A.D. 1747. Anno vicefimo Georgii II. C. 3. '2.1 the feventeenth Day of March then next enfuing ; one other fifth Part thereof on or before the nineteenth I>ay oi May then next enfuing ; one other fifth Part thereof on or before the fourteenth Day of July then next enfuing ; and the remaining fifth Part thereof on or before the twenty-fecond Day of iS^/itow/vr then next following : All which Annuities, fo to be purchafed, fhall be paid and payable at two of the moft ufual Feafts or Days of Payment in the Year; that is to fay, the Feafts of the Annunciation of the Bleffed Wr- g Mary, and of Saint Michael the Archangel, by even and equal Portions, or within fix Days after every of the faid Feaft Days ; the firfl: Payment thereof to be due and payable at the Feaft Day of the Annuncia- tion of the Bleffed Virgin Mary, which (liall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and forty-eight, or within fix Days after the faid Feaft Day: Ncverthelefs, the faid Annuities fhall be redeem- Annuities if- able according to the Purport and true Meaning of a Provifo or Condition herein after mentioned in that decmabie. Behalf, and not otherwife ; and the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers of the faid Governor and Company of the Caftieiofihc Bank oH England for the time being, is and are hereby authorized and required forthwith to give Receipts in '^^" i^'^'"^ Writing, figned byhimfelf or themfelves, to fuch Contributor or Contributors, for all Sums of Money by ^"'^'P'^- them depofited with, or paid unto fuch Cafhier or Cafliiers before the paffnig of this Afl ; as alfo for fuch Other Sum or Sums of Money as fhall hereafter be advanced and paid to him or them by any fuch Con- tributors or Payers thereof as aforefaid (which Receipts fhall be affignable by Endorfement thereupon made Receipts to ba at any Time before the twenty- fecond Day of Sfptonif)- one thoufand feven hundred and forty-feven, and affignable. no longer ;) provided the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers do firft give Security to the good Liking of any three or Cafliierto gU'c more of the Commiflloners of the Treafury now being, or of the High Treafurer, or Commiffioners of the Security. Treafury for the time being, for duly anfwering and paying into the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer, all the Monies which he or they have already received, or fhall hereafter receive, from time to time, of or for the faid Sum, not exceeding four millions, as fafl as he or they fliall receive the fame, or any Part ' thereof, and to acount for all the Monies fo to be advanced and paid to him or them, in his Majefty's Court of Exchequer, according to the due Courfe thereof. XLVIL And it is hereby enacted. That in the Office of the Accomptant General of the Governor and Book tobeltfpt Company of the Bank oi England {or the time being, there (hall be provided and kept a Book or Books, in foi-emering which there fliall be iairly entred the Names of all who fliall be Contributors for fuch Annuities, after the Contributors Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum as aforefaid, and of all Perfons by whofe Hands the faid Contri- ^^°"» *'"'^' butors fhall pay in any of the faid Sums upon this Aft, and alio the Sums fo paid ; and the iaid Accomp- tant General is hereby alfo authorized and required, upon the full Payment of the Sum. of four millions to the faid Cafliier or Cafhiers by fuch Contributors as aforefaid, forthwith to place to the Credit of every fuch Contributor, in the fame Book or Books as are herein before directed to be provided by the faid Accomp- Contributors to tant General, for entring the Names of all fuch Contributors, and the Sums by them paid for the Purchafe ^^ a"dft'ionar'* of the faid Annuities, an additional Capital of ten Pounds, to be added to every Sum of one hundred Capital of loi. Pounds, by them refpedlively advanced for tiie Purpofes aforefaid, and fo in Proportion for a greater or for eveiy looi. leffer Sum ; which iaid additional Capital fliall be attended with Annuities, after the Rate of four Pounds to carry 4I. per per Centum per Annum^ and fhall he charged upon, and paid out of the faid Rates and Duties by this Aft Cent, inteicft,,.-. granted, at the fame Feaft Days, and in the fame Manner, as the Annuities herein before made payable, :. •: in refpeft of the faid Principal Sum of four million?, are to be paid and payable, and fubjedf alfo to the fame Provifo of Redemption by Parliament herein after contained in that Behalf; and it fliall and may be Contrlbutots to lawful for the faid refpeftive Contributors, their Executors, Adminiftrators, Succeffors and Afligns, from '"•"p^'S the time to time, and at all fcafonable Times, to have Refort to, and infpedl the faid Book or Books without ^°°'" S""^' any Fee or Charge ; and the faid Accomptant General for the time being, fhall, on or before the twenty- Duplicate of ths fourth Day of y«;7^ one thoufand feven hundred and forty-nine, tranfmit an attefted Duplicate fairly writ- ^""^'"J"^ '" . ten on Paper, of the faid Book or Books, into the Oflice of the Auditor of the Receipt of his Majefl:y's Ex- ' Exchequer, chequer, there to remain for ever. XLVIIL And it is hsrcby enailed by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Contributor and Con- Annuities en- tributors upon this A6t, duly paying the whole Confideration or Purchafe Money, at the Rate aforefaid, fured to the at or before the relpeftive Days and'Times in this Ait limited in that Behalf, for fuch Annuity or Annui- Concnbutors, ties as aforefaid, or fuch as he, fhe or they fhall appoint, his, her or tlieir refpeftive Executors, Adminiftra- tors, Succeffors and Affigns, fnall have, receive and enjoy, and be intitled by virtue of this A6t, to have, receive and enjoy, the refpective Annuity and Annuities fo to be purchafed, together with the Annuity or Ainnuities made payable by this A£t, in refpeft to the faid additional Capital as aforefaid, out of the Mo- nies by this Aft appropriated or appointed for Payment thereof as aforefaid, and fhall have good and fure. Eftates and Interefts therein for ever, fubjeft only to the Provifo or Condition of Redemption, in this Afl afterwards contained concerning the fame ; and that all the feveral and refpeflive Annuities, payable in pur-- fuance of this Aft, after the Rate of four Pounds /i6T Centum per Annum, on all and every the principal- Sums for which the fame are payable, fhall be free from all Taxes, Charges, and Impofitions whatfoever. free from Taxes, XLIX. And it is hereby provided and enafled by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Perfon and Monies paid be- Perfons who fhall become interefted in, or intitled to any Annuity or Annuities, Part of the faid Sum of 'p: '•^'^ Times, four millions fubfcribed for in purfuancc of this Aft, who flwll, before the pafling of this Aft, have ad- ""'^' vanced or paid, or fhall hereafter advance and pay to the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers, the Whole, or any Part of the remaining Purchafe-money, payable in refpeft thereof, before any of the refpeftive Days or Times herein limited or appointed for Payment thereof, fuch Perfon or Perfons fliall be allowed Intereft after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Anmim-, for all and every fuch Sum and Sums of Money as fliall be fo to carry 5I. psr advanced and paid to fuch Cafhier or Cafhiers, by any fuch Contributors as aforefaid, from the refi^eftive Cent, intereii Time or Times of their aftual Payment thereof, to Michaelmas one thoufand {^vtn hundred and forty-fe- ven ; and the ConimifTioners of his Majefty's Treafury, or any three or more of them now being, or the High Treafurer, or any three or more of the Commiftioners of the Treafury for the time beings are hereby authorized and required to cauli: the faid Litereft to be paid upon fucli refpeftive Sums, as fhall be fo ad- C 3 vanced eit.