Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/633

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A. D. i755« Anno vicefimo oS:avo Georgii II. C. 21 6i'^ hundred Tons, which fhall fail on the faid Voyage and Fifliery on or before the twenty-fifth Day o'i March Intltled to the onethoufand feven hundred and fifty-five, who have conformed themfelves in all Refpefts to the Rules and Bounty. Dire£tions prefcribed by the faid A£ts of the fixth and tv/enty-fecond Years of the Rijign of his prefent Majefty, and of this prefeiit Aft, fliall be intitled to the faid Bounty of forty Shillings /ifr Ton, accordino- to the Admeafurement of fuch Ship or Ships refpeiStively. '^ X. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Gommiffionnsof Qu&oms or: England znA Scotland rti^tGtvey, fhall, at the Beginning of every Sellion of Parliament, lay the Cunoms to before both Houfes of Parliament an Account in Writing, under their Hands, of what Number of Ships "^po^'^ParJia- have been employed in the Whale Fifhery, to Davis's Streights and the Greenland Seas, with their refpeftive '"'^"f the Ships Names and Burthens, from whence they were fittedout, and at what Port in Great Britain they were dif- FT/hcry '" ^^^ charged, and alfo what Quantity of Oil or Whale Fins each Ship fhall have imported. XL And whereas Thomas Hood, James Manbey, and Leonard Boiules, of London, Merchants, did fit out loft in the faid Seas;' Be it therefore ena£led.J5y the Authority aforelaid. That the CommiiTioners of ^0""*== 'o he the Treafury, or any three or more of them Jiow being, or the High Treafurer, or any three or more of'" *" ^°°^' the CoxTimiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being, fhall be, and he or they are hereby impowered to Bowks^'f^V f direft, if he or they think fit, the Payment of the Bounties which the faid Thomas Hood, Jarnes Manbey, felTem'p!o°yeii ^ " and Leonard Bowles, would have been intitled to, in cafe the faid Ships had returned to this Kingdom; any an^i 'oft in the Thing in the faid two feveral Afts contained to the contrary notv/ithftanding. " ' Gieenlaiid Scao, ' XII. And whereas a Doubt hath arifen, whether the Bounty payable on Ships employed in the faid

  • Fifliery may be infured ; for obviating fuch Doubt, and for preventing any future Applications to Par-

' liament for the Bounty on any fuch Ship which may happen to be loft at Sea before her Return to Great ' Britain, although fitted out and navigated according to the Diredlion of the faid former Afts, and this

  • prefent Act, the Rifk of which Lofs ought to be borne by the Owner or Owners of fuch Ship, if he or

' they had the Liberty to infure the Bounty payable thereon ;' Be it therefore declared and enacSed by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be lawful for the Owner or Owners of any Ship employed, or Own^" maym- defigned to be employed in the faid Fifhery, to infure the Bounty which fuch Ov/ner or Owners would be f'"^'^ 'l^e Bounty^ intitled to, upon the Return of fuch Ship to the Port to which the iVIafter and Mate of fuch Ship fhall have declared on Oath their Litentior^, to return, and on the Performance of all other Matters direfted and appointed by the faid Ads, and by this prefent A£t to be performed, for obtaining the faid Bounty. CAP. XXL An A61 for making more effeftual the Laws prohibiting the Importation of Spirituous Liquors in Cafks or Veffels not containing fixty Gallons, and of Tea above the Qiiantity ot fix- Pounds, found on board any Briti/h Ship or Vefiel, not belonging to, or employed by, the Erft India Company. 'HERE AS, for preventing the Frauds frequently ufed in importing of ftrong Water, Spirits,, Aqua Vita, or Brandy, in fmall Qiiantities, whereby the fame. is more eafily conveyed away with- out Payment of the Duties thereof, it is by a Claufe in an A£l made in the fourth Year of the Reign of ' King William and Qyeen Mary, intituled. An ASf for gra?iling to their Majejlies certain additional Impoji- 4 Will. & Mary, ' tions upon feveral Goods and Merchandizes for the profecuting the prefent War againfi France, enafted. That '^' 5" ' no Brandy, fingle or double, fhall be imported from Parts beyond the Seas, in any Vefiel or Cafk which ' fhall not contain fixty Gallons at the leaft ; upon Pain of forfeiting the faid Brandy, or the Value thereof, ' fo to be imported as aforefaid : And whereas by a Claufe in one other Aft made in the fifth Year of the ' Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, intituled, An ASi againfi clandefline running of uncufiomed ^ Geo. i. 0. i-r,, ' Goods, and for the more effeSiiial preventing of Frauds relating to the Ctfio?ns, reciting. That Rum had been ' then imported in much greater Proportions than formerly ; and that the importing thereof in fmall Cafks ' or Vefieis v/as many Times done with Defign, that the fame might more eafily, privately and clandeftinely

  • be carried oft^ and conveyed, without paying the Duties ; it is enacted. That if any Rum fhall be im-

' ported or brought into Great Britain, or into any Port, Harbour, Flaven, or Creek thereof, in any Callc ■ or Veflcl not containing twenty Gallons at the leaft (excepting only for the Ufe of Seamen then belonging ■ to and on board fuch Ship or Vefiel j all fuch Rum, or the Value thereof, fhall be forfeited ; neverthelefs, ' if it fliall be made appear to the Satisfaftion of the principal Officers of the Cuftoms at the Port of Im- ■ portation, that fuch Rum fo imported in fmall Cafks was for the Ufe of the Mafter or Seamen belonging: ■ to the Ship or Vefiel in the Voyage, or imported by Merchants or Traders without Fraud or Conceal- '. ment, that then, and in every fuch Cafe, the faid Officers are thereby impowered and dire^Jted to admit . fuch Rum to an Entry, and caufe the Duties thereof to be accepted inftead of the Forfeiture thereof before mentionrd ; which faid laflr mentioned Claufe, by virtue of feveral fubfequent Ails, is continued until the twenty-ninth Day o( Scptem.ber one thoufand feven hundred and fixty, and from thence to the End of the then next Seffion of Parliament : And whereas by a Claufe in one other Atft made in the ninth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled. An ASlfor indemnifying Per fins vjho have been ^Cto. z.c. j* suilty ofOffencei agaiy^l tht Laws made for fccuring the Revenues ^f Cujlomi and Excife^ and for enforcing