Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/591

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A. D. 1754* Anno vlcefimo feptimo Georgii n. C. 20. 571 " The Executors of Sir Charles Orby, and Tlmnas Orhy Huniei difcharged from Payment of the annual " Sum of 100/. to the Company, and from all Covenants in the Articles of lo July 1697. Proprietors of " taxable Lands within the North Level, may purchaie oft' fo much of the Taxes 'charo-eable thereon, by " the ASs 15 & 20 Car. 2. as will raife the Sum.of 1,800/. and enter Subfcriptions for the fame, before " 24 June 1754. Payment thereof to be made by ag Septeml/cr 1754; and to be applied in difcharging the " Debt; Company to execute Releafes of the Taxes to the Purchafers. The Taxes chargeable by AiSl.^

  • ' 15 b" 20 Car. 2. to be continued on the Refidue of the Lands, and to be applied in the Works of the

" Level herein mentioned. The Lands of the North Level difcharged from the Refidue of the Debt of

  • ' 14,300/. and from the Debt of 15,940/. and all other Debts now owing. The A^ar//; Zew/ not liable to

" Debts, on account of the. Middle Mid South Levels ; nor they to be fubje6t to Debts on account of the " North Level. Members for Lands in the N'orth Level, not to vote concerning borrowing Money for the " Middle and South Levels. _ The Lands to be drained, to be divided into DiltriiSls. Commiflioners ap- " pointed for the feveral DlftriiSls. CommiiTioners to have an yearly General Meeting, to nuke a Rate for " draining on all Lands not herein excepted : For the fiift four Years at i s. per Acre, after not to exceed - " 6 d. per Acre, in any Year ; to be paid Half-yearly. T"hc Dam to be made in (he Old Wrycle Drain, not " to be afterwards removed, i^e. The Counter Drain from the Severals, to be cleanfed at the Proprietors " Charge. l( Dmiton Hall Bridge be taken down, or altered, the CommiiTioners to build another. Befides " the Rate for general Works of draining, the Commiflioners of the Fourth Di{lricl may make another " Rate, not exceeding 2 s. per Acre for the firft two Years, and i s. per Acre after. The CommiiTioners of " the firft and fecond Diftrids may alfo m.ake a like Rate, not exceeding i s. per Acre. DiiT'erences con- " cerning Damages to be fettled by the Quarter-Seiiions. The Duke of Bedford to cleanfe and fupport the " Drains and other Works in the third Diftricl. Thomas Orby Hunter to cleanfe and fupport the Drains " and other V/orks in the fifth Diftrid. Beverley Butler may erecl a Mill for draining the Waters from the " Ground belonging to him. Tenants to pay the Rates, and fuch as are at Rack-rent m.ay deduct the " fame. If the Lands fliall be untenanted, and no Diftrels can be had, the Lands to remain as a Security " for the Rates. 14,000/- may be raifed by Annuities, to anfwer the immediate Expences of draining, " Annuities for 30 Years not to exceed 6/. and for a fingle Life 7/. per Cent, to be charged on the Rates.

  • ' Commiflioners may borrow Money at 5/. per Cent. Wh:n the Annuities fliall be deiermined the Rates

" may be reduced. CollecSlors or Treafurers refufing to account or pay over the Monies in their Hands, to " be committed." XLIX. And for the preventing the damming up, ftopping, throv/ing down, burning, demoliftiing, de- Pff^".scon>'i'3:e:i flroying, or damaging any of the Rivers, Drains, Water-courfes, Banks, Mills, Engines, Flood-gates, ^^^jj^'"'"^"']^^'^'^^ Sluices, Doors, Dams, Bridges, or other Works already made or ereited for or towards draining the Lands jj^'^^g;^^ an |,f and Grounds contained within the faid feveral Diftri£i:s and Divifions, or any of them, or hereafter to be the WorkF, to made, erected, fupported, or maintained, for the Purpofes aforefaid, by virtue of or under the Powers and fufftr Death; Authorities of this ASt ; it is hereby enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall at any Time hereafter malicioufly cut, break down, burn, demolifli, or deftroy any Bank, Mill, Engine, Flood-gate, or Sluice, already made or erefted, or which fliall at any Time hereafter be making or ereft- ing, or made or erected, fupported or maintained, for anfwering the Purpofes aforefaid, every Perfon or Perfons fo offending, being thereof convicted, fhall be guilty of Felony, and fhall fufter Death as Felons, without Benefit of Clergy : And if any Perfon or Perfons fhall at any Time hereafter malicioufly ftop, dam ?■"=' convifledof up, demolifti, damage, or deftroy any River, Drain, Water-courfe, Door, Dam, Bridge, or other Work ^7'iVvet^'of* or Works already made or erected, or which ftiall at any Time hereafter be making or creeling, or made j-;j.^i_^" or erefted, fupported or maintained, for anfwering the Purpofes aforefaid, every perfon or Perfons ib offending, being thereof conviited before any two or more Jufiices of the Peace for the Counties and Ifle aforefaid, or cither of them, who are hereby required to hear and determine the fame, on the Oath of two or more credible Witneffes, fnall forfeit the Sum of one hundred Pounds to the faid Commiflioners, their t" f<"f<:it ^oo'- Succeflbrs, Heirs, or Afllgns, to be applied for the refpeftive Ftirpoies to which the faid Rates and Taxes are hereby direfted to be refpe£tively applied ; and in default of Payment thereof, the Perfon or Perfons fo oft'endinp- fliall be fent to the Houie of Correction of the County or Ifle where fuch Oflence faall be com- mitted, there to be kept to hard Labour for fuch Time as fuch Juftices fliall order and diretSt, not exceed- ing fix Months. " Commiffioners to maintain the Banks of Shire Dram, and the Sluices at Clo%vs Crofs. In cafe the Banks " oi Shire Drain fliall be broken or overflown, the Hoodgates at Clows Crofs to be font down. Commif- " fioners not to exercife any other Power over Shire Drain, or Old South Eau Ri'er, than the Confervators " have a Right to ufe. Confervators not ro exercife any Pov/er o'ei- the Commiffioners, or the Woi'ks, other than over the Works put under their particular Care. New Commiilloners to be elected in the Room of ■Vrr/a/ziiraj fuchasfhalldieor bediiqualified. Rights of Lords of Manors referved ; and of the Confervators and others. C"- -• f- 9- . CAP. XX. An Aa for the more eafy and efiliiflual proceeding upon Dirtrefles to be made by Warrants ^^^/^l'f^l;i Juftices of the Peace. t. 6. ise./. 3. /7.2.C.2. 34 £,/. V .. T 6f s. iir..2.cMo. I3;?.2.f.7- 14^.2. f-'i. i/R.^ 2//.5.y?. I. ..4. 2 i^ 5. y!. 2. r i. it H. 6. c. 6. "14//.6. f.4 I3//6. c. n; i£^. 4-'-.i- i i?. 3. - 3- 3 ^^- 7' '■• ■• ^iH.T.c.iT.. 6Ca. i. czi. gGeo. 1. c. j. ^CJw. 2. <:. iS £? 19. ' i7HEREAS by many Afts of Parliament, Juftices of the Peace are impowered to iffue Warrants ' W for the Diftrels and Sale of Goods and Chattels, but the Charges of diltraming, keeping, and Sale ' of fuch Goods and Chattels are not provided for in all the faid Ails, nor is there a Time m all Cafes 4 D 2 limited