Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/594

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574 C. 40 — 42. Anno Wcefimo feptlmo Georgii II. A. D. 1754. CAP. XL. An A(3: for opening, making, widening, and keeping in repair a Road from RatcUff Highway, through Cannons Street in the County of Middle/ex, into the Road leading into the County of Effex ; and alfo ■ from the Weft End of Brook Street into Cable Street, and from Upper Shadiucll Street into the Back Lane in the faid County oi Middlefex, P R. CAP. XLL An kSk for amending and widening feveral Roads, leading from the Borough of Truro in the County of Cornivall. P R. CAP. XLIL An ASt for repairing and widening the Road from Leicejier to Narharough, and from Lelcejler to Coventry, and from thence through Kenilworth to Wanvick, and from thence to Halford Bridge, and from JVarvjiek to Stratford upon Avoyl, and from Coventry to Martyn's Gutter, leading tov/ards Stoneleigh Town ; and for fupplying an Omiffion in an Ail palTed in the laft Seffion of Parliament for repairing die Road from Lei- ceJJer to AJhby de la Zouch in the County of Leicejier. P R. Anno Regni GEORGII 11. Regis Magnze Britannise, Franciae & Hiberniaj, yicefimo o6tavo.

  • King, Defender of the Faith, i^c. and from thence continued by feveral Prorogations to the fourteenth

' Day of iV(7w»2^^r following, being the fecond Seffion of this prelent Parliament.' CAP. I. for former Pro- ^^ "'^'^ ^°^ ^^^ RcHef of thc Out- Pcnfioners of the Royal Hofpital at Chelfea. •uifiom concermng Sohlien refer to i8 JJ. 6. c. 18 £? 19. 7 //. 7. c- 1. 2 £f 3 Ed. 6. c. 2. 43 El. 3. c, 3, 31 Car. 2. c. I. 12 Ann. Jijt. I. c. 13. I Ce:. 1. f. 47. 3 Geo, 1, c. 2, 9 Geo. 2. f. 30. 22 Geo. 2. c. 44. HERE AS the Out-penfioners of the Royal Hofpital at Chelfea, for the Relief of maimed and worn out Soldiers, are by the prefent Method of Payment .of the Out-penfion (namely, the Payment of a Year's Penfion only, after the fame is become due) expofed to fundry and great Hardlhips and Diftreffes, and the faid Out-penfioners on their Admiffion to the Penfion, neceffitated to t.;ke up Money for prefent Subfiftence on Credit, of Perfons called Money Lenders, on Terms many times op- preffive and ufurious, to the extreme Detriment of theie meritorious Objects of the Royal Bounty, and generous Provifion of Parliament, and to the unwarrantable Emoluments of Perfons who make ad'an- tage of their Ntceffities :' For the Prevention of all which Abufes and Mifchiefs ; Be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Terapo- Aflioinments, &c. ral, and Commons, in this prefeut Parliament aiiembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That all of Ouc-penfions Affignments, Bargains, Sales, Contradls, Orders, Agreements, or Securities whatfoever, made by any cUrtdvofd ^" Out-penfioner, for, upon, or in refpeft of any Sum or Sums of Money to become due, for or on account of the Out-penfion of the Royal Hofpital at Chelfea, to fuch Out-penfioners who Ihall be admitted there- unto, from and after the twenty-fifth Day of Decem/>er one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-four, fhall be abfolutcly null and void to all Intents and Purpofes. AJvance Money H. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforeiaid. That every Out-penfioner who {hall after to be paid to Pel- the faid tv/enty-fifth Day of December one thoufand fcven hundred and tifty-four, be admitted on the Pcn- fom at ;hsir Ad- f,Q|i Lifl.^ fliall, on fuch his Admiflion, receive in Advance, iuch Proportion of the Penfion, as fhall be Ptnii'mi V!i^^^ equal to the remaining Number of Days of the current Half-year which Ihall then remain unexpired; and Penfion tobeaf- from and after the End of the faid Half-year, (hall on his perfonal Appearance, or Affidavit that fuch Out- tcrwards paid penfioner was living during the Whole or Part of the Half-year preceding, and rccitina; the Place of his Half-yearly in Abodc (i'uch Affidavit to be made before a Jtiftice of the Peace of any County, Riding, Divifion, City, a vancc. Town, Liberty or Place in Great Britain or Irelartd, where fuch Out-peniioncr ihall reiide, fur the taking of which Affidavit no Fee or Reward fhall be paid) continue to receive in advance the faid Penilon by Half-yearly Payments. Penfionsof'thore HI. And be it further ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Out-pcnfioncrs who are already admitted before admitted on the faid Out-psnfion, or fliall be admitted thereto before the faid twenty-fifth Day of December b- aKiacoudin"'-"^^ '■'^°^'^"'^ feven hundred and fifty-four, fhall continue to receive their Penfions according to the Rules tJ the former' iind Regulations already eftablilhed, until the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand itven hundred Regulations till and, and that from thenceforth they like^ifc iliall receive their Penfions in advance, in the fame manner