A. D. 1755. Anno vicefimo otHravo Georgh II, C. it. 585 Non-commiffion Officers and Private Men, who are recruiting, and Recruits by thern raifed) fliall be defiroiis to furnifli fuch Non-commiffion Officers or Private Men with Candles, Vinegar and Salt, and with either Small Beer or Cyder, not exceeding five Pints for each Men per Diem gratis ; and alIo>v to fuch ^ Non-commiffion Officers or Private Men the Ufe of Fire, and the neceflkry Utenfils for dreffinir and eating their Meat, and fhall give Notice of fuch his Deiire to the Commanding Officer, and fliairVurnifli and allow the fame accordingly ; then and in fuch Cafe the Non-comniifiicn Offiicers and Private Men fo quar-in fuch Cafe, tared iliall provide their own Victuals; and the Onicer to whom it bslongs to receive, or that does actually Men to find their receive the Pay and Subfiftence of fuch Non-commiffion Officers and Private Men, Ihall pay the feveral °"'" ^^"^■ Sums herein after mentioned to be payable out of the Subfili:ence-money, for Diet and Small Beer to the th^jf^f Ju^paT Non-commiffion Officers and Private M.n aforefaid, and not ti the Innholder or other Perfon on whom iuch Non-commiffion,^fficers and Private Men are quartered ; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. XIX. Provided always, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Officer (hall take or Penalty on OiS^ caufe to betaken, or knowingly fuffer to be taken, any Money of any Perlbn for excufing the quartering'^'"-' '^"fMo. of Officers or Private Men, or any of them, in any Houfe aLowed by this Aft, every fuch Officer ihall be "u^^^e^n"" cafliiered, and be incapable of ferving in any Miliury Employment Vi/hatfoever. ■ '*"^" ""^' XX, And be it further ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-fifth Day No Paym after, nf jMarch one thoufand feven hundred and iifty-five, no Paymafter or other Officer or Perfon whatibever*'^- tsmakeDe- Ihall receive any Fees, or make any Deductions whatfoever out of the Pay of any Marine, either Officer or qj|^""' ""^^f Private Man in'his Majefty's Service, or from their Agents, which fliall grow due from and after the faid j^s Pay! &c.' twenty-fifth Day oi March one thoul'and feven hundred and fifty-five, other than the ufual DeduGions for Exceptions. Clothing, and tv.'elve Pence in the Pound to be diipofed of as his Majefly fliall think fit, and the one Day's Pay in the Year for the Ufe of the Royal H'ofpital at Chelfea, and fuch other neceflary Dedudiions as fhall from Time to Time be direded by the faid Lord High Admiral, or three or more of the Commiffioners for executing the faid Office of Lord High Admiral for the Tin^e being, by Order in Writing under his or their refpeftive Hand or Hands. XXL And, that the Quarters both of the faid Marine Officers and Private Men, while on fhore as Officers to give aforefaid, may during the Continuance of this Adl, be duly paid and fatisfied, and his Majefty's Duties of N°t"^'= ^° '""- Excife better anfwered ; Be it enadled by the Authority aforelaid, That from and after the twenty-fifth Day ^^^H °^^^'^' o^ March one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-five, every Officer or other Perfon to whom it belongs to^^ (heirHand^. receive, or that fhall a£lually receive the Pay or Subfiftence-money for one or more particular Company or ■Companies of the faid Marine Forces or otherwife, fhall immediately upon each Receipt of every particu- lar Sum, which fhall from Time to Time be paid, returned or come to his or their Hands, on account of Pay or Subfiflence, give publick Notice thereof to all Perfons keeping Inns or other Places where Officers or Private Men are quartered by virtue of this h&., and fhall alfo appoint the faid Innkeepers and others to repair to their Quarters, at fuch Times as they fliall appoint, for the Diftribution and Payment of the faid Pay or Subfiftence-money to fuch Officers or Private Men, which fliall be within four Days at the fartheit after the Receipt of the fame as aforefaid ; and the faid Innkeepers and others fhall then and there acquaint fuch Officer or Officers with the Accounts of Debts f if any fn^.ll be) between them and the Officers and 5 of Sutfiri- ____ _ -__ „ __ to be paid Commiffion Officer, under the Degree of a Captain, for fuch Officer's i5iet and Small Betr, perDicm^ "^"^ &c'"fOT Soldkrs Shilling; and if fuch Officer fhall have a Piorfe or Horfes, for each fuch Horfe or Hories, for their Hay and Straw, per Shilling; and if fuch Officer fhall have a Piorfe or Horfes, for each fuch Horfe or Hories, for their HayQ^ljte,, and Straw, per Diem, fix Pence; nor for one Marine Private Man's Diet and Small Beer, four Pence ; and if any Officer or Officers as aforefaid, Ihall not give Notice as aforefaid, and fhall not immediately upon. Officers not g producing fuch Account ftated, fatisfy, content and pay the fame, upon Complaint and Oath made thereof, ^ing Notice of by any two Witneffes, at the next Quarter-Seffions for the County or City where fuch Qiiarters were^"^^^"'^'^"_f °" (which Oath the Jitfticcs of the Peace at lucli Seffions are hereby authorized and required to adminiiler j the Qvfarters^^ "^ i aymafter or Perfon for the Time being authorized to pay the faid Marine Forces, is hereby required and paymafter to fa- authorized (upon Certificate of the faid Juftices before whom fuch Oath was made, of the Sum due upon tisfy them out of fuch Accounts, and the Peribns to whom the fame is owing) to pay and fatisfy the faid Sums cut of theO*^'^^'^'""'^' Arrears due to the faid Marine Oiiicer or Officers, upon Penalty that fuch Paymafter or Perfon fhall forfeit their refpe£live Place or Places of Paymafter or otherwiie, and be difcharged from holding the fame for the . future ; and in cafe there fhall be no Arrears due to the faid Officer or Officers, then the faid Paymafter orfr deduft it out Perfon for the Time being authorized to pay the faid Marine Forces, is hereby authorized and required to" '"=°^.^' dedudl the Sums he fhall pay, purfuant to the Certificate of the faid Juftices, out of the next Pay or Sub- fiftence-money of the Company to which fuch Officer or Officers fliall belong ; and fuch Officer or Offixers fhall, for fuch their Offence, or for neglecting to give Notice of the Receipt of fuch Pay or Subfiftence- money as aforefaid, be deemed and taken, and are hereby declared ipjo fatio cafhiered. XXII. And where it fhall happen that the Subfiftence-money due to any Marine Officer or Private Man, On rr.c.ing from fhall, by occauon of any Accident, not be paid to fuch Officer or Private Man, or fuch Officer or Private QiL-"='"- iheOi- Man fliall neglect to pay the fame, fo that Qiiarters cannot be or are not paid as this Aft directs, in every ^'^^°^^|^'J,|^'~'^^-^'-° fuch Cafe it is here'ti/furthcr enaited. That every iuch Officer fhall before his or their Departure out of his jrive Certificates or their ■- uarters, where fiich Company fliall remam for any Time v/hatfcever, make up the Accounts as ?or Money due, this Act directs, with every Perfon with v/hom iuch Company fliall have quartered, and fign a Certificate ^c. thereof, and give the faid Certificaie fo by him figned to the Party to whom fuch Money is due, with. the Name of fuch Company to which he or they ihall belong; to the end the faid Certificate may bs forth- V(jL. VII, 4 f v.-itk