A. D. 1747. Anno vIcefiQio Georgii II. C. 3. 7 General Meeting ; and the Commiflionei-s prefent at fuch General Meeting, or the major Part of them, in cafe ihe Monies detained by any fuch Col eflor or Colle£lors be not paid or fatisfied as it ought to bs, ac- cording to the Directions of this A£t, fliall be, and are hereby impowered and required to fell and difpofe and to m^k* of all fuch Eflates which fliall be for the Caufe aforefaid feized and fecured, or any Part of them, to fatisfy Sale of the and pay into the Hands of the Receiver General the Sum that fhall be fo detained in the Hand of fuch Col- ^^ics. lector or Collc6tors, their Heirs, Executors, or Adminiftrators refpeclively. XVir. And be it further enacted, That in all privileged and other Places being extraparochial, and not in privileged within the Conftablewicks or Precinfts of the refpcCfive Afieflbrs to be appointed by virtue of this Act, the P'a<:cs the Com. faid CommiiEoners, or any three or more of them, fliall, and they are hereby required to nominate and ap- '"'.on"f to ap- point two fit Perfons, living in or near the faid privileged or other Places as afcreiaid, to be Afleflbrs for the ^°'" ^ °'^' (aid Places, and to make and return their faid Affeflments, in like Manner as by this Aft is appointed in any anJ Colleaors. Parifh, Tything or Place ; and alfo to appoint two or more Colledtor or Collectors, who are hereby required to colleiSt and pay the fame, according to the Rates appointed by this AQ., for collecting and paying all Sums of Money payable by this Adt. XVIII. Provided alfoi, That no Perfon inhabiting in any City, Borough or Town Corporate, fliall be None oblised to compelled to be an AfleiTor or Colledtor of or for any Part of the Plates and Affeflments hereby granted in colirft, &c. out any Place or Places out of the Limits of the faid City, Borough or Town Corporate. of the Limiis. XIX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Commillioners that fhall be within Commimonets any County, Shire, Stewartry, City or Place within the refpeflive Limits, or the major Part of them, Ihall to afTefs Com- ••rate and aflefs every other Commiflioner joined with them for or in refpecl of the Rates and Duties hereby miffioners and granted, fo as the Refidence and ufua! Dwelling-place of fuch Commiflioner fo to be afieffed, be v/ithin the '^^flo's. Divifion of fuch Commiffioners by whom he is afl'effed ; and the Commiffioners v/ithin their Diviflon fhall alfo affefs every AfFeflbr, for all and Angular the Prcmiiies for which by this Act he ought to be rated and affeffed ; and as well all Sums affeffed upon every the faid Commiffioners and Afll-ffors, as Afleffments made and fet by the Affeffors aforefaid, fhall be levied and gathered as the fame fnould and ought to have been, if fuch Perfons had not been named Commiffioners, XX. Provided alfo, and be it further enadted, That no Stay of Profccution, upon any Command, War- Nq soy ^f P^^. rant. Motion, or Order or Diredlion by A^o?z -yft/^ ulterius profcqui, fhall be had, made, admitted, received, ftcution, or allowed by any Court whatfoever, in any Suit or Proceeding, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Informa- ^tion, or otherwife, for the P.ecovery of all or any the Pains, Penalties or Forfeitures upon any Perfon or Per- fons by this A6t infli£ted, or therein mentioned, for or in order to the Convi(£tion or Difability of any Per- fon offending againfl this A(5t. XXI. And be it further enafted. That if any Affeffor, Colleflor, or other Perfon appointed by the faid Commiffioners Commiffioners, fiiall wilfully neglect or refufe to perform his Duty in the due and fpeedy Execution of this tofnc Per'ons A£t, the faid refpedtive Commiffioners, or any three or more of them, may and ihall, by virtue of this Aft, "^f"'^^' '° ^^ impofe on fuch Perfon or Perfons fo refufing or negledlin^ their Duties, any Fine not exceeding the Sum of '^' "'^* twenty Pounds, nor lefs than hve Potmds for any one Offence ; the fame to be levied and certilicd as afore- faid, and given in Charge to the refpedtive Receivers General amongft the Rates aforefaid ; and the faid Commiffioners Commiffioners, or any three or more of them, may and fliall, fiom time to time call for, and require an Ac- E? '^" '^^ '^ -- — ■ " - ■ ... . _ .. '- -Rceivers Gene- caufe the fame to be forthwith levied and paid according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Adi ; and rn„n,;fn . sn cale or any Controverly ariiing between the laid Commuiioners concerning t.he laid Kates or Aiieiiments, coiice^ntii to the Commiffioners that fliall be concerned therein fliall have no Voice, but fxiall withdraw during the De- have no Voice bate of fuch Controverfy until it be determined by the reft of the Commiffioners ; and all Qiieitions and '° ^o"'™"^"". Differences that fliall arife, touching any of the faid Rates and Duties, fhall be heard and finally determined p'^" , .. by three or more of the Commiffioners, upon Complaint thereof to them made by any Perfon or Perfons be determined thereby grieved, without further Trouble or Suit in Law; and the faid Receiver General, his Deputy or by the Commir. Deputies, fliall give Acquittances o-riJf/y to the faid CoUedtors, for all Monies by them received in purfuance fioreis. of this Adt ; which Acquittances ihall be a full Difcharge to the faid Collediors refpedtively ; and the faid CoUeaors to CoUedtors fliall ir.ake and deliver to the faid Receivers General, their Deputy or Deputies, a perfedl: Sche- g'^e m a Sche- dule fairly written in Parchment, under their Hands and Seals, figned and allowed by any three or more of^"^*^"'* '"""» the faid refpedtive Commiffioners, containing the Names, Sirnames, and Places of Abod; of every Perfon within their refpediive Coikdtidns, that fliall make Default of Payment of any of the Sums that fliall be to be returned rated or affeffed on fuch Perfon, for fuch Rate or Duty by virtue of this Adt, and the Sum and Sums char- into the Eiche- ged on every fuch Perfon ; the fame to be by him returned into his Majefty's faid Courts of Exchequer in '■l"<sr> >-'-•<:. England and Scotland refpedtively, whereupon every Perfon fo making Default of i'ayment, may be charged by Procefs of Court, according to the Courfe thereof in that Behalf; and all and every the proper Officers refpedtively herein concerned, thai!, and they are hereb required to take care, from time to time, that fuch Procefs be duly iffued and made effedtual, fo that all fuch Sums as fliali be in arrear and unpaid as aforefaid, may be fpeedily recovered and paid into his Majefty's Exehequer. XXII. Provided always, and be it enadted. That all Conftables and Headboroughs, Tythingmen and CondiiVpc^ &c. other his Majefty's Officers, fliall, and are hereby required and enjoined to be rei'pedlively aiding and affift- toalErt. ing in tbe Execution of this ACt, and to obey and execute fuch Precepts or Warrants as inall be to thtin diredted in that Behalf, by the refpedtive Commiffioners hereby appointed, or any three or more of them. XXIII. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Monies due and payable by this Collcaors to Adt, flia'l be paid by the particular CoUedtors of the refpedtive Counties, Shires, Stewartries, Cities, Bo- piy to tiie Re- roughs, Tov/ns, Parifhes and Places who fliall cclledt the fame, unto fuch Receiver General, to be ap- ';'^"=- '^■^'"'"^'» pointed as aforefaid to receive the fame, or the Deputy or Deputies of I'uch Receiver Gcntral, to be ap- ^'^' pointed