Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/522

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Officer', 502 C. 22. Anno vicefiimo fexto Georgii II. A. D. 1753. make By-laws and Ordinances for the Purpofes of this A£l; and to afiemble together when, where and as often, and upon fuch Notice as to them fhall feem meet, for the Execution of the Truft hereby in them repofed; .and lliall alfo have full Power, Capacity and Ability to purchafc, take, hold and en- joy, for the Purpofes of this Act, as well Goods and Chattels, as Lands, Tenements and Heredita- ments, fo as the yearly Value of fuch Lands fhall not exceed five hundred Pounds above all Charge? and Reprizes; the Statute of Mortmain, or any other Statute and Law to the contrary thereof in any wife notwiihllanding. Trui'-es im- _ ^ XV. And be it further ena£led by the Authorltj' aforefaid. That the Truftees fo appointed and incorpo- Strtu'tes "'"" ^"^^ted by this A.Q., or the major Part of them at any General Meeting aflcmbled, fhall from Time to Time, and as often as they fhall think fit, make, conftitute and eftablifh fuch Statutes, Rules and Ordinances for the Cuftody, Prefervation and InfpecUon of every Part of the fevera! Collections hereby intended to remain and to :ippoint in, the faid general Repofitory, as to them {hall feem meet; and fhall and may in like manner affign fuch s..bnt-s to their Salaries and Allowances as they fhall think fit to the Officers and Servants, who in manner herein after- mentioned Ihall be appointed to attend and affift in the Care and Prefervation of the feveral Collectioiis contained in the faid general Repofitory; and I'hall and may at their Pleafure in like manner fufper.d or re- move any fuch Officer or Servant for Miibehaviour or Nei2;le(3: of Duty. Nommation of XVL And be it enaffed by the Authority aforefiid. That the Principal Librarian, to whom the Care Librldan.' ^'""^ Cuftody of the faid general Repofitory fhall be chiefly committed, fhall from Time to Time be nomi- nated and appointed in manner following; that is to fay, the faid Archbifliop of Canterbury, Lord Chan- cellor or Lord Keeper, and the Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, or any two of them, fhall recommend to his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors, two Perfons, each of whom they fhall judge fie to execute the faid C)flice; and fuch of the faid two Perfons fo recommended as his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, by Writing under his or their Sign Manual {hall appoint, after he fhall become bound to the faid Truftees by this A6t appointed, for th; due and faithful Difchargc of his Office, in fuch penal Sum not being lefs than one thoufand Pounds, as the faid Truftees at any general Meeting afTembled, or the miajor Part of them, fhall think proper, fliall have and hold the faid Office during fuch Time as he flmll behave well therein. ^^""ftl"?!,"^ XVIL And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That the reft of the Officers and Servants ■whofe Attendance and Affiftance fhall be necefTary in the Care and Prefervation of the faid general Repo- fitory, fhall from Time to Time be nominated and appointed by the faid Archbifliop of Canterbury, Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper, and the Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, or any two of them. No Officer's XVIIL Provided always. That no fuch Perfon to whom the Care and Cuftody of the faid general Re- pit"by aDe-^' PO^'to^'y ^^^^^ be chiefly committed, nor any of the reft of the faid Officers or Servants, unlefs in Cafes of occafional Sicknefs, or other neceffary Caufe of Abfence, to be approved by the faid Archbifhop of Canter- bury, Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper, and the Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, or any two of them, fhall be permitted to fupply his Place by a Deputy. Affitontsand^ XIX. Provided neverthelefs. That the Perfon, to whom in manner aforefaid the Care and Cuflody of ' ""'" the faid general Repofitory fhall be chiefly committed, fliall and may be affifted by fuch fubordinate Offi- cers and Servants, as in manner aforefaid fhall be appointed continually to aiTift him in the Execution of his Duty. veitcii m the ^^' '^"'^ ^^ '*■ ^^^^^'^ eiiadled by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Mufeum or Colle£tion of Sir Truftees. Hans Sloane, from and after Payment of the faid Sum of twenty thoufand Pounds, and the faid Alanor- hoafe and Garden, with the Appurtenances and Water, until the faid Mufcuni or Colleftion fhall be re- moved to the faid general Repofitory; and alfo the faid Cittonian Library and Additions thereunto; and the faid Harlelan Colleclion of Manufcripts, from and after Payment of the fiid Sum of ten thoufand f^ounds; and the faid general Repofitory, whn the fame fliall be erected or provided for the Ufe thereof, ftiall be vefted in the faid Truftees by this Afl appointed, and their Succeflbrs, for ever; upon this Truft and Confidence neverthelefs. That a free Accefs to the faid general Repofitory, and to the Collections .therein contained, fhall be given to all ftudious and curious Perfons, at fuch Times and in fuch Man- ner, and under fuch Regulations for infpedting and confulting the f;iid Colleftions, as by the faid Truf- tees, or the major Part of them in any General Meeting aflembled, fhall be limited for that'Purpofe. "'mt^'ca th=""^^u-^Tv^^-' ^"'^ ^-^ '"^ further enaflcd by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for Truftees any ms Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors, at any Time hereafter, by Letters Patent or Indenture under the BiiiWing, &'c. Great Seal of Great Brituin, to give and grant unto the faid Truftees and their Succeilbrs in Perpetuity, lora jenerai Re- for the Purpojes of this Aft, the Right orUfc in or of any Room, Mefiuage or Building, or Rooms, poiitory. Melluages or Buildings, with the Appurtenances, or any Ground or Site, rcq'uifite for the Ereftion of the fiid general Repofitory, or for making any Addition thereto; any Reftriclions, or Matier or Thing con- tamed in an A£t of Parliament made in the firft Year, of the Reign of her late RT.ijcftv Qiiecn Anne, inti- 1 A„n. fl. I, c. 7. tuled. An Aa for the better Supfort of her Afaje/iy's HoifnM, and of the Honour and Dignity of the Croiat } ^: ]: p ,. . , or a^iiy other Law or Statute in any wife notwithftanding. and Corporal- n o ■ "^"^^ ^'^ "^ further enaftcd by the Authority aiorefai.l. That it fliall and may be lawful to and for &c. impowcred f^ Bodies Politick and Corporate, Truftees, Mortgagees and Feofi'ees in Truft, Guardians and Committees todiipofeof for .nfants, Lunaticks and Ideots, Executors and Adminiftrators whatfocver, and to and for all Femei Co- l-ind!, ScQ. to vert, who are or fhall he feifcd of any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, in their own Right, and to and JuchRc'latorv' T '^"'^ '^^^^ °'^'^ ^'^°" '"^"^ Perfons whomibever v.ho arc or fliall be feifed, poffefl'cd of or intercfted in .?o' o'y- any l^inds. Tenements or Hereditaments, to fell and convey to the faid 'Prullecs and their Succeilbrs, or to ii'^r /"" ° Perfons as they, or the major I'art of them at any General Meeting aifembleJ, fhall appoint, all fuch Lands, 'Leiiements, Idereditaments, Eftates and Interclfs, or any Part thereof, as the faid Truftees, or the major Part of them, fliall purchafe, for the Purpofe of ereding or proA'iding f ich general Repofitory as aforefaid; and all Contrads, Agreements, Sales and Conveyances which flull be made by any fuch Bodies the reft of the Officers. puly, fubordinate Offi, cers. jVlLifeum, &c. eftcd in the