50O C. 22. Anno vicefimo fexto Georgii II. A. D. 1753. and that the Acquittance of any Perfon or Perfons authorized by the faid Truftces, or the major Part of them in a General Meeting affembkd, to receive the faid Legacy of feven thoufand Pounds, Ihall be, and be accepted as a fufficient Difcharge to the Executors and Reprefeiitatives of the faid Teftator for the Pay- ment of the faid Legacy. io,oooi. to be ' JXL And whersAs the Kight Honourable Htnrictia Cavendijh HoUes, Countefs of Oxford and Countefs puld to the Trn- t Mortimer, Relidl of Edward Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer, and the moft noble Margaret Cavendtjl) anrcoumef-ct ' Dutchefs oi Portland their only Daughter, have expreffed their Approbation of a Propofai for the Pur- Oirt"ord"tor the ' chafe of the valuable CollecStion of Manufcripts, colledted by the faid Earl, and by Robeit Earl o( Oxford H^rlcian Manu- ' and Earl Mortimer his Father, in confideraiion of the Sum of ten thoufand Pounds, upon Condition ^^'ipts. « that the fame {hall be kept together in a proper Repofitory, as an Addition to the Cottonian Library, and ' be called by the Name of the Harleian Colle£iion of Manufcripts ;' Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That out of the Monies to be raifed by virtue of this Act, the full and clear Sum of ten thou- fand Pounds fhall be paid by Order of the faid Truftees hereby appointed for the Purpofes herein after mentioned, to the Truftees for the faid Earl and Countefs, to wrhom by an Indenture quadrup.irtite, made the fecond Day of Auguji in the eleventh Year of the Reign of his prefent Majeity, and in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-feven, the faid Colletftion of Manuicripts among other Things was affigned for the Purpofes in the faid Indenture mentioned ; the faid Collection of Manufcripts to be placed and continued in the fame Repofitory in which the Cottonian Library is herein after directed to be placed ; and until the faid Repofitory ihall be erected or provided, in manner herein after mentioned, to be preferved in the Place where the fame is now lodged, or in fome other convenient Place to be approved by the faid Trultees by this Aft appointed, or the major Part of them in a General Meeting aflembled, at the Cofts and Charges of the faid Trultees for the faid Earl and Countefs, and of the Survivors and Survivor of them, and the Executors, Adminiftrators and Afligns of fuch Survivor, and of the Perfon or Perfons to whofe Ufe the faid Sum of ten thoufand Pounds Ihall be payable for the faid Collection. Truftees for put- IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Archbifhop of Canterbury for the ting this Aa in Time being, the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of Great Britain for the Time being. Execution, t;he Lord T. reafurer of Great Britain, or the Firft Commiffioner of the Treafury for the Time being, the Lord Prefident of the Council for the Time being, the Lord Privy Seal for the Time being, the Lord High SeezjGec.z. Admiral of Great Britain, or the Firft CoTimiHioner of the Admiralty for the Time being, the Lord 16. §. 3. Steward of his Majefty's Houfhold for the Time being, the Lord Chamberlain of his Majefty's Houfhold for the Time being, the Biftiop of London for the Time being, each of the Principal Secretaries of State for the Time being, being a Peer or Lord of Parliament, the Speaker of the Houfe of Commons for the Time being, each of the Principal Secretaries of State for the Time being, not being a Peer or Lord of Parliament, the Chancellor of the Exchequer for the Time being, the Lord Chief Juftice of the Court of King's Bench for the Time being, the Mafter of the Rolls for the Time being, the Chief Juftice of his Majefty's Court of Common Pleas at JVeJiminJier for the Time being, his Majefty's Attorney General for the Time being, his Majefty's Solicitor General for the Time being, the Prefident of the Royal Society for the Time being, the Prefident of the College of Phyficians for the Time being, together with the Right Honourable Charles Lord Cadogan, and Huns Stanley Efquire, and together with Samuel Burroughs and Ti:o- mas Hart Efquires, two of the prefent Truftees of the Cottonian Library, (having been fo appointed by the Heirs Male of the Body of the faid Sir Robert Cotton, in purfuance of the faid herein before-recited A£ts made in the twelfth and thirteenth Years of the Reign of King William the Third, and in the fifth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne) and together with the moft noble William Duke of Portland, and the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer, ftiall be Truftees for putting this Act m who are to ap- Execution; and that they, or the major Part of them in a General Meeting aflembled, whereof the faid point fiiteen Af- y^rchbifhop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper, and the Speaker of the Houfe of Com- ociates, mons, ihall be three, fhall, in fuch manner as they fhall think fit, ele£t and nominate fifteen other Perfons vho are to con- to be aiTociated to them in the Execution of the Trufts hereby in them repoied ; which fifteen Perfons fo tinue Truftees elcdted and nominated ihall be and continue for the Term of their natural Lives Trultees for putting this '"' '"■ A£t in Execution, with the like Power in all Refpedts as hereby is given to the Truftees herein before Eleflionofnew ftrft appointed ; and when any of the faid Truftees fo elected and nominated fhall die, the Truftees rnidVin The'^ herein before firft appointed, and their Succeflbrs, fhall in like manner eleift and nominate a fit Perfon Roombf luch asor Perfons to fupply the Plac^ or Places of him or them fo dying, and fo toties quoties any of the faid iha;] die. Truftees fo elected and nominated, or others fo elected and nominated to fupply their Places, Ihall happen to die. Tn"te va°cant "* ^- Provided always, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That when either the i^A Charles by the Death of Lord Cadogan ov Hans Stanley ih?i die, it fhall and maybe lawful for the Survivor to nominate another Lord Cidogjn or fit Perfon to fucceed the deteafcd in the Place of aTrtiftee fo vacant; and after the Deceafe of both of Hans Stanley, them (the faid Charles Lord Cadogan and Hans Stanley) it fhall and may be lawful for the Heirs Male of their Bodies, and upon Failure of the Heirs Male of the Body of either of them, to and for the Heirs Male of the Body of the other of them, being of full Age, or their refpeftive Guardian or Guardians during their Minority, to nominate a Truftee for the Purpofes of this A£t, in the Room of the Perfon laft nomi- nated by the Survivor of them; and fo as often as any Perfon fupplying the Place of the faid Charles Lord . . J. Cadogan or Hans Stanley Ihall happen to die. Tr^'ee* vacant ^^- Provided always, and be it enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That when either the faid 5(7w.vc/ by theUeathof Burroughs or Thomas Hart fhall die, it ftiall and may be lawful to and for Frances Hanbury, Widow and Relift t>f Francis Hanbury Efquire, (which Frances Hanbury is the Heir general of the faid Sir Robert Cotton) and after 8