Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/580

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560 C. 17. Anno vicefimo feptimo Georgh II. A. D. 1754. ' MaiTiul of the Murjhaljea or the Court of Kings Binch, or the Profits thereof, by the faid JyHliam ' L'Hihdl to the fid Sir "John Cuthr^ or to Edmund Boulter Efquire, Executor of the faid Sir 'John Cutler^ ' or to uny other Perlbn or Pcrfons in Truit for them, or either of them, or to fubject the faid Office, ' or the Profits thereof, or the Perfon or Perfons in whom the fame then were or fhould be vefted, to any ' of the Forfeitures or Penalties in the faid recited Adt contained, other than fuch as they were or inighc ' be liable unto before the making of the faid Afl, uniil fuch Suin or Sumsof Money as was or wert ' fccured by the aforefaid Mortgage fliould be fully fatisfied and paid, anyT'hing in the faid recited hdt ' contained to the contrary thereof notwithftanding ; and in and by the faid recited A£t, it was amongft ' other Things enaiSled, That all and every Depatation or Deputations, Grant or Grants, at any Time ' thentofore made or executed by the id,d,' IFilliam Lcnthall of the foid Office of iMarfhai of the Marjhai- fea of the faid Court of King's Bench, was and_ were thereby declared void and of none Effect j and ' that every fucceeding Marihal fhould, from 1 ime to Time, and at all Times thenafter, be copfti- ' tuted and ?ODointed%v the faid IFilliam LenthalU his Heirs and Affigns, by and with the Conferit irt ' Wri- ■• ■ -' • ■ -^ .-'-.-" '. .•■•--. .,••.. i r iigns ' the ___ ,._ _ .... - . ' Lenthnll, on "or about the twenty-fixth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred, there appeared to ' be then due from him, and fecured by the faid Mortgage of th- Office aforefaid, the Sum of twenty ' thoufand four hundred and thirty eight Founds, ten Shillings and fix Pence Halfpenny ; And v/hereas ' the faid Debt was afterwards ailigned to Jofeph Studley late of Saint Nicholas Lam, London, Gentle- ' man, dcceafed ; and the Fee Simple and Inheritance of the Office aforefaid by virtue of feveral mefne ' Conveyances and AfTurances in the Law, is now become vefted in Ebene%er Blacb.vcll of Lombard-Street, ' London, Goldfmith, in Trull for the Heirs of the faid William Lenthall, and in Trufl: that he the ' faid Ebene%er Blackwell and his Heirs fhall and may, (as there fliall be Occafion, until the Debt due ' on the aforefaid Mortgage Ihall be fatisfied) by and with the Confent of the Executors, Adminiflra- ' tors or Affigns of the laid Jojeph Studley, tellified in Writing under their Hands and Seals, and not other- ' wife, conftitute and appoint (ome Perfon or Perfons to execute the Office of Marfhal of the Marfmlfen

  • aforefaid, and with the like Confent appoint fuch other Officers as belong to the fame Office : Ar.d

' whereas the Debt due on the faid iVlortgage hath been fmce affigned to the feveral Perfons and in the fe- ' veral Proportions herein after mentioned, (that is to fay) to Thomas Martin of Clapham, in the County ' of Surrey, Efquire, eight twentieth Parts thereof; to John Martin of Overbury, in the County oiJVor- ' iT^f?;-, Efquire, four tvventieth Parts thereof; to the {-mA Thomas and 'John A'lartin, as Executors of the ' Will of Edward Bovjman late of London, Citizen and^ Goldfmith, deceafed, four twentieth Parts there- ' of, upon the Truftrs in the faid Will mentioned; to John Langmore oi Boiv Lane, London, Gentleman, ' as Executor of the Will of the faid Jofeph Studley, one twentieth Part thereof; to the faid John Langmore ' in his own Right, one Half of one tv/entieth Part thereof; to Edward Birch of the Parifh of Saint Giles ' in the Fields, in the County of Middle/ex, Cordwainer, mid Jnn his Wife, one Half of one twentieth ' Part thereof; and to the faid Ebenezer Blackwell, two twentieth Parts thereof: And whereas on the firft ' Day oi February one thoufand feven hundred ind fifty-three, there was due for Principal and Intereft oir ' the aforefaid Mortgage, the Sum of thirty thoufand three hundred and ninety-feven Pounds, three Shil- ' lings and three Pence ; and the Proprietors of the faid Debt ha'e agreed to accept the Sum of ten thou- ' fand and five hundred Pounds, as a Compenfation and infuU Satisfadion of and for the fame: And ' whereas tTie Prifon of the Marfimlfea of the faid Court of King s Bench is decayed by Length of Time, ' and fo much out of Repair, that the fame in ics prefent Condition is unfafe for the Cuftody, and dangc- ' rouR to the Health of the Prifoners ; which Inconveniencies cannot be remedied unlefs the Prifon is re- ' built : And whereas the faid Office of Marihal of the Marjl)alfea aforefaid, is an Office of great Truft ' and Importance, and the granting the fame in Fee by King James the Firfl, and the mortgaging the

  • fiime under fuch Grant, has been a very great Obftrudtion to the due Exercife of the faid Office, and

■* detrimental to the Authority and Jurildidion of his Majefty's faid Court of King's Bench, and to thd ' Safety of the Prifoners committed to the aforefaid Prifon, and injurious to the Suitors of the faid Court, ' who cannot have any Benefit of the aforefaid Statute made in the eighth and ninth Years of the Reigii ' of his late Majel^y Kling JP'illiam the Third, until the Debt due on the afurefaid Mortgage fliall be paid ' and fatisfied :' May it therefore pleafe your mofl Excellent M.jcffy, that it may be eiViCtcd ; and Beit enacied by the King's mofi: Excellent Majefly, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords S|)iritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament ailembled, r,nd by the Authority of the fame. That out of all or any the Aids or Supplies granted to his Majeffy for the Scivice of the Year one thoufand P^kUo Thomas f^ven hundred and fifty-four, any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding the Sum often thoufand five- and fohn M;'.r- hundred Poundd fliall and may be ifi'ued and paid to the f.iid Thomas ^Martin, John Martin, John Langmsre^ tin, jolin Lang- Edward Birch and Ehenezer Blacizvell, their Executors, Adminiftrators or Afiigns, in confideration of and more, EJ.vaid f^ Satisfadtion for the Debt due to them on the faid Mortgage of the Office of Alarflial of the Marjhal/fd iK-zcrciackwdl '^'oi'^^^'d, upon their conveying, affigning a'ld releaung unto his Majeffy, his Heirs and Succeilbrs, all in Difcharee of t^^cir Eftate, Right, Title and Intcrcif, of, in and to the faid Office, and the faid Debt fo due to them as tlw Moitgnge aforefaid. on tlio Office of Maiflial o! the Mar/hallea. The rrifon- JJ, And it is hereby further enaded by the Authority aforefiiid, That from and immediately after the Pown oT'ip.^ Payment of the faid Sum often thoufand five hundred Pounds to the faid Thomas Martin, John Martin, jM^intiiig ihe" J^^'>^ Langmorc, Edivard Birch And Ebenczcr Blachvcil, the faid Piifon of the AlarJhalJ'ca of the fiiid Coui;l of