Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/657

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A. D. 1756. Anno viceiimo nono Georgii IL C. 6. 637 XXIII. And where it fliall happen that the Subfiftence-money due to any Marine Officer or private On moving from Man fliall, by Occalion of any Accident, not be paid to fuch Officer or private Man, or luch Officer ^gJ^efto make or private Man fliall neglect to pay the fame, fo that Quarters cannot be, or are not paid, as this A&. up Accounts, direds ; in every fuch Cafe it is hereby further ena6Ved, That every fuch Officer Ihall, before his or and give Certifi- their Departure out of his or their Quarters, where fuch Company fhall remain for any Time whatfo- I'^^^^sk. ^"'^ ever, make up the Accounts as this Att diredls, with every Perfon with whom fuch Company Ihall have ' quartered, and fign a Certificate thereof, and give the faid Certificate fo by him figned to the Party to whom fuch Money is due, with the Name of fuch Company to which he or they fhall belong ; to the End the faid Certificate may be forthwith tranfmitted to the proper Paymafter of the Marines, paymafler to who is hereby required immediately to make Payment thereof to the Perfon or Perfons to whom fuch pay 'l'^ Sum. Money fhall be due, to the End the fame may be applied to fuch Company, under Pain as is before in this A& diie6led for Non-payment of Quarters. XXIV. And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be lawful to quarter Of- Officers, &c. to ficers and private Men of his Majeily's Marine Forces in Scotland, in fuch and the like Places and Houfes s^^,"a^nd^atthe as Officers and private Men of the Land Forces might have been quartered in, by the Laws in Force in LavjsinForceat Scotland at the Time of the Union ; and that the PolTeflbrs of fuch Houfes fliall only be liable to fur- theUniondfrea. nilh the faid Marine Officers and private Men quartered there, as by the faid Laws in Force at the Time of the Union was provided, with refpe6f to the Officers and private Men of the Land Forces ; and that no fuch Marine Officer Ihall be obliged to pay for his Lodging where he fhall be regularly billeted, except in the Suburbs of Edinburgh. XXV. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That for the better and more regular Juftices to order Provilion of Carriages for his Majefty's Marine Forces in their Marches, or for their Arms, Clothes ^°^^^'^q^° and Accoutrements, in England, IVaki and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, all Juflices of the Peace, rjages for^he within their feveral Counties, Ridings, Divifions, Shires, Liberties and Precinds, being duly required Marine Forces thereunto by the faid Lord High Admiral, or three or more of the Commiffioners for executing the °" "'^ March. faid Office of Lord High Admiral for the time being, by an Order in Writing under his or their re- fpedlive Hand or Hands, fhall, as often as fuch Order fliall be brought and (hewn unto one or more fuch Juflices by the Officer or Officers of the Company or Companies of Marines fo ordered to march, iffue out his or their Warrant or Warrants to the High Conftables or Petty Conflables of the Divifion, Riding, City, Liberty, Hundred or Precindf, from, through, near or to which fuch Company or Com- panies fliall be ordered to march, requiring them to make fuch Provifion for Carriages, with able Men to drive the fame, as fhall be mentioned in the faid Warrant, allowing them fufficient Time to do the fame, that the neighbouring Parts may not always bear the Burden : And in cafe fufficient Car- riages cannot be provided within any fuch Riding, City, Liberty, Hundred, Divifion or Precin6l, then- the next Juftice or Juflices of the Peace of the County, Riding or Divifion, fhall, upon fuch Order as aforefaid being brought or ihewn to one or more of them, by any of the Marine Officers aforefaid, ' ilTue his or their Warrant or Warrants to the High Conlfables or Petty Conflables, of fuch next County, Riding, Liberty, Divifion or Precindl, for the Purpofes aforefaid, to make up fuch Deficiency : And the aforefaid Officer or Officers, who by virtue of the aforefaid Warrant or Warrants from fuch Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, is or are to demand the Carriage or Carriages therein mentioned, of the High Conllable or Petty Conftable to vv'hom the Warrant is directed, is and are hereby required at the fame Time to pay down in Hand to the faid Conftable or Petty Conffable, for the Ufe of the Perfon who fhall provide fuch Carriages and Men, the Sum of one Shilling for every Mile any Waggon Rates for Car- with five Horfes fhall travel ; and the Sum of one Shilling for every Mile any Wain with fix Oxen, or riagcs. four Oxen with two Horfes, fhall travel ; and the Sum of nine Pence for every Mile any Cart with four Horfes fhail travel, and fo in Proportion for lefs Carriages ; for which refpeifive Sums fo received, the faid Conftable or Petty Conftable is hereby required to give a Receipt in Writing to the Peifon or Perfons paying the fame : And fuch Conftable or Petty Conffable fhall order and appoint fuch Perfon or Perfons, having Carriages within their refpe6tive Liberties, as they fhall think proper, to provide and furnifh fuch Carriages and Men, according to the Warrant aforefaid, who are hereby required to provide and furnifh the fame accordingly : And if any Marine Officer or Officers, for the Ufe of Penalty on of- whofe Company or Companies the Carriage was provided, fhall force and conftrain any Waggon, ficers torcing Wain, Cart or Carriage to travel more than one Day's Journey, or fhall not difcharge the fame in vlfmo^rTthan** due Time for their return Home, or fhall fuffer any Marine or Servant (except fuch are fick) or any one Day's jour- Woman to ride in the Waggon, Wain, Cart or Carriage aforefaid, or fhall force any Conftable or ney^ &c. Petty Conftable, by Threatnings or menacing Words, to provide Saddle Horfes for themfelves or Ser- vants, or (hall force Horfes from the Owners, by themfelves. Servants or private Men ; every fuch Of- ficer, for every fuch Offence, fhall forfeit the Sum of five Pounds ; Proof thereof being made upon Oath, before two of his Majefly's Juftices of the Peace of the fame County or Riding, who are to cer- tify the fame to the proper Paymafter of his Majefty's Marine Forces, who is hereby required to pay the aforefaid Sum of five Pounds accordingly to the Order and Appointment under the Hands and Seals of fuch Juftices of the Peace, and is alfo hereby impowered to deduit the fame out of fuch Officer's Pay. XXVI. And be it enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any High Conftable or Petty Con- pgn^ij^^n con- ftable fhall wilfully neglect or refufe to execute any fuch Warrant of the faid Juftice or Juftices of the ftabies, &c. Peace, as fhall be direited unto fuch Conltable or Petty Confiable for providing Carriages as aforefaid; Negieft, or if any Perfon or Perfons, appointed by fuch Conftable or Petty Conftable to provide or fiJrnilh any Carriage and Man, fhall refufe or negled to provide the fame ; or any other Perfon or Perfons what- foever Ihall wilfully do any A<5t or Thing, whereby the Execution of any fuch Warrant or Warrants flialX