Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/474

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454 C. 41. Anno vicefimo qulnto Gf.orgii II. A. D. 1752. p'urchare" th"" Lords of SeiTion are hereby authorized and required to certify to the Barons of Exchequer the Amount of feme to be cer- ^^ Claims fuftained upon fuch Eftate or Eftates, which do not exceed the Value as aforefaid ; and the faid tifu'd; Barons of Exchequer are hereby authorized and required to tranfmit fuch Certificate or Certificates, and ? ° '^^ ^^^^^ annual Value of fuch Eftate, appearing by fuch furveyed Rental as aforefaid, to the High LorVtobepai'd ^'^^^^^'^^'^^ or Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being ; and upon fuch Certificate or Certiri- cuioftheLit <^^tes being tranfmitted, the Creditors refpeftively, whofe Claims {hall have been fuftained, fhall be paid Aids. oiJt of the then next Aids to be granted in Parliament. Vn. And whereas certain other Lands and Eftates became vefted in his Majefty by virtue of the before ^ mentioned AQ: of the twentieth Year of his Reign, and the Attainder of High Treafon of the Perfons ' following, _namely, Donald Caineron oi Lochiel, Charles Stuart oi Ardjheil, Donald M'- Donald oi Kinloch Moydart, Evan M'-Pherfon of C'unie, Francis Buchannan of Arnprior, Donald M'-Donald of Lochgary, Allan Cameron of Callart, Francis Farqiiharfon of Monaltry, and Akxand r M'-Donald of Keppocb ; which Lands and Eftates were holden of Subjedt Superiors, who have entered Claims in the Court of Seflion to thafrthe Sup'e- ^ '^^ Property thereof. And whereas it would be highly conducive to the good Purpofes intended by this rjcrityofall ' ■^•^T, that the faid Lands and Eftates ftiould remain with his Majefty, his Heirs and Succelibrs :' Beit other Eftates therefore enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be lawful for his Majefty, his Heirs holden of Sub- and Succeflbrs, by proper Perfons to be appointed for that Purpofe, under his or their Sign Manual, to jedtsuiieriois. tranfa6i or Compound with fuch Subjecl Superiors, or any of ihem, concerning their Claims to the Pro- perty of the faid forfeited Eftates held of them refpefiively, and alfo to^treat and agree with the faid Subject Superiors for the Purchafe of the Superiority of the faid Lands and inflates, and that the agreed Prices of fuch Superiorities, and alfo the Sums to be paid by way of Compofition for fuch Claims of Property, Iball be from Time to Time certified by the Perfons authorized to treat for the fame on the Part of the Crown, to the High Treafurer, or Commiffioners of the Treafury, for the Time being. Where the Sujie- VIIl. Provided always. That in every Cafe where fuch Superiority was fubjedi: to a ftrifl Tailzie, the [ea'torftr'a J^-fonjes to be paid as thb Price thereof fhall be laid out and fettled in the Manner direfted by the before- Taiizie, thePur-'^^"'^'^"^ Act of the twentieth Year of the King for enabling Heirs of Tailzie, and others in Scotland, to chafe-money to fell Lands to the Crown. be bid out. IX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That in cafe the Property of any of the faid Lands held of Lands or Eftates fo claimed by fuch Subjedl Superiors as aforefaid, fliall be finally determined to be for- «ftid il'r.uf- ^^"^'^ ^°y^^ Majefty, or fuch Subjeft Superior ftiall be agreed or compounded with for fuch Claim in Man- tfts. ner herein before mentioned J then and in either of the faid Cafes, until fuch Superiorities fhall be pur- chafed as aforefaid, it fhall and may be lawful to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, to veft, in fuch Manner as fhall be agreeable to the Laws oi Seotland, the faid Lands and Eftates held of Subjed Superiors, or fuch Parts of the Lands and other the PremiiTts herein before annexed to the Crown, as fhall appear to have been formerly held of Subjeft Superiors, in one or more Truftee or Truftees, their Heirs and Suc- ceflbrs, to be renewed from Time to Time by his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflors, and which Truftee and Truftees, their Heirs and Succeflbrs, fliall, according to the Forms of the Law of Scotland, be from Time to Time entered and received Vafials in the Lands, and other the Premiffes by the refpeifive Supe- and to be applied nors thereof, and ihall hold the fame in Truft for the Ufes and Purpofes of this Ad; and the faid Lands aLea!. ^'^^ -Eftates, v/ith all the Rents, Iftbes and Profits thereof, ftiall be difpofed of, and applied to the Ufes and Purpofes in this Aft mentioned, and to none other, and fhall be under the fame Management, and fubjeft to the fame Rules, Orders and Diredtions, and the fame Provifions for Payment of the lawful Debts thereon fhall take place, that are by this AcSl made concerning the other Lands and Eftates hereby annexed He't' of fuch ^° ^^^ Imperial Crown of this Realm. q-ju^^tj .^'J.^t f„ £■• Provided always, That the Heirs of fuch Truftee or Truftees, by making up Titles to fuch Truft incur the I'amveLftafss, fhall not incur the Paffive Titles, nor reprefent their Predeceflbrs univerfally; any Law or Cuftom Titl«, &c. to the contrary notwithftanding. Tiiiftecsmay be ^XI, Provided alfo, That his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, may change fuch Truftees, at his or changed. tlicir Pleafure, and prefent new ones from Time to Time, who fliall be received by the immediate Su- , ... P2ti"is refpedivelv for the Time being, without Payment of a Year's Rent, or any other Compofition. as"ihri7bTfo'r'°T And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That v/henfoever the Property of any of the feited, " ° r'.^"^'l 9*^ Eftates fo claimed by any Subjeft Superior, fhall have been finally dcterm.ined to be forfeited to his Majefty, or fucli Subjcft Superior fhall have been agreed or compounded with for the flime as aforefaid; Te Tne" d nn- " "° ^'^'^ Superiority of fuch Lands fliall have been purchafed by his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeflbrs, alienjbiy to the • " ^^ Lands and Eftates, whereof the Superiorities are fo purchafed, fhall both Property and Superio- Ciown. rity be from that Time annexed to the Imperial Crown of this Realm, and fhall remain forever unalie- nable from the fame. ^IIL And whereas the Barony of Strowan, and other the Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments ^ which formerly belonged to Alexander Robertfon of Slroiuan, now deccafed, became forfeited to the ^ Crown, by Decree or Sentence of Forfeiture paft in the Parliament of Scotland in the Year one thoufand The Earony of fix hundred and ninety, and now belong to and remain the Property of his Majefty ;' Be it further enafted toThTcrorn."^ J^^ '^^'^ Authority aforefaid. That the faid Barony and Lands be and are hereby annexed to the Imperial Dchis thereon S™^"^*^ '- t'l's Realm, and fhall be and remain for ever unalienable from the fame, and the lawful to be paid. Debts thereoji fhall be paid in the fame Manner as is provided concerning the Lands and Premiffes before- Tu.n . r 1. mentioned. i he Rents of the VTXr faid Eftates how Alv. And be it further enafled by the Authority aforefaid. That the clear Rents and Produce of the «e beajvjlicd. Lands and Eftates hereby annexed to the Crown, or direded to be held in Truft as aforefaid, fhall be ap- plicable in the Manner herein after mentioned, or in fuch other Manner as his Majefty, his Heirs or Suc- ceffors