Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/643

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A' T). 1755' Anno viceiiino od:avo Georgii II. C. 36-46. 623 CAP. XXXVI. An Adl to continue and render more efFedlual feveral Afts for repairing the Road from Stump Crofs to Newmarket Heath, and the Town of Cambridge for repairing the Road from Foulmire to Cambridge ; and for repairing other ruinous Parts of the Highways adjacent to the Road from Foulmire to Cam- bridge. PR. CAP. XXXVII. An Aift for the better enlightening and cleanfing the open Places, Squares, Streets, Lanes, Alleys, Paf- fages and Courts, within the Parifh of Saint Bartholomew the Great, London ; and regulating the " Nightly Watch and Beadles within the faid Parifh. P R. CAP. XXXVIII. An Ail for the better Relief and Employment of the Poor of the Borough of Dunheved, otherwife Laun- (ejlon, and Parifti of Saint Mary Magdalen, in the County of Cornwall. P R. CAP. XXXIX. An A£t for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by an Aft of the twenty-fourth Year of his prefent of C A P. XL. An A<5t for repairing and widening the Road from the Town of Market Harborough, in the County of Leicejler, through the Town of Lutterworth, in the faid County, to the City of Coventry, P R. CAP. XLI. An A<St for enlightening the Streets and Lanes, and regulating the Pavements, in the Town of Leedt^, in the County of Tori. PR. CAP. XLII. An A6t for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by an Act pafled in the ninth Year of the Reign of his prefent JVlajefly, for repairing the Roads leading fr6m Henley Bridge, in the County of Oxford, to Dorchejler Bridge, and from thence to Culham Bridge, and to a Place called Mile-Jlone, in the Road leading to Magdalen Bridge, in the faid County, and for widening the faid Roads ; and alfo for re- pairing and widening the Roads leading from the End of Culham Bridge, next to Culham, in the County of Oxford, to the End of Burford Bridge, next to Abingdon, in the County of Berks, and from the Mayor's Stone, at the End of the Boar Street, in the Town of Abirigdon aforefaid, to Shippon, in the faid County of Berks, and from thence to the Weft End of the Town of Fyfield, in the fame County. PR. CAP. XLIII. An Afl for eftabJifliing and maintaining a Ferry acrofs the River Thames, between the Hamlet of Rat- cliff", in the County of Middlefex, and the Parifli of Rotherhithe, in the County of Surry. P R. CAP. XLIV. An A£t for repairing and widening the Road from Baftngjioke, through Wortin, Overton, Whitchurch, HurJBornPryors,, Andover and Middle Wallop, in the County of Southampton, to a Place called Zc^wm^ Corner^ in the Parifh of Winterjlow, in the County of Wilts. P R. CAP. XLV. An A6k for widening and repairing the Road leading from Horjham, in the County of Suffex, through Capell, Dorking, Mickleham and Leathcrhead, io theWMch-hoxikm Ebbijham, in the County of iS/^rryj and from Capell to Stone Street, in the Parifh of Ockley, in the faid County of Surry, P R„ CAP. XLVI. An Afl for repairing and widening the Roads leading from the Crofs of Hand, near Finford Bridge, in the County of Warwick, through the Town of Southam, in the fame County, to the Borough ot Ba)i - bury, in the County of Oxford, and from the Guide Pojl, in the Village of Adderbury, in the fame County, through Kidlington, to the Mile-way leading towards the City of Oxford ; and alfo the Read leading from a i-'lace called the Two Mile Tree, near the City of Oxford, over Gosford, otherv^ife Gof- fard Bridge, to a certain Gate entering upon Wejien on the Green, in the faid Coucty. P R. CAP.