis in Scotland, to fell Lands to the Croivn) upon a Recital that it may be neceffary for the Pre- ' fervation of the publick Peace, and the furtlier civilizing of the Inhabitants of the Highlands of Scotland, ' that Lands fhould be purchafed there by his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, which Lands may be fub-
- jeft to ftri£t Tailzie, or belong to Infants, Pupils, Minors, Ideots, Lunaticks, fatuous or furious Perfons ;
' it is enafted. That it fliall and may be lav^fful for any Perfon who is feized in, or poffcffcd of, a Tailzied ' Eftate in Scotland, or for any Guardian, Tutor, Curator or Truftce of an Infant, Pupil, Minor, Ideot, ' Lunatick, fatuous or furious Perfon, to fell, difpofe or refign, ad perpetuam rctna::entia7n, the Whole or
- any Part of fuch Tailzied Eftate, or the Eftate of fuch Infant, Pupil, Minor, Ideot, Lunatick, fatuous
- or furious Perfon, which his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, may think fit to purchafe for the Purpofcs
aforefaid ; which Lands fo purchafed ftiall remain in his Adajefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, unalienable ' * for ever, eKcepL as to the Power of granting Lcafes for feven 'V ears, with a Diminution of a fifth Part of
- die