Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/531

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A. D. 1753. Anno vicefimo fexto Georgii II. C. 25. 511 Sums the Treafurer of the Navy is by the faid Acl: reqiured to pay immediately to fuch Pcrfon or Perfons as fhall b: appointed by the Commifiioners for Difcovery of the faid Longitude to make thofe Experi- ments, out of any Money that mall be in his Hands unapplied for the Ufe of the Navy: And whereas ' for a due and fufficient Encouragement to any fuch Perfon or Perfons as {hall difcover a proper Method ' for finding the faid Longitude, it is likewife enafted by the faid Aft, That the nrft Author or Authors, ' Difcoverer or Difcoverers of any fuch Method, his or their Executors, Adminilirators or Afligns, fliall ' be intitled to and have fuch Reward, as in the faid A£l: is particularly mentioned : And whereas by ' another Aft of Parliament made in the fourteenth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, 'iCeo. a. c.;s<>. ' An ASi for Jurveytng the chief Ports and Head Lajids on the Conjh a/^'Great Britain and Ireland, and the Ifands ' and Plantations thereto belongings in order to the more exaSf Determination of the Longitude and Latitude ' thereof; reciting in Part the faid Aft of Parliament made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of her faid late ' Majefly Queen y//7n<?; and alfo reciting that it was abfolutely necefiary for making the Difcovery ufeful ' at Sea, and for the Security of Ships approaching near the Shoars, that the chief Ports and Kcad Lands ' on the Coaits of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Iflands and Plantations thereto ielonging, Ihould be ' firft furveyed, and the Longitude and Latitude of fuch Places determined more exaclly than had then ' been done; and likewife reciting that fome Doubts had arifen, whether by the Words of the faid Aft of . ' Parliament made in the twelfth Year of Queen Anne, the faid Sum of two thoufand Pounds appointed ' for making fuch Experiments, or any Part thereof, could be applied for fuch Survey, or fixing the Lon- ' gitude or Latitude of fuch Places, it was enafted by the faid Aft made in the fourteenth Year of the ' Reign of his prefent Majefty, That the faid Commifiioners for difcovering the Longitude, or any five or ' more of them, fhould ha^'e full Power to apply fuch Fart cf the faid Sum of two thoufand Pounds men- ' tioned in the faid firft recited Aft, as had not then been laid out in Experiments, as they fliould thinlc ' neceffary for the making fuch Survey, and determining the Longitude and Latitude of the chief Ports ' and Head Lands on the Coalfs of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Iflands and Plantations thereto ' belonging; and that fuch Sum or Sums, Part of the faid two thoufand Pounds, which the faid Commif- ' fioners, or any five or more of them, fliould think neceffary, fnould be paid immediately by the Trea- ' furer of the Navy 'to fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhould be appointed by the faid Commifiioners for the ' Difcovery of the Longitude to make fuch Survey, and determine fuch Longitude and Latitude, out of ' the Money that fhould be in the Hands of fuch Treafurer unapplied for the Ufe of the Navy: And — ' v/hereas a competent Number of the faid Commifiioners for the Difcovery of the faid Longitude have ' (by virtue of the Powers vefted in them by the faid Aft made in the tv/elTth Year of the R.eign of Queen ' Anne) heard and received feveral Propofals made to them at different Times for difcovering the faid Lon- ' gitude, and v/ere fo far fatisfied of the Probabilities of fuch Difcoveries, that they thought it proper to ' make Experiments thereof, and accordingly certified the fame from Time to Time to the Commifiioners ' of the Navy for the Time being, together with the Name of M after fohn Harrifon, v/ho was Author of ' the faid Propofals; whereupon Pills wtre made out for feveral Sums of Money, am^ounting in the Whole ' to one thoufand two hundred and fifty Pounds, all which refpeftiveSums were paid to the iaid '^cZj;z Har- ' rifon by the I'reafurer of the Navy, purfuant to the Direftions of the faid laft-m.entloned Aft'of Parlia- ' ment, as Parts of the faid two thoufand Pounds therein mentioned; which the faid Commifiioners for ' difcovering the faid Longitude thought neceflary for making the faid Experiments : And whereas a like ' competent Number of the faid Commifiioners for the Diicovery of the faid Longitude did (by irtue and ' in purfuance of the Pov/ers vefted in them by the faid feveral above-mentioned A£ts of Parliament) ' ' appoint Mafter JViUiam IVhiJlon to furvey and determine the Longitude and Latiti;de of the chief Ports' ' and Head Lands on the Coaits of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Iflands and Plantations thereto be- ' longing; and did alfo apply the further Sliti of five hundred Pounds (other Part of the faid Sum of tv/o ' thoufand Pounds mentioned in the faid Aft made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of Qiieen Anne) v/f ich. ' they thought neceflary for the making fuch Survey, and determining the. faid laft-mentioncd Longitude ' and Latitude, and which faid Simi of five hundred Pounds was paid to the fold William TVhiflon sccord- ' ingly by the Treafurer of the Navy : And whereas by reafoii of the feveral Paym.eius made by the Trea-. ' furer of the Navy to the faid fohn Harrifon and William IVhijhn refpeftively as aforefaid, amcuntijig in. ' the Whole to one thoufand. feven hundred and fifty Pounds, the faid Comroifiioners for difcovering the ' faid Longitude have at prefent, by virtue of the faid Afts of Parliament, Power only to apply the Sum of ' two hundred and fifty Pounds, and no more (being the Remainder of the faid two thoulhnd PoundiJ ' tov.'ards making any further Experiments which they may think proper and neceflary to be made, in order ' to difcover the faid Longitude : And whereas from theExperiments which have already been made in pui- ' fuance of the Powers vefted in the faid Commifiioners as aforefaid, there is great Pvcafon to c.xpeftt, that ' by continuing to encourage ingenious Perfons to invent and make further Improvements and Experiments, ' in ordi r to difcover the faid Longitude, I'uch Difcoveries may at length be produced, as will eft'eftually ' anfwer that End, and thereby contribute very much to the Advantage of the Trade and Honour of this ' Kingdom :' Therefore for enabling the faid Commiffioners to caufe iuch further Experiments to be niade'^'"^'^'"^!^'^'- as they lliail think proper for the Purpofes aforefaid; Be it enafted by the King's moit Excellent Majefty, ,'"" °"^""'"^- by and with the Advice and Conient of the Lords Spiritual and 1 emporal, and Commons, in tins pic-i,;-,-.o„.(>,cj to ic- fent Parliament aiTembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That the faid Conmiffioners ccnlcitutedteiVe i'repf/;tjs by the faid Aft of Parliainent made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of the late (^^^ccn Anne,, for the JJif- for d.iix-vering cov..-ry of the Longitude at Sea, and for examining, trying and judging of all Propofals, Experiments ^.5^1 -^ L™£jtudf, L'liprovements relating to the fame, or any five or more of them, have full Power to hear and receive any (i,,'„i ^j,,^,^"^ Propofal or'Propofals that have been or Ihall hereafter be made to them for difcovering the faid Longitude atmake Expcii- "; and in cafe the faid Comr .uoners, or any fiv-e or more of them, fo. far fatisfied. of the Pro-i^'cnt?, liuy ais;